Because of this, Zhang Tian was quite tolerant of Wude Tiandi, and most of the outrageous behaviors of later generations also opened one eye and closed one eye, so that Wude Tiandi went further and further on the cunning and shameless road.

Immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors next to them all value the skin very much, and it is not or worthwhile to use dark means to achieve certain goals, because for such existences, there are very few things in the world that can attract them.Even the ancient kings and the emperors of the alien races have rules in their actions, and they will not be reckless.

Only this virtuous emperor, not only has no virtue, but also has no morals. He has done many things like pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger and cheating.Whatever he looks for, he will do anything to achieve it, without any rules.

Especially the pirate, whose demeanor and expression were almost identical to those of the Wude Heavenly Emperor. He was cunning, wretched, and wicked. Obviously, he had obtained the true inheritance. Although the ruthless man was extremely intelligent, he was afraid that he would not be able to fight against such a cunning person.

"Forget it, let's take it as an experience for a few daughters. If you can fight the Wude Emperor, it will be a good story." Zhang Tian chuckled to himself, thinking about these nine mountains and seas, I don't know how many overlords have eaten it. The Wude Heavenly Emperor suffered a great loss, and hated him so much that he was gnashing his teeth, presumably the few quasi-immortal emperors who are now laying out are also very headaches.

At this moment, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi walked in from outside the hall, holding a tray in her hand. The veil on her face had been removed, and her pure and beautiful face was revealed without any cover. She walked gracefully to the In front of Zhang Tian.

"This is a spirit tea brewed with the freshly picked spirit dew on the vine, please taste it." The Yaochi Saintess respectfully handed over the tray, her eyes flashing with curiosity from time to time.

After this fairy vine came to the Three Gods Religion, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi thought that it would continue to be covered in dust, but Zhang Tian unexpectedly conjured up a fairy jade mine out of thin air, buried it in the underground of the Three Gods Religion, and made a piece of it. The immortal soil suitable for the survival of the fairy vines, such a method, can be called earth-shattering, and the Saintess of Yaochi was surprised and took the initiative to take care of the fairy vines.

"Yeah." Zhang Tian nodded slightly, took a sip of the spirit tea and took a sip.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi raised her head in anticipation, her beautiful eyes looked at the crystal clear spirit tea, and she unconsciously twitched her jade neck.It's not that she wants the taste of ordinary spirit tea, but she is really curious.

In her opinion, the fairy jade mine that Zhang Tian took out was at least mid-grade, even in ancient times, it was rare. The nurtured fairy soil was thousands of acres in size. She was not instructed to plant other elixir on it.

This is really a waste of nature. You must know that the spiritual energy contained in that large piece of immortal soil is ten times richer than that in the secret realm of Yaochi. You can also get rich harvests by planting anything.But Zhang Tian was indifferent, as if he took out the Xianling Jade Mine just to feed the fairy vines.

And after the past few years, the only function of the fairy vine is to pick the spirit dew on it to make tea, especially for Zhang Tian and his three precious daughters to drink, and the rest of the three are nothing. It's just cow drink, a big bowl in one mouthful. Every time someone is sent to get the spirit dew, it's all about the bucket, which makes the Holy Maiden of Yaochi feel extremely distressed.Qingqing Novel

God is pitiful, she has served and cared for the fairy vine for several years, but she has never even tasted a drop of spirit dew!

Because the Saintess of Yaochi was very focused, Zhang Tian also had a feeling, turned his head and glanced at her, and said with a chuckle: "Why, do you want to drink too?"

"No, it's not..." The Holy Maiden of Yaochi was so ashamed, she waved her hands again and again, her face flushed instantly, as if she was about to drip blood.

"Haha, this emperor asked you to drink, but you still want to disobey?" Zhang Tian was in a good mood, and he was happy to joke with the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, and the tough teacup was stuffed into her hand.

"Then Ruoxi will obey." The Yaochi saint lowered her head and sipped her tea with a blushing face, only to feel that the tea was cool and sweet, and the mouth was scattered, which seemed to have a miraculous effect of nourishing the body and beauty, making her feel that her skin was nourished and changed. more supple.

Especially the immortal vine grows in the immortal soil, the branches and leaves are full of immortal energy, and the spirit dew is also stained with a lot, which makes the spirit tea bear the slightest immortal spirit, which is of great benefit to the improvement of the cultivation base. It is simply a fairy tea. Not too much.

"The spirit dew made from this immortal soil and immortal vine is really extraordinary. No wonder the Star God Envoy likes to drink it so much." The Holy Maiden of Yaochi removed the teacup, only to realize that she had drank all the spirit tea unconsciously, and some more Embarrassed.

"What she can drink is good or bad, just because it is precious enough. You have spent a lot of time brewing this spirit tea, and it is really not worth drinking for her." Zhang Tian said with a sneer.

