Facts have proved that the Medicine King's Great Manual still holds a huge weight in the hearts of alchemists in the mainland. Whether it is to obtain the title of Medicine King, or to see the style of the Glazed Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron, almost all the alchemists in the continent have heard the news and gathered in Xi'er City.

On the streets and alleys, there are alchemists wearing alchemy robes chatting and laughing.

Its situation is more prosperous than in the Middle Ages.

However, because of Duan Qingyun's appearance, this alchemist event is destined to become unusual. In the noisy city of Xi'er, the mountains and the rain are about to come and the building is full of wind! , , .

Chapter 826 The Great Ceremony of the Medieval Medicine King!

Although the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect had ordered the entire city to be blocked in order to ensure that the Medicine King Grand Ceremony could be held normally, and it was strictly forbidden to leak any information about Duan Qingyun, it was still impossible to contain the fire.

In almost a few days, some powerful sects and holy places on the mainland knew that Duan Qingyun had appeared in Xi'er City and stole the news of Yaowangzong Zhenzong's most precious glazed glass phoenix golden cauldron.

For a time, countless heroes rushed to Xi'er City from all directions, including Great Sect Elders, Holy Land Venerables, some Holy Sons, Emperor Sons, and Brave Loose Cultivators. It is really that the seal of the Underworld Emperor in Duan Qingyun's hands is too rare to be found. People can sit still.

Faced with the arrival of so many powerful people, the blockade of the Medicine King Sect was almost useless. Even if the Sect Master of Medicine King Sect had ten courage, he would not dare to stop the elders of the ancient great sects who had the emperor in charge, and just pinched his nose and let them go.

At the same time, the Medicine King Ceremony was also carried out as scheduled. It was also thanks to the mastermind of Medicine King Zongzong that Yu Xin was brought out at the critical moment and used the signboard of the Moon God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect to deter a group of foreign powerhouses.

This trick is really brilliant, even though there are many quasi-emperor-level powerhouses gathered in the city, when they hear the three words of the Moon God Envoy, they are still full of fear and dare not give birth to the heart of inferiority.

Therefore, everyone maintained a little restraint, not only did not interrupt the Medicine King Great Ceremony, but because of the gathering of countless strong men, the Medicine King Great Ceremony became more magnificent and fierce.

After all, although the profession of an alchemist is noble, it is actually a 'cultivation of civil and military skills, and selling it to the emperor's family'. Most of the refined elixir will also be sold to warriors. If no one appreciates it, no matter how good the elixir is useless.

And the powerhouses who gathered in Xi'er City this time are all the mainstays of the Holy Land of the Great Sect. They are extremely wealthy. Every time the Danbei ends, the surviving elixir will be madly robbed, and the price is often raised ten or twenty times. Things.

Those powerful god emperors who cannot grab the elixir will pay attention to those alchemists who have performed outstandingly in the ceremony, and hire them to make alchemy at a high price, making many alchemy masters who were originally unknown, so they soar into the sky and get the results. Plenty of resources.

As a result, although Duan Qingyun hadn't found it, Xi'er City was extremely lively, and the street and alleys were talking about who and who advanced to the round, and which elixir was purchased by a certain quasi-emperor at an astonishing price.

All the alchemists who participated in the Medicine King’s Great Ceremony also exerted all their strength, and gave ten cost to lead the way. At this unprecedented event, as long as one more promotion round, their net worth can be increased tenfold, and no one dares to take it lightly. Heart.

Time flies, two months have passed, and the Medicine King Ceremony is nearing its end. After more than ten rounds of elimination, only four of the [-] participating alchemists are left!

They were Yuxin, the moon god envoy of the Three Gods Sect, Gu Chen, the chief disciple of the Medicine King Sect, Ning Sufei, a disciple of the Southern Wilderness Pagoda, and the elder Chunqiu of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

The four of them are the quasi-medicine kings of the Medicine King Grand Ceremony. They will fight for the final battle in the mountain and sea refining cauldron provided by the Medicine King Zong. The last one who wins is the champion of this medicine king meeting and becomes the world's largest The recognized king of medicine! 127 Novels www.127xs.com

Such a final scene, even those quasi emperors who came specially for Duan Qingyun, did not want to miss it, and they all attended the observation, not only because they wanted to witness this decisive battle, but also planned to win the final winning elixir.

In the last competition, Ning Sufei of Nanhuang Dan Pagoda won a strong victory with a quasi-emperor-level elixir, and was exchanged for a heavy treasure by a quasi-emperor of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect on the spot.

Those quasi-emperors who did not attend the meeting were extremely regretful and sighed when they heard about this. After all, when their cultivation level reached their realm, the rank of the elixir required was very high, and it was impossible to obtain them normally. Every quasi-emperor rank elixir was priceless. , so no one wants to miss today's final.

"Finally, it's the finals. The grand occasion of the Medicine King Ceremony is probably unique even in the Middle Ages, and it will definitely be remembered for the ages."

"Who said no, the previous medicine kings were probably not in the realm of the quasi-dan emperor. This time, the quasi-emperor-level elixir was released before the finals. Maybe there will be a real emperor-level elixir in this final."

