This otherworldly, breath-taking beauty is by no means captured and mastered by any ordinary pen in the world.

Just when everyone's heartstrings were shaking, the brilliance of Yu Xin gradually faded away, and she said softly with her sweet voice without any impurities: "Yu Xin, the moon god envoy of the Three Gods, was lucky enough to enter the finals and can compete with the top players in the mainland. It is a blessing in my life for alchemists to exchange alchemy techniques."

While speaking, Yu Xin did not deliberately look at any place, but it made everyone in the audience feel like they were being watched, and the excitement of being valued was surging in her heart.

Elder Chunqiu, Gu Chen, and Ning Sufei opened their eyes at the same time, and cupped their hands at Yuxin: "The Moon God Envoy Miaozan, I'm ashamed to wait."

The quasi emperors in the pavilion in the sky couldn't sit still anymore, they stepped out of the pavilion one after another, and gestured towards Yuxin, some quasi emperors who boasted some identities even said enthusiastically: "The last time at the Yaochi grand meeting, let's say goodbye, The Moon God Envoy is even more magnificent, which is gratifying to congratulate, and this Emperor has admired Master Zhang for a long time, and I hope that the Moon God Envoy will help bring greetings."

Yu Xin didn't care about these polite words, she just nodded politely and landed on her Taoist platform.The latest novel

At this point, the four quasi-pharmacist kings appeared at the same time, and a sense of awe shot into the sky, and the entire venue was silent.

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect looked serious, and said again: "I announce that the finals of the Medicine King Ceremony have officially begun!"

boom! !

All the guests are boiling, this is definitely the pinnacle of the Dan Dao world, and there is a lot of noise when talking about it for a while.

"A few daoists think who can win the title of Medicine King this time?"

"It's hard to say, this year's Medicine King Conference is too powerful. It is very possible for anyone to gather the top alchemists from the Middle Ages and the Modern Ages."

"I'm still optimistic about Ning Sufei. She is not only a disciple of the alchemy tower, but also a direct descendant of the Ning family, the head of the four ancient alchemy families. She has a deep heritage and is more experienced in alchemy."

"Jiang is still old and hot. Elder Chunqiu is a quasi emperor. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his vision is actually comparable to that of young heroes. The foundation of the Heaven-Mending Sect is not comparable to that of Dan Pagoda and Dangu family."

"Didn't you find that the Moon God Envoy has only refined one kind of True Blood Pill since the preliminary round, and the True Blood Pill in the semi-final is even close to the quasi-emperor level, which shows that she can handle it with ease."

"After all, this is the home of Yaowangzong. Gu Chen's familiarity with the Shanhailiantian Cauldron is unmatched by others. The chance of winning should be higher."

Regardless of the discussions outside the venue, the four quasi-medicine kings on the Taoist platform were all focused and calm, taking out a variety of elixir and throwing them into the mountain and sea refining cauldron at the center.

Yu Xin carried out all this in an orderly manner, and finally made a move, took out a porcelain bottle, and eight blood-colored elixir flew out of it and put them into the pill cauldron at the same time.

This move made the other three quasi-medicine kings frown slightly. They naturally remembered that these eight elixir were the eight true blood elixir that Yuxin had refined during the previous competition.

Refining alchemy with elixir is not a strange thing. In ancient times, there were even alchemists who used tens of thousands of elixir as materials to refine a ten-grade elixir, which shocked the world.

"Could it be that the Moon God Envoy will also use the True Blood Pill in the finals, it's amazing, this time I'm afraid that a quasi-Emperor-level True Blood Pill will be produced!"

All the guests outside the venue were boiling, and the quasi-emperors in the pavilions in the air couldn't help but poked out their souls, and kept observing, just because the quasi-emperor-level True Blood Pill was too precious, it was simply the supreme magic medicine for the cultivators of the body refining class. .

