"Got it." Yu Xin's voice came out from inside, and then Yingying came out.

She stood on the side of the ship, her aqua blue dress dancing against the breeze, with the peerless beauty like a daffodil, she had an indescribable calmness, like a beautiful fairy falling from the sky, even in a prosperous city. The core can also transform the surrounding into a holy realm like an empty mountain and a rain, which is as real as it is illusory and extremely moving.

Looking from afar, Yuxin can see at a glance the towering giant city hundreds of miles away, as if a wild beast is crawling on the ground, full of a simple and heavy feeling, if you look carefully, you can see the city gate clearly. On the plaque, there are three gilded characters "Xi'er City", shining brightly in the sun.

Just when Yu Xin was looking over, suddenly there were countless dense black spots approaching her quickly, and when she got close, there were many escaping lights, and the momentum was astonishing. At a glance, they were all powerful people above the holy realm. The leader, and all of them are immortal emperor-level characters.

"The monks in Xi'er City welcome the arrival of the Moon God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect—"

The tidy and vast sound resounded in all directions, rumbled like thunder, causing the void to tremble. In the blink of an eye, those people had already flown to the front, and they all bowed to Yuxin.

On the Haoyue battleship, the Three Gods Sect taught everyone to stand with their chests high, their eyes full of pride, and they accepted such a respectful treatment very openly.

This is the status of the Three Gods Religion in the mainland today. After the Yaochi event, the rumors of Zhang Tianli overpowering Emperor Ming and Liushen spread across the continent at the speed of light, making the Three Gods Religion the No. [-] hegemonic force in the mainland.

As the daughter of Zhang Tian and the envoy of the Moon God of the Three Gods Religion, Yuxin is naturally awe-inspiring. After learning that Yuxin was coming to participate in the Demon King Ceremony, the Xi'er City cultivators prepared early.

"You guys are welcome, the Medicine King's Grand Ceremony, the competition is Dan Dao, the one who succeeds is the first, and there is no need to worry about my identity." Yu Xin said very elegantly.

"The Moon God Envoy is too modest. I knew that the Moon God Envoy had an amazing talent in the way of alchemy. At the age of sixteen, he reached the realm of the emperor of the pill. It is famous on the mainland, and it is definitely not the enemy of vulgar people like me." Famous God Emperor Alchemist said very flatteringly, ignoring the strange eyes around him.

Although there are only a handful of strong emperors in mainland China today, and the Immortal God Sovereign can be regarded as a powerful force, but in front of the Three Gods Religion, it is no different from an ant. If you say that you are crushed to death, you can directly crush it to death. Losing your dignity is better than losing your life. .

Yu Xin shook her head, not wanting to argue with these people any more, she said softly: "I have heard for a long time that the ancient medicine king Zong's alchemy technique is the best in the world, and it can compete with the Southern Desolate Pagoda in court, and there is even the most precious glazed glass phoenix golden cauldron, which is the supreme alchemy cauldron. , I wonder if there is a chance to see one or two this time?"

"Haha, the envoy of the Moon God is willing to reward his face to participate in the Medicine King Grand Ceremony. How could my Medicine King Sect dare to neglect it? As early as three months ago, I unsealed the glazed phoenix golden cauldron and poured it with Dan blood every day. When it is officially born today, I just wait for the moon God made it himself."

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect, who was at the head of the crowd, said loudly, his face was red, and he was obviously very proud of owning the Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron.

In terms of strength, Yaowangzong is not in the forefront of the ancient great religions, but it is unique in the way of alchemy, especially the golden cauldron of Zhenzong's most treasured glazed phoenix, which is smelted with the blood and true soul of an ancient Tianhuang. , it has a miraculous bonus for alchemy, and its value is not inferior to that of the extreme imperial soldiers.

Nowadays, the situation of Shengyuan Continent is changing. Medicine King Sect contains countless treasures. It has long become fat in the eyes of others. It is urgent to seek the protection of an overlord. .

And the golden cauldron of Liulihuang is the gift of surrender that Yaowangzong intends to offer, and they believe that Yuxin will never refuse.

Just when the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect was complacent, suddenly two rainbow lights flew from the city and panicked: "Sect Master, something is bad, the Glazed Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron has been stolen!" , . . .

Chapter 825 The wind and clouds gather in Xi'er City!

"What did you say?"

The Sect Master of Medicine King Sect almost didn't come up in one breath, his eyes were like copper bells staring at the disciple who reported the news, and the blood in his eyes almost burst out.

"Reporting to the sect master, that glass phoenix golden cauldron was originally placed in the underground secret hall and was guarded by the elder Taishang himself. However, when a disciple went to check it just now, he found that the glazed phoenix golden cauldron had been stolen, and that person also left a note. "One of the Medicine King Sect disciples said tremblingly.

An elder of Yaowangzong said loudly: "This is impossible! There are layers of guards outside the underground secret hall, and there is an emperor-level defense formation. Except for the suzerain and the elders, no one can open it, even if it is a strong emperor. , it is impossible to enter the secret hall silently, there must be a problem here!"

Another elder said: "That's right, the defense formation was custom-made by the patriarch and spent a lot of money, which is enough to defend against the attack of the ancient emperor, and the glazed phoenix golden cauldron has a soul connection with the elder Taishang. It can be detected, it cannot be stolen.”

"Shut me all up!"

