Although Xuanming Sect is one of the three major hegemonic forces in the mainland, it is helpless in the face of this situation. It can only increase its efforts to send experts to search. This move is tantamount to confirming the preciousness of the Underworld Emperor Seal.

For a time, it seemed that the entire continent was involved in the theft of the Underworld Emperor's Seal.

In the territory of the Three Gods Religion, the Ruthless Man sat in a golden hall, surrounded by golden copper furnaces, and the raging fire burned on it, which looked very majestic and solemn.

"How's the investigation going?" Ruthless asked in a flat tone as he looked at the two worshippers below.

"Reporting to the Japanese envoy, according to the news from the various sect members, the entire Xuanming Sect seems to be insane, dispatching experts everywhere to search, and the momentum is very loud, it seems to be covering people's eyes and eyes, deliberately letting the major forces I can't find the direction. From this point of view, it should be certain that the Xuanming Sect has stolen the seal of the Emperor of the Underworld, otherwise it would never have been so popular."

One of the disciples stood up and said, but seeing her beautiful appearance and white skin, it was Mu Qiluo, the behind-the-scenes boss of Shengdu Listening Perfume Pavilion, who later followed Ruthless to fight in Nanling, but now she is with Yan Ruge He joined the Three Gods Religion, and is still serving under the ruthless man.

The ruthless man tapped on the table and pondered: "So, the Xuanming Sect should have some clues about the thieves, what did you find there?"

Mu Qiluo said: "The Xuanming Sect has blocked the news very strongly. So far, only the thief who stole the seal of the Underworld Emperor is known as Duan Qingyun, who is a young Taoist priest. As for his life in the past and the direction of his escape, he is completely unknown."

The ruthless man sneered and said, "A thief? Hehe, being able to steal the seal of the Underworld Emperor from the highly guarded Xuanming Sect and under the eyes of the Underworld Emperor is not something that a small thief can do, and this person's background is probably not comparable. Ordinary." I love e-books

At this moment, the Saintess of Yaochi walked in from outside the hall, and Yingying bowed: "Ruoxi sees the Sun God Envoy."

The ruthless man raised his hand and said, "Saint Ruoxi came just in time, what did you find there?"

Ruoxi straightened up, shook her head, and said softly, "I and the high priest have each used a deduction magic power, but we have not been able to get the slightest information about the seal of the Underworld, including the seal thief, who knows nothing."

"What? Even the high priest can't deduce it?" Mu Qiluo was a little surprised, knowing that the high priest is a strong emperor, especially good at deduction, and it is unbelievable that he has achieved nothing.

There was no unexpected expression on Ruthless Man's face, because she personally used "Ziwei Doushu" to calculate it before, and she didn't get any information. Saintess Ruoxi's report just confirmed some kind of guess in her heart.

"You all go down first, I have my own decision on this matter." The ruthless man said in a deep voice.

After the three of them left, the ruthless man stood up and thought for a moment, then went straight to the temple of the gods where Zhang Tian was.

"You're here?" Zhang Tian sat on the main seat, as if he was not surprised by the arrival of the ruthless man.

The ruthless man stopped, first bowed to Zhang Tianyi, and then said: "My father must have known about the theft of the Underworld Emperor's Seal. This matter has now spread to the entire continent, and the major forces have heard the news, but no one has really found the direction. The deductions of the High Priest Fang Cai and the Holy Maiden of Yaochi have also failed. I think if the seal of the Underworld Emperor is really forged by the mountain and sea, no one can guess its whereabouts, but even the pirates can't figure it out. This is a little bit. Strange, unless he..."

"Unless that pirate is also a chess piece, and there is a chess player behind him?" Zhang Tian said with a smile.

The ruthless man nodded and said, "Father is wise, anyone who can be a chess player in the game of Shanhaidao must at least have the cultivation level of the Immortal King Realm. There is such protection, and no emperor can calculate the traces of the pirates. I just don't know if it's really as I guessed it?"

Zhang Tian said with a serious expression: "I can tell you very clearly, there is indeed a chess player behind the pirate, not an immortal king, but a quasi-immortal emperor, or a very strong quasi-immortal emperor, who uses the way of reincarnation. famous."

"Sure enough!" The ruthless man frowned, and she knew that the person who could steal the Underworld Emperor's seal from the underworld Emperor's eyes was by no means unusual.

In this way, this matter will be troublesome. If you can't use the technique of calculation, it will be easier to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people.

Zhang Tian looked up, as if he could see beyond Jiuxiao through the layers of the void. This was a huge chess game, and the whole body was moved with one move. A quasi-immortal emperor's shot would inevitably cause the other quasi-immortal emperors to respond. Big waves are inevitable.

Perhaps the day he broke the game would be the time of his comeback! , , .

Chapter 821 Unstoppable even with thousands of immortal emperors!

"Miss, are you here?"

A crisp voice came from outside the door, and the next moment, I saw Zi Yan rushing in, with bright eyes, as if there was a divine light flowing, like a young god.

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "The third sister is out of the customs. It seems that she has made great progress in her supernatural powers. Congratulations, congratulations."