Yaochi Saintess Sweet Judao: "The sect leader is joking, the star god envoy is frank and lovely, and the background is amazing. In the future, it will be famous all over the world. It is Ruoxi's honor to be able to make tea for her. Besides, the medicinal effect of this fairy dew spirit tea is overbearing. , other people want to drink like a star god envoy, but they can't do it at all."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, and the corners of his mouth curved upwards. Although he always beat Zi Yan on weekdays, he liked this little daughter very much in his heart. Hearing other people's praise, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. This is also a father's instinct. .

Seeing that Zhang Tian was in a happy mood, the Saintess of Yaochi immediately asked boldly, "Ruoxi still has something to worry about, I wonder if I can ask?"

Zhang Tiandao: "You are talented and intelligent, and your heart is not bad. You usually assist the high priest in doing things, and you are praised by Nannan. You don't have to be so restrained in front of this emperor. If you have anything, just ask."

The Saintess of Yaochi took a deep breath and said softly, "Then Ruoxi said it bluntly. When the sect master took out an immortal jade mine to nourish the immortal soil for thousands of miles, so that the immortal vine can grow normally, is it just to get its spiritual dew bubbles? Tea leisurely?"

"of course not."

"I knew it wouldn't be so simple, can the sect master tell me the real reason?" In the eyes of Saintess Yaochi, Shen Xi flowed, looking excited to solve the mystery.

In her opinion, there must be a major plan to suppress the Emperor of the Underworld and Liu Shen with one hand like Zhang Tian, ​​and then throw a precious and rare fairy jade mine, which is probably related to the prosperity of the Three Gods Religion. important step.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "Counting the days, in two more years, Xianpanteng should be able to produce the first batch of Xianpantao, and that girl Zi Yan has been talking about the peach for a long time, but then she can get what she wants. already." ,, . . .

Chapter 824 The Holy Maiden of Yaochi questioned Zhang Tian

"What... what?"

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi was so engrossed that she thought she would hear some big secret.

It was not until she repeatedly confirmed Zhang Tian's expression that she was sure that she really heard it right. Zhang Tian spent a lot of money to create a large piece of immortal soil, just to drink some spirit tea and eat some peaches, which is pure enjoyment!

This made her completely incomprehensible, when is it now, when the Middle Ages are reviving, the great world has come, and all the monks in the nine mountains and seas are standing at the intersection of destiny, advancing is immortal, retreating is mortal!

At this important juncture, Zhang Tian, ​​as the leader of the Three Gods Sect and the first person in the Shengyuan Continent, suppressed the invincible overlord of the Underworld Emperor Liushen with one hand, and actually used the so cherished fairy jade mine for enjoyment?

Zhang Tian glanced at her in surprise, and said, "You look surprised, are you not satisfied with this emperor's answer?"

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi hurriedly restrained her expression and whispered, "Ruoxi doesn't dare, but... I just think this is a bit too wasteful."

"Waste?" Zhang Tian frowned slightly, only then did he understand what Saintess of Yaochi meant, and he couldn't help laughing.

The middle-grade fairy jade mine was just condensed by him, and he didn't think about it, but for today's Shengyuan Continent, it is tantamount to a peerless treasure, just plant some rare elixir on the fairy soil. , the construction of some retreat caves can make a great teacher's overall strength increase rapidly.

In this way, the waste that Saintess of Yaochi said is also very reasonable.

Zhang Tian was a little ashamed, but it was not that he felt that it was not good to waste. Those immortal energy returned to heaven and earth, but it was just a matter of returning to the original owner.The reason why he was ashamed was that he used to think that Zi Yan was ruining all kinds of treasures, but now it seems that he was not ruined by his father.

Shaking his head, Zhang Tian said sternly: "What you said also makes sense. It's a pity to put that piece of immortal soil there. After you go back, you can organize a plan for the use of immortal soil, and then hand it over to the Sun God Envoy to decide. it is good."

"As ordered." The Holy Maiden of Yaochi replied respectfully. She had already noticed that she had made a slip of the tongue just now. How could Zhang Tian be questioned.

"Well, you go down." Zhang Tian waved his hand casually.

When the Saintess of Yaochi left, Zhang Tian sat back on the main seat, raised his hand and moved forward, and the void in front of him suddenly swayed with layers of ripples, spreading out a layer of mirrors.

He has been estimating the time. If everything goes well, Yuxin should be approaching Xi'er City now. Thinking of the fat Taoist priest in Xi'er City at this time, he can't help but worry about Yuxin's condition.

I saw that the images in the empty mirror kept changing, and finally it was fixed on a huge battleship inscribed with the pattern of the bright moon. The battleship was lined with soldiers on both sides, and a tricolor flag hung in the center. The invincible might of the sky.

"Envoy of the Moon God, it's Xi'er City."

A woman in a strong suit walked into a room and bowed slightly towards the screen. 90 Look at the novel

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