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect shouted loudly. After all, he is a heroic party, and he has been in charge of the Sect for many years. At this time, he has regained his senses, and said solemnly: "You said that the thief left a note, where is the note?"

"This is the note left by the thief. It's placed where the Glazed Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron was originally. Please take a look at it." The communication disciple carefully handed the note up.

Everyone in the audience looked forward to it, wondering who could secretly steal the golden cauldron from the highly guarded Yaowangzong.

Even Yu Xin couldn't help blinking her eyes, looking at the note in the hands of the sect master of Yaowangzong, and saw that it was just a piece of ordinary paper, wrinkled and crumpled, with a line of small words distorted: "Pirate Liulihuang. The golden cauldron, the messenger Duan Qingyun."

"Duan Qingyun, who is Duan Qingyun?" The sect master of Yaowangzong was furious, and with a pinch of his fingers, he directly crushed the note. Such declarations are tantamount to slapped Yaowangzong in the face!

"Duan Qingyun? Could it be that Duan Qingyun who stole the seal of the Underworld Emperor?"

Some people around screamed, although the location of Xi'er City was far away, but the theft of the Underworld Emperor's Seal, which shook the continent, was known, and there was a lot of voices!

Who is Duan Qingyun?I don’t know how many ancient great sects in the mainland are desperately looking for it. If they want to get the seal of the Underworld Emperor in his hands, Xuanming Sect is even more skilled. As long as they can provide Duan Qingyun’s information, they can get rich rewards.

"It turned out to be him!" The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect also came back to his senses at this time, and he felt a little calmer in his heart. No matter how precious the glazed phoenix golden cauldron is, it can't compare to the seal of the Emperor of the Underworld. Even the seal of the Emperor of the Underworld can be stolen. , the mere Liulihuangjinding is not a problem, and it is not ashamed to say it.

Yu Xin's eyes flashed, and she also knew the preciousness of the Underworld Emperor's Seal. She originally planned to help the eldest sister to find it after the end of the Medicine King Ceremony, but she unexpectedly ran into it.

"Send the order, immediately block the city gate, and open the city's defense formation. Unless you have the order of the sect master, you are not allowed to enter." The sect master of Yaowangzong ordered loudly. In Xi'er City, it is one word.Novel Bar www.xiaos8.com

After doing this, the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect changed his face again, bowed deeply to Yu Xin, and apologized: "My Sect's defense is not good, and the Moon God Envoy laughed. However, my Medicine King Sect has been inherited for millions of years, except for Liuli. In addition to the Huangjin Cauldron, there are also several top-level Dan Cauldrons, and the Medicine King Ceremony can be held as scheduled, I hope the Luna Envoy will not mind."

Yu Xin said softly; "The guest is as the master will, and everything will be arranged by the master of medicine."

She did not try to intervene in the defense of Xi'er City, because in her opinion, Duan Qingyun must have amazing means to steal the seal of the Underworld Emperor, and ordinary methods of encirclement and suppression should not be of great use.

"Many thanks to the Moon God Envoy, please enter Xi'er City first." The sect master of the Medicine King Sect was overjoyed and quickly opened the way. The current Yuxin is definitely a big man, and the entire Medicine King Sect needs to curry favor.

The Grand Ceremony of Medicine King is an alchemy event that has been inherited from the ancient times by the nine great mountains and seas. It is also widely praised in Shengyuan Continent. It is held every ten years. At that time, alchemists from all over the continent will gather in Xier City. It can be said that the alchemists are the largest. The final winner will be awarded the title of King of Medicine, which will spread to the entire continent and become a distinguished figure that major sects are vying to win over.

However, it is by no means easy to make a name for himself in the Medicine King Grand Ceremony, and its cruelty is not inferior to the competition among warriors.

For martial artist fighting skills, alchemists are fighting pills. The specific test method is to take a huge pill cauldron as a 'dandan platform'. The alchemists participating in the competition must refine their own pills in this pill cauldron at the same time. With just one step, [-]% of the alchemists in the mainland could be stunned.

You must know that the way of alchemy is the most important in control, and often a slight deviation in the temperature will lead to the failure of alchemy. Therefore, many alchemists have to bathe and change clothes when alchemy, and turn away from left and right, seeking a clean environment.

However, the rules of the Medicine King's Great Ceremony require many people to concoct pills in the same pill cauldron. They use different pills and require different heats. They are easily affected. There are even alchemists who give up on their way to pill concocting and deliberately interfere with others.

This is only the first step. Even if the elixir is successfully refined, it does not mean that you can advance. According to the rules, only one elixir can be produced in each elixir. If multiple elixir are produced, one must be divided. Victory or defeat, until there is one elixir left.

This cruel rule is to prevent the alchemist from deliberately choosing simple elixir refining in order to successfully complete the elixir.Therefore, the contestants must not only successfully practice the pills, but also refine the high-grade pills as much as possible. Only in this way can they guarantee a smooth victory.

According to the rules of this competition, the alchemist who can reach the end has absolutely no doubts about his strength and will be recognized by the world. Therefore, almost all alchemists have obtained the title of 'Medicine King' as the highest honor.

Since the disappearance of the Middle Ages, the Medicine King Ceremony has not been held for millions of years. Now that the Middle Ages are revived, the Medicine King Sect is eager to show its presence, so it spared no effort to reorganize the Medicine King Ceremony, and even took out the Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron as the final 'Dou Dan' tower'.

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