"The materials and condensing methods of the True Blood Pill are very simple. That's why it is far more difficult to refine this pill to the quasi-emperor level than those high-grade spiritual pills. The confidence of the Moon God Envoy is admired by this old man." Elder Chunqiu sighed with emotion. After a while, he concentrated on refining his own elixir.

Yu Xin smiled slightly and did not answer.

She intensively cultivated "Flame God's Art", and her alchemy realm has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, and it is not limited to the emperor.

She wants to use this pill to catch a big fish! , , .

Chapter 828 The Emperor's True Blood Pill!


A gust of wind hit her face, but Ning Sufei released a brown fire. As soon as she was born, she burned the surrounding void, as if it collapsed out of thin air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

This group of Pill Fire, which was originally only the size of a palm, rapidly expanded under the urging of Ning Sufei. To get out of the fire.

The onlookers were not surprised. They had seen this Pill Fire in the previous competitions. They knew that this was the fire of all beasts passed down from generation to generation by Pill Tower. After being sacrificed and refined from generation to generation, the power is almost as good as that of ordinary flames.

This time Ning Sufei brought this Pill Fire over, and it can be seen that Danta attaches great importance to the Medicine King Conference and has absolute confidence in Ning Sufei.

On the other side, Gu Chen and Elder Chunqiu were not to be outdone. They opened their mouths and spewed out a fire of pills. Although their pill fires were not as famous as Ning Sufei’s Myriad Beast Spirit Fire, they were all cultivated with great effort. It is more convenient to use it with spiritual power every day.

But in terms of power, after all, it can't compete with the spirit fire of the beasts. As soon as it got close to the mountain and sea, it was pushed to a corner by the spirit fire of the beasts.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen and Elder Chunqiu frowned slightly, but did not say anything. Instead, together with Ning Sufei, all six eyes looked at Yuxin, waiting for her to take out the pill fire.

Not only the three of them, but almost all the guests, including the Emperor Zhun in the pavilion in the sky, all focused their attention on Yu Xin.

You must know that before the recovery of the Middle Ages, Yuxin had already made a name for herself in the world with her achievements on the Dan Dao. She won the first prize in the Tianjiao Battle of the Dan Dao in the Holy City, which made her famous in the alchemy world. Later, the sixteen-year-old Dan Huang was even more Let her name spread to the mainland, and all women and children know it.

Therefore, almost everyone knows that Yuxin owns more than one different fire, but so far, she has never used the different fire, and only relies on the free ground fire provided by the Yaowangzong to make alchemy.

Although Yaowangzong did not dare to neglect Yuxin in this regard, and provided all the top-level fires, it couldn't compare with the pills made by the Pill Emperor himself. .

Many people have speculated that Yuxin intends to use Yihuo as a winning trump card at the bottom of the box, and she will shine again in the finals.

Under everyone's attention, Yu Xin's face did not change in the slightest, but she turned her palm over, as if a fire dragon spewed out from her palm, making a huge roar that was deafening.

Everyone was excited, because it was clearly not a ground fire, and when they looked at them, they couldn't help but take a deep breath, only to see that nine 'fire dragons' spewed out of Yu Xin's palm in one breath.

These mighty flames coiled into long dragons, dancing wildly in the void, and finally formed into a ball, as if they turned into nine suns, merged with each other, and suddenly threw themselves on the mountain and sea refining cauldron.

"So strong!"

The heat waves came, and the strong onlookers changed their colors one after another. It was the quasi emperors in the pavilions in the air, all of whom showed solemn expressions. I only felt that this group of nine-color flames was very domineering and contained the power of destruction. Once injured, It is difficult to recover.

However, the three quasi-medicine kings on the Taoist platform had a different feeling.

"There are nine different fires, how is this possible?"

"not good!"

The voices of Elder Chunqiu and Gu Chen sounded almost at the same time, and in the next instant, Ning Sufei's complexion changed greatly, revealing a pale color.Baihua Literature

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