"Emperor Spirit Pill, that's incredible, even a real emperor would probably be crazy about it."

At the ceremony venue, the hall was full of guests, and there were fierce discussions everywhere, talking loudly and pointing the country.

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect looked at this magnificent scene from afar, and felt his face glow. The only regret was that the Glazed Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron was stolen by the Qingyun, and he could only replace it with a much inferior mountain and sea refining cauldron, otherwise the reputation of Medicine King Sect would probably still be restored Can improve a lot.

Thinking of this, the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect couldn't help but scolded Duan Qingyun's eighteenth generation ancestors in his heart, which made him feel better, strode to the front of the stage, and said loudly: "Thank you for coming to this year's Medicine King Ceremony, No more gossip, open the tripod!!"

When the voice fell, a roar suddenly erupted in the center of the venue, the ground split open, and the void trembled. .

"This cauldron is called the Shanhai Liantian cauldron, and it was forged by my Medicine King Sect senior with the combination of mountain and sea fine iron and smelting heavenly water. It is said to be able to smelt the vicissitudes of the sun and the moon. Although the rumors are a bit exaggerated, the sect master can guarantee that this cauldron will resist the vicissitudes of life. There is no problem with the impact of ordinary emperor-grade spirit pills, so the four quasi-medicine kings can let go and fight!"

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect said impassively, waved his hand, and a huge Taoist platform appeared in the east, south, west, and north of the Shanhai Liantian Cauldron, several feet long and wide, all in the shape of a lotus flower, engraved with the gathering spirit array, but When the alchemist is refining alchemy, he continuously provides aura.

All the guests in the hall saw a flash of inspiration on the Eastern Taoist platform, and a young man in white appeared, with a face like a crown of jade and a calm demeanor, he bowed to the pavilion in the sky where the quasi emperor gathered, and then bowed to all sides, saying loudly: "Chief Medicine King Sect. Disciple Gu Chen, I have seen all the emperors and honored guests."

As soon as his words fell, a flash of light flashed across the Western Taoist platform, and a woman appeared in plain clothes. She looked ordinary, but it was Ning Sufei, who had previously refined a quasi-emperor-level elixir. The pavilion in the sky gave a salute, and then said to the surrounding circles: "Danta disciple Ning Sufei, see all the emperors, and greet all of you."

Those quasi emperors sitting in the pavilions in the sky looked calm, but there was a faint glint in their eyes, looking at the two vacant Taoist platforms, as if they were waiting for something. , , .

Chapter 827 The pomp of Zhang Tian's daughter!

The appearance of Gu Chen and Ning Sufei caused a lot of uproar. After the two were polite, they each sat on the Taoist platform, closing their eyes and resting. In fact, with the expressions of the two in this medicine king ceremony, Their status is no less than that of the vast majority of the guests present. If they can be promoted to Medicine King, they can even be on an equal footing with the Emperor Zhun, so there is no need to be too humble.

Not long after, an aura also appeared on the southern Taoist platform, accompanied by a very powerful coercion that filled the audience, but it was the Spring and Autumn Elder of the Heaven Mending Sect who appeared. The strong man attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Haha, this time in the Medicine King Grand Ceremony, there are many outstanding talents. This old man, who was about to die, was lucky enough to enter the finals, but he was so ashamed. I also ask all of you to not laugh."

Elder Chunqiu waved his hands towards the pavilions in the sky. He was free, easy and generous. In his capacity, he didn't need to greet the rest of the guests like Gu Chen and Ning Sufei.

To say that this Medicine King Ceremony does not stipulate the age of the contestants, the past winners are probably some well-known elders. Who would have guessed that this time the Medicine King Ceremony would have three young heroes at the same time, and the Spring and Autumn Elders would be among them It is inevitable to be suspected of bullying the small, which is self-joking.

"Elder Chunqiu's words are serious. This is because the younger generation is too strong, not the fault of the elders."

"That's right, the Medicine King's Dian is to choose the best alchemist, not a young alchemist, why should Elder Chunqiu deserve it?"

"This emperor is looking forward to Elder Chunqiu's elixir, and I wish Elder Toad Palace a laurel."

The quasi emperors in the various castles in the sky all spoke to each other, and their tone was very kind. Although they were both quasi emperors, behind the elders of Spring and Autumn was one of the three major hegemonic forces in the continent, the Mending Heaven Sect.

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves. This old man doesn't dare to expect to win the championship. It is already a great blessing in his life to witness the rise of an emperor star today!"

After a few breaths, the last northern platform finally exuded aura, and the air seemed to be filled with a refreshing fragrance. Yuxin, like the beautiful goddess who lived in Luoshui for a long time, walked out of the dense fairyland.

Her face is beautiful, pouring out in the warm sunlight, as if her whole body is inlaid with a layer of gold, as if it will shine, which emphasizes that she is born with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, like the mountains and mountains. Beauty silhouette.

Even though many god emperors and quasi emperors were accustomed to seeing beauties, they couldn't help but feel amazed at this moment.

This kind of 'beautiful' is different from the enchanting charm of the yin and yang acacia sect, but a pure and natural beauty of "the hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and the carving is naturally removed".

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