Zhang Tiandao: "I don't know everything about the beginning of the heaven and the earth. I only know that this universe was not created overnight, but evolved over hundreds of millions of years. From this, it is inferred that the nine mountains and seas should also be formed one by one. , the first mountain and sea is the oldest, and the ninth mountain and sea ranks last. As for the world of Shengyuan, it can only be said that it has the potential to become the tenth mountain and sea, but because of too much loss of the source, it died in the middle. Not as good."

Yuxin exclaimed: "Nine great mountain and sea worlds are the core of this universe. I don't know how many immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors have been born. The so-called three thousand worlds and billions of small worlds are nothing but fragments of mountain and sea worlds. Sheng Yuan Even if the world is not comparable to the real mountain and sea world, it is not comparable to a quasi-immortal emperor, right?"

Zhang Tian said slowly: "In the ancient times, due to the incompleteness of heaven, there were many tyrannical creatures, whose strength far surpassed the quasi-immortal emperor, and could barely be regarded as a real immortal emperor. Even these creatures with the power of the immortal emperor, in In front of the mountain and sea interface, it already seems small, and they fight against each other, and the strong dominate the entire mountain and sea world.

The three daughters can't help but fall into reverie, dreaming back to the ancient times, it is hard to imagine how tyrannical those strong people who carry the will of mountains and seas should be, I am afraid that the quasi-immortal emperors are vulnerable in front of them, after all, only real Immortal emperors are qualified to compete The throne of the Lord of Mountains and Seas.

The history of this universe is too vast, and the sense of division of the times is very serious. Ordinary people only know that the ancient times were ruled by the gods of the gods, the ancient times were ruled by the emperor of the ancient heaven, the emperor of the ancient heaven, and the gods and gods of the Middle Ages. Little is known about the oldest ancient times.

At this time, only in Zhang Tian's description, the three daughters can understand the little things, even if only the tip of the iceberg is enough to make them obsessed and shocked.

"In this way, whoever gets the Shanhai Dao tire of the Shengyuan world will have the opportunity to become the mountain and sea master of the ancient times? That is the realm of the quasi-heavenly Dao that is even more powerful than the Immortal Emperor. No wonder those quasi-immortal emperors have to come to Shengyuan. The world is here to make trouble." Zi Yan said loudly, her eyes sparkling, needless to say, she must be planning Shanhaidao tires.

Zhang Tiandao: "After all, the world of Shengyuan can't be regarded as a real mountain and sea world. Even if its mountain and sea road embryo is refined, it will not reach the realm of quasi-heaven road, but it is more than enough to achieve the position of immortal emperor. Thinking of the illustrious reputation of the Wushu Tiandi, Known as one of the strongest heavenly emperors of the human race, he has the strength to smash the world, and he is still inferior to the immortal emperors of the ancient times, which is one of the reasons why he wants to get the Shanhaidao tire."

Zi Yan pulled her fingers and said: "There is an immortal emperor above this quasi-immortal emperor, there is a quasi-heavenly way above the immortal emperor, and there are so many realms above the quasi-heavenly Dao."

The ruthless man was amused by her and said, "How can it be so complicated, when Emperor Burying rose against the trend, he not only sealed the Demon Race and overthrew the God Realm, but also beheaded all the Immortal Emperors before him. Since then, There has never been an Immortal Emperor in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, and there has never been a Mountain and Sea Lord. Except for the Heavenly Burial Emperor who has incarnated the Heavenly Dao, being able to reach the Quasi Immortal Emperor is already the pinnacle."

Zi Yan shook her head and said: "This Emperor Burying is too shameless, afraid that others will surpass him, he will kill all those who have the opportunity to surpass him, and he has become a heavenly way, several realms higher than those quasi-immortal emperors, which makes people How to fight him? No wonder the battles have ended in failure."

After hearing this, Zhang Tian felt a burst of liver pain, feeling that he had become a bad person in this little girl's heart, and immediately raised a finger and volleyed towards the little girl. , , .

Chapter 819 Can Dad ever be a quasi-immortal emperor?

"Ouch!" Zi Yan's smooth forehead was hit again, and she fell directly into a squat, with a blank face, and she wondered how her father would get angry when she said bad things about Emperor Burial.

