The ruthless man said firmly: "Father, rest assured, my daughter will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Stepping out of the temples, Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge were already waiting outside the temple, and they immediately greeted them and asked, "Envoy of the Sun, what should we do next?"

The ruthless man looked into the distance and instructed: "Mu Qiluo, you stay here to receive the news from all over the world, and summarize the information about the Underworld Emperor's Seal and the pirates to me. As for other matters, hand it over to the high priest and let her discretion."

"As ordered." Mu Qiluo clasped his fists.

"Yan Ruge, go down and pack up, bring some guards, and follow me to Tianji Mountain!" The ruthless man said again.

Yan Ruge said in shock: "Tianji Mountain? The Sun God Envoy is looking for the old man Tianji?"

The ruthless man nodded and said, "The Underworld Emperor's Seal can completely block the heavenly secrets, but that pirate cannot do it. My "Ziweidoushu" cultivation is not superb enough, if the heavenly secret old man takes action, it should be able to be counted. Some clues."

Yan Ruge said, "The Sun God makes Yingming, at least it's better than looking for it like a headless fly, but I wonder if the old man Tianji will help?"

"Don't worry, Tianjitai, as a sect that mainly calculates Tianji, has committed many taboos, and it can survive for a long time. It depends on clinging to the strong and leading the king. With his father's current reputation in the mainland, the old Tianji is absolutely unstoppable. Don't dare to refuse my request." The ruthless man said confidently with his hands on his back.

"Then, this subordinate will prepare!" Yan Ruge clenched his fists slightly and rode away with Huohong. , , .

Chapter 822 The first quasi-immortal emperor to shoot!

In the temple of the gods, Zhang Tian was sitting on the main seat, but his eyes saw the outside of the temple through the layers of barriers. He saw three battleships inscribed with the scorching sun, the bright moon, and the stars rising from the sky above the three side temples, and then fled to each other. In different directions, all three precious daughters have left the Three Gods Religion.

Ruthless went to Tianjitai to find the old man of Tianji, Yuxin went to Xi'er City to participate in the Medicine King Ceremony, but Zi Yan took the little followers of the Star Temple to collect protection fees one by one according to the roster.

"In the situation of Shanhai Daoyin, the seal of the Underworld Emperor was stolen, is this shocking layout finally coming to an end?" Zhang Tian whispered softly, and the corner of his mouth could not help evoking a radian.

For five million years, he has been far away from the peak of the world, away from the vortex battlefield, and does not participate in any disputes and calculations, but after all, he is the Lord of the Heavenly Court who once reigned over the Nine Heavens, the unparalleled Emperor Burial of Heaven, and the domineering in his bones and blood cannot be hidden.

Only he calculates others and manipulates the common people as chess pieces, when can others introduce him into the chess game.

This time, he originally planned to sharpen his daughters, but he couldn't hold back his curiosity. At the same time, his deep-rooted arrogance did not allow him to be completely kept in the dark.

"Forget it, just look at it a little bit. This emperor would like to know which quasi-immortal emperor was so arrogant and took the lead in opening the chess game."

Zhang Tian murmured again, raised his hand a little forward, and the void in front of him suddenly burned, turning into an empty mirror, gradually revealing a picture.

If the Emperor Hades was present, he would have been shocked to see this scene, because the young man with the head and mouse in the picture was the thief Duan Qingyun who stole the seal of the Emperor Hades.

Because of the underworld emperor's seal, even the existence behind him cannot deduce Duan Qingyun's whereabouts, but now, this person is clearly exposed in front of Zhang Tian.

"This is... Xi'er City?"

Zhang Tian watched the young man in the picture walk into an ancient city. The three big characters 'Xi'ercheng' were clearly engraved on the city gate, which made him look strange, because he heard Ruthless people say that Yu Xin It was a very coincidence that the place where I went to attend the Medicine King Ceremony was Xi'er City.

Bypassing this accident, Zhang Tian focused his attention on the young man, only to see that the young man was six feet tall, with a big belly, wearing a tattered Taoist robe, thief brows and rattling eyes, flashing cunning colors from time to time on his face, just like a wretched and sloppy slob. Taoist priests, they probably don't look like good people at first glance.

This appearance made Zhang Tianyi happy, and a figure appeared in his heart. He was like this person, with an evil face, and he did all the evil things on weekdays. He specialized in digging graveyards and digging up graves. The thunder of Yu and Shenshan was furious, and they promised countless treasures, and issued a wanted order to kill this person.