Zi Yan showed a very proud expression, her big black eyes turned straight, she took out a golden bone like a treasure, and said excitedly: "Look at Dad and Big Sister, I gnawed a piece of this God Emperor bone, It really is a big tonic, I feel that the dragon yuan in the body has increased several times, and if I eat a few more bites, I am afraid that I will break through to the realm of the Dragon Emperor."

The ruthless man stared and saw that there was a row of fine tooth marks on the dazzling God Emperor bone, and a small piece was missing. He couldn't help but deeply admire Zi Yan's teeth, even the God Emperor bone could gnaw.

Zhang Tian said angrily: "Is this the reason why you have been sleeping for more than a year? Didn't the goddess Yunxi you met last time tell you to keep this god emperor bone and make puppets for you at that time? Although it is difficult to make a god-king-level puppet with a god-emperor bone, it is not a problem to prepare more top-quality materials to make a quasi-god-king-level puppet.

Zi Yan waved her hand and said: "I can't believe that little fat man's words, I feel she is not reliable. Besides, what's the use of making puppets, self-strength is the last word, swallowing and refining this god emperor bone can greatly enhance the divine power, I think I Now it is comparable to the Emperor."

If Yunxi hears these words, she will definitely blow her soul out of anger. She is the daughter of the god king. Wherever she goes, she is not a star holding the moon, she is regarded as a pearl, and just a word can make those heavenly arrogances of the immortal realm go through fire and water. .

As a result, when she arrived at Zi Yan, she became an unreliable little fat man, and she would shake the ninth mountain and sea world when she said it.

Zhang Tian shook his head, too lazy to argue with Zi Yan, this girl is simply because there are too many treasures, and her talents are wasted like cabbage.You must know that even if she completely refines this god emperor bone, she will have at most true god-level divine power, which is not worth mentioning compared to the quasi-god king puppet. After counting the nine mountains and seas, I am afraid that she is the only one who can do this kind of tyranny. thing.

Seeing that Zhang Tian was persuaded by her, Zi Yan showed a very proud expression, and carefully put the god emperor bone into her personal clothes pocket, so she was curious: "Eldest sister, what did you say to dad just now, God is mysterious Secret."

The ruthless man thought about it and told the story of the theft of the Emperor Seal of the Xuanming Sect.

"Haha, there is such a funny thing. The Emperor Underworld's seal is so valuable, but it was stolen by a little thief. The Underworld Emperor is afraid that he will vomit blood. It's really useless." The look of schadenfreude.

The ruthless man said: "Dad said just now that there is a quasi-immortal emperor standing behind the imprinter. Those who can be selected as chess pieces by the quasi-immortal emperor are naturally not ordinary people. It seems that the major forces in the entire continent are now looking for him. , the masters of the Xuanming Sect are almost all out, but still no trace of him, you can see that this person is extraordinary."

"It turned out to be the chess piece of the quasi-immortal emperor, that would be a little troublesome." Zi Yan tightened her little face to match her petite body, looking very cute, and said seriously: "Does the eldest sister need me to do anything?"

The ruthless man smiled and said: "There is really one thing I want to entrust to you here. The Underworld Emperor Seal is said to be the mountain and sea road embryo obtained by the Xuanming Sect. Whether it is true or not, I have to get it, so I can't take care of other things for the time being. The second sister recently went to Xi'er City to participate in the Medicine King Ceremony, and she couldn't get away. So I would like to trouble you to visit the sub-altars and subordinate sects in various places, and collect tributes by the way. If you don't cooperate , you can decide for yourself."

As one of the three major hegemonic forces in the mainland, the Three Gods Religion has expanded at an astonishing rate in recent years. It has no less than a few thousand sub-altars, and there are many small forces attached to the Three Gods Religion, and they have to offer certain treasures every year. .Leshuoba

These tributes are very precious, and many sub-altars and affiliated forces are reluctant to hand them in, so a strong levy messenger must be dispatched. Although Zi Yan is very outgoing, she is very sensitive to treasures, absolutely not to be mistaken, and her strength is very powerful. It's a good candidate.

Sure enough, when Zi Yan heard that the tribute was being collected, she suddenly became energetic, patted her little chest and said: "Don't worry, big sister, I promise to complete the task, and whoever dares not pay enough, I will demolish his home!"

After speaking, Zi Yan seemed to be afraid of the ruthless person and said anxiously: "Then I'll set off now, Dad, big sister, goodbye!"

The ruthless man shook his head helplessly, and also bowed to Zhang Tian: "Then Nan Nan also retire first."

Zhang Tian nodded and said, "This time, the theft of the Underworld Emperor's Seal is not only a game for the quasi-immortal emperor, but also an excellent opportunity for you. I hope you can handle it properly. I just hope you remember one thing, no matter when, With your father supporting you, even if you anger all the quasi-immortal emperors, your own father will open a bloody path for you, so you can give up and fight!"

Zhang Tian's remarks are full of arrogance, the emperor's prestige is in the world, and even thousands of immortal emperors are unstoppable!

He just wanted to give the ruthless man a reassurance, and he didn't want his daughter to be afraid of the quasi-immortal emperor who was playing behind the scenes.

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