"The immortal road is fighting for the front. It is about bravery and diligence. If you can't reach the peak, what do you have to do with others? Ancient times were the golden age of cultivation, and it was much easier to prove the Tao of the Immortal Emperor than it is now, but this does not mean that the road to the Immortal Emperor is blocked. These things , when you reach a certain level, you will naturally know." Zhang Tian said slowly.

Yu Xin said softly: "Father is right, the fantasy world is where the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected, so there is no absolute justice. Even if it is the Emperor Buried, it is not the first group of creatures who created the world. Before him, There are many immortal emperors and mountain and sea masters, and the Emperor Burial can rise in such adversity and ascend to the supreme throne, which is enough to show that the matter is man-made and has nothing to do with destiny."

"Hmph, I just said that the Emperor Buried the Heavens, and I didn't say that he did it wrong. If it was me, I would kill those quasi-immortal emperors as well. In the future, whoever obeys will be promoted to quasi-immortal emperors." Zi Yan returned to Going to the small bench, he said solemnly.

Zhang Tian suddenly showed a speechless expression, this girl is so black that she can't be saved, and when she becomes strong in the future, I really don't know how much trouble she can cause.

The ruthless man smiled lightly, and then asked: "My father said that several quasi-immortal emperors descended to the core of the earth and took away the flag of the Emperor's Mausoleum Huatian Formation, so why not directly take the mountain and sea road tires. go?"

Zhang Tian pondered: "According to my speculation, it's not that the quasi-immortal emperors don't want to take away the Shanhai Dao embryo, but they can't. As the origin of the Shengyuan world, the Shanhai Dao embryo itself has the instinct to repel foreign power, even if it is Quasi-immortal emperors are also difficult to fight. Emperor Wushi chose to set up the Emperor Mausoleum Huatian Great Array, firstly to remove the evil spirit in the Shanhaidao embryo, and secondly to assimilate it so that the Shanhaidao embryo could adapt to the Emperor Mausoleum Huatian The existence of a large array."

The ruthless man said: "In this way, the formation flag of the Emperor's Mausoleum Huatian Formation is the key thing to seize the mountain and sea road tires. Then how did the formation flag fall into the hands of the Nine Emperors of the Middle Ages?"

After he finished speaking, before Zhang Tian could answer, the ruthless man's eyes flashed with a flash of light, and he said in surprise, "Could it be because in addition to the Imperial Mausoleum Array Flag, the people in charge of the Array Flag must also be the aborigines of Shengyuan World, and only in this way can we avoid excluded?"

Zhang Tianhan smiled and said: "You have a good analysis. The so-called Nine Dragons Fengtian plan is just a game set up by the quasi-immortal emperors, and the medieval nine emperors are just pawns of the planners. They are the most outstanding in the Middle Ages of Shengyuan Continent. The Great Emperor can even shine in the Ziwei Star Region and the Ninth Mountains and Seas, but in front of the quasi-immortal emperors of the heavens, they are nothing but ants."

"So it turns out, it's no wonder that Emperor Tianhuo and Emperor Zhantian are not included in the nine ancient emperors. These two emperors rely on Emperor Yan and Emperor Chentian, and I am afraid that they are the people of the layout." The ruthless man let out a long sigh. There is such a big secret.

Zhang Tiandao: "Not only Emperor Yan and Emperor Chen Tian, ​​but there are many quasi-immortal emperors who participated in this layout. Some have fallen in the era of Zhantian, and some are still alive. Apart from quasi-immortal emperors, there are also some tyrannical immortal emperors. , including the female fairy king of the Anlan family, who has long since disappeared from the eyes of the world, has a combat power comparable to that of the quasi-immortal emperor. Now that the dusty chess game has been opened, in order to snatch the hearts of nine mountains and seas, those behind the scenes will eventually reveal clues , you have to be prepared."

Meeting Zhang Tian's meaningful eyes, the three daughters all felt a pressure as heavy as a mountain. Although they were amazing and brilliant, they could compete with the top talents of the nine mountains and seas, but after all, only those around the holy realm were The cultivation base, now that so many immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperor opponents have appeared all at once, it is also difficult for them to resist.

After a long silence, Zi Yan took the lead and said: "Dad, give me the answer, can you beat the Quasi-immortal emperor?" Yushuwu www.7ys.cc

Zhang Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "Why are you asking this?"