Because what he dug were the graves of the ancestors of the gods in the various immortal regions, and the corpses of the immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors.

As strong as the immortal king and quasi-immortal emperor level, even if the body is dead and the soul is destroyed, buried for hundreds of millions of years, the will will not dissipate, and there is still the strength to destroy the sky and the earth. Burial place, dig the tombs of the emperors, and steal the treasures.

Such a wonderful work, after counting the history of the nine great mountains and seas, I am afraid there is only one person, but this person's cultivation base is unfathomable, and the magical powers he cultivates are even more bizarre. Capturing him, he ended up making a mess of himself. 918 Novel

After that battle, no immortal emperor would be willing to deal with this person anymore. At the root, it was that person who made a rhetoric. If any immortal king or immortal emperor dared to plot against him again, he would wait for the other party to die. Dig each other's graves.

Although this threat is arrogant, but the association of what he has done before, makes people have to believe that this person is really capable of doing such wicked things, so naturally there is no quasi-immortal emperor willing to provoke him.

"Could it be really him?"

Zhang Tian muttered to himself, a purple-gold flame suddenly appeared in his left eye, and then it turned into a raging fire, filling the entire eyeball. The origin of his soul can be traced back to the end of the long river of time, whether it is a past life, this life, even if it is reincarnated, all can be seen clearly.

However, this method cannot be used arbitrarily, because the source of the cultivator's soul is very precious, and burning too much will affect the potential of the foundation.

So Zhang Tian just glanced at it, and then withdrew his magical power. This glance has already allowed him to see a lot of things.

"Interesting, a little monk has a reincarnation mark in his body. Except for this emperor, I am afraid that only that person in the world can make such a mark."

Zhang Tian showed a clear look, just based on the reincarnation seal in this fat Taoist priest, he can conclude that the quasi-immortal emperor behind this person must be the immoral emperor who likes to dig graves!

Because of the entire nine mountains and seas, the only one who can cultivate the law of reincarnation to such a state is that wonderful one.

Precisely because he is proficient in the law of reincarnation, that guy has a very long lifespan. He has been reincarnated countless times, and each time he is reincarnated, his strength will increase by one point, so that many quasi-immortal emperors have to consider themselves juniors in front of him.

"Interesting, if it's really this guy, then it makes sense."

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and figured out all the clues in an instant.He had wondered before that the overall situation that several quasi-immortal emperors had jointly laid out was tacit to each other. In this case, no one would rashly take action, because the first person to take action would definitely be besieged.

But the Wude Tiandi is different. This guy's reputation is extremely bad. It is impossible for a quasi-immortal emperor to be willing to cooperate with him. He must have accidentally learned the information of Shanhai Daotai and deliberately came to disrupt the situation.

Other quasi-immortal emperors can't do this kind of thing, but this one can definitely do it.

It is precisely because of his disposition that among the quasi-immortal emperors of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, he is not the most evil, but his reputation is the most stinky. It can be said that everyone shouts and beats him, and people give him the nickname 'No Virtue Heavenly Emperor'.

In fact, this person's talent can be called Aogu Lingjin, not inferior to the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor. Just relying on the self-created reincarnation printing method, it is enough to rank in the forefront of the quasi-immortal emperors in the heavens. Have great merit.

His real title is not the Emperor of Heaven without Virtue, but the Emperor of Hell and Underworld. This is the title of the Emperor who was personally approved by the Burial Emperor in recognition of his achievements. It can be said to be a supreme honor. , , .

Chapter 823 The relationship between the buried emperor and the immoral emperor

"Since this pirate is behind the immoral emperor, I am afraid that the next few steps have already been calculated, which is a bit troublesome."

Zhang Tian waved the empty mirror away, and turned to ponder in the hall.

When he was still the Lord of Heaven, in order to extradite the undead of the nine mountains and seas, he single-handedly opened up the Netherworld.It happened that the Wude Tiandi used the law of reincarnation to prove the Taoist quasi-immortal emperor, so he took advantage of the situation to recruit Wude Tiandi and ordered him to supervise the creation of the six reincarnations.

At that time, Heavenly Emperor Wude had just been proving the Tao, his strength was low, and he was far less shameless than later generations. He did not dare to disobey the order of Emperor Burying Heaven.

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