Zi Yan said solemnly: "Of course I have to ask clearly, it is not easy for those immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors to cultivate a medieval master chess piece, in case I crippled any medieval master, causing the quasi-immortal emperor behind him to jump. , to deal with me personally, and Dad can't beat the other party, won't we be miserable?"

"Haha... So you know you're afraid too!" Zhang Tian laughed out loud, this little girl has always been fearless, but she was fearless, but now she's facing the Immortal Emperor, she finally knows she's afraid.

"I'm a little witch, and I'm not a fool. I know I can't beat others and I go to provoke them. Isn't that a death in vain? I don't do it!" Zi Yan said as a matter of course, showing her black belly.

Ruthless and Yuxin looked at each other and couldn't help laughing out loud. It was the first time they knew that this daring little girl was actually a master who bullied the soft and feared the hard, but she could still look righteous and dignified.

Zhang Tian shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the quasi-immortal emperor wants to be skinny, and he will definitely not bully you as a little brat. If...if he does attack you, his own father will help you resist. !"

Speaking of the end, a mighty force erupted from Zhang Tian's body, rewinding the galaxy, as if the world had changed color, the void rumbled and vibrated, and was inviolable like an awe-inspiring god emperor.

Zi Yan's big black eyes flashed a ray of light, and she said excitedly: "I'm relieved to have my father's words, this time I have to let go and do a big job, and help my eldest sister to grab all the eight hearts of mountains and seas. ."

Yuxin agreed: "Sanmei is right, now the eldest sister's "Secret Law of the Nine Refinements of the Divine Kingdom" has achieved a little success, successfully refining a heart of mountains and seas, this is a heaven-defying good fortune, once it is successful , in the future, you will be able to step on the blue sky and reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and you must not give up halfway, even if it is the layout of the quasi-immortal emperors, you must try to break the game and get chestnuts from the fire!"

The ruthless man was moved when he heard the words, and said firmly: "Since I have entered the chess game, I will never sit back and wait for death. Even if it is the game of the quasi-immortal emperor, I will kill the world and turn it upside down!"

Zhang Tian looked at the high-spirited three daughters, and couldn't help showing satisfaction. It was this unyielding will that he saw. This is the most important thing for a cultivator. Otherwise, he would even give the throne of Shanhaizhu to him With three daughters, it is equally difficult to hold a big job.

Immortal Road, you have to climb step by step with your own strength. Only by keeping your feet on the ground can you become the real supreme.

In this game of Shanhai Daotai, the world of Shengyuan is used as the chessboard, the Immortal Kings of the Heavens and the Immortal Emperors are the chess players, and the great teachers of the Middle Ages are the chess pieces. The best warm-up before.

After the fish leaps over the dragon gate, it will be unstoppable! , , .

Chapter 820 When the Emperor Buried Comes Back!

In the temple of the gods, no one knows what Zhang Tian and his three daughters said. The outside world is still undergoing drastic changes day by day, and the spiritual energy is getting stronger and stronger. Get used to this rhythm and no one will make a fuss.

After the Kowloon Fengtian Project began to spread for a while, it was gradually forgotten by people. After all, this kind of shocking plan that spanned the entire Middle Ages was simply not something that ordinary people could get involved in.

Everyone knows that the heart of the continent divided into nine parts in the Nine Dragons Fengtian plan is a supreme treasure, but if you know it, you can still kill the Three Gods Sect and Xuanming Sect to snatch it, I am afraid it is not too long.

So after a period of enthusiastic discussion, no one cares anymore.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. An unexpected change made the Kowloon Sealing Heaven Project, which had been forgotten, resurfaced again, causing the major forces in the mainland to scramble to chase.

This accident is that the Emperor Seal of the Xuanming Sect was stolen!In the legend, the material for making the Underworld Emperor Seal was the Heart of the Continent obtained by the Xuanming Sect, and this time, the entire continent was boiling.

Legend has it that the hearts of the nine continents correspond to the nine regions of the continent, and whoever can get them can give orders to one party, and no one dares not to obey.Even putting aside this rumor, the Underworld Emperor Seal is a supreme treasure. It is engraved with the supreme exercise of the Xuanming Sect, "Undying Underworld Emperor Judgment".

As a result, the major forces in the mainland, whether it is the surviving Holy Land or the great ancient sects, all acted with great fanfare. The usual little thief who stole the seal of the Underworld Emperor, and several great ancient sects secretly offered high prices. Bought that thief.

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