Wind, rain, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and large dark clouds condensed over Xi'er City, as if the end of the world had come.

Yu Xin's whole body was shrouded in Shen Xi, and countless auras of plants and trees were attracted and poured into her body, providing a steady stream of energy.

She looked at the Shanhai Liantian Cauldron, a look of determination flashed on her face, flipped her palms, took out a delicate porcelain bottle, and poured out three drops of Taiyi Shenshui into the Shanhai Liantian Cauldron.


The Sect Master of Medicine King Sect and Elder Chunqiu exclaimed at the same time, but it was too late, Taiyi Shenshui merged into Dan Ding, and suddenly burst out with infinite power, and the majestic and vast energy rushed out.


With a loud bang, all the emperors and quasi-emperors were blasted out, and the mountain and sea refining cauldron was directly shattered into powder, and there was only one bright and bright elixir left in the void, which had been completely formed, with nine elixir patterns, And that Taiyi Shenshui is slowly turning into the tenth Dan pattern.

"Ten-Striped Absolute Pill! It's too nonsense, even the ancient emperor may not be able to catch the pill thunder tribulation of the emperor's ten-Striped Absolute Pill!"

Elder Chunqiu shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he also understood Yuxin's approach. Every alchemist has a dream of refining the ten-patterned elixir, not to mention the ten-patterned imperial elixir.

It's a pity that such a stunning and talented young girl Dan Emperor will die, leaving behind a magic pill that is enough to drive everyone crazy.


Those emperors and quasi emperors who participated in the maintenance of the cauldron all sighed softly and retreated towards the surroundings. Even they dared not get close to the next terrifying tribulation.

Thunder shone in the void, as if a kingdom of thunder had come into the world, crushing everything, firmly locking Yu Xin's position, as if to destroy her and the surrounding void.

In the azure light of the sky, Yu Xin's figure was extraordinarily thin, as if it would wither at any time, but there was no worry on her face, she just gently stroked the crystal clear jade ring on her fingertips.

The accidental refinement of the Ten-Striped Absolute Pill this time also caught her off guard, but she was not worried because she knew that with Zhang Tian standing behind her, she could block any wind and rain for her.

Time passed by, and the expressions of the surrounding powerhouses changed from regret to nervousness, from nervousness to doubt, from doubt to surprise, and in the end they couldn't help but talk.

It's just because the Thunder Divine Kingdom hanging above Jiuxiao has not descended for a long time.

But I don't know, at this time, the ancient heaven is also in chaos.

A sharp-mouthed General Lei Gong rushed into the Shenxiao Yufu, and said anxiously: "Report to Lei Zun, someone in the lower world is privately refining the ten-pattern emperor-grade True Blood Pill, what should I do?"

"Bold! There are laws in heaven, and ten pills cannot be condensed. Besides, the emperor's spirit pills, according to the laws of immortals, will be punished three times!" On the throne of Zijin, Jiutian Yingyuan, the supreme commander of the Lei Department, was so cold as to universalize Tianzun. He opened his mouth coldly, his eyes seemed to be burning with divine fire.

"However, that is the world of Shengyuan. The Emperor Buried is probably still there. Lei Zun forgot the last time Lord Tiandi..." General Lei Gong reminded cautiously.

"Grass, why didn't you say so sooner!" Thunder Puhua Tianzun scolded angrily.

Chapter 830 Don't offend Lord Tiandi!

There was silence in the hall, and the thunderous sound of Tianzun thought about it for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Lord Tiandi's precious daughter is a genius who is proficient in the way of alchemy, maybe these ten emperor-grade elixir are refined by her. Disobeying the heavenly rule has already provoked the wrath of the heavenly emperor, if this time it is committed to the heavenly emperor again, the consequences will be disastrous."

His Royal Highness General Lei Gong echoed: "That's right, what do you think Lord Tiandi is a domineering figure, unparalleled in the world, isn't his precious daughter the most honorable princess in the nine mountains and seas, who would dare to offend? Last time it was because of you, Lei Zun. The hard work and merits are high, and the Emperor of Heaven has opened up a side, but only slightly punished, but next time it will not be sure. According to the opinion of the subordinates, it is better to pretend not to see it this time."

Lei Shengpuhua Tianzun frowned and said: "The Ten-pattern Emperor Grade Absolute Pill has not been released for tens of thousands of years. If there is such a big movement, it is impossible for the Supervision Department to not know that if we do not follow the laws of immortality, we must You have to take the opportunity to be suppressed. But what you said makes sense. It is better to offend the Supervision Division than to offend the Emperor Burial, and you must not take this risk."

"Lei Zun is wise, then your subordinates will go to remove Jie Lei?" General Lei Gong bowed again.

Lei Shengpuhua Tianzun said: "Well, all of them are withdrawn. In the future, the punishment of Shengyuan World must be cautious, and when you can't make a decision, report it to me immediately."

"Your subordinates obey." General Lei Gong was overjoyed, and immediately turned around and left the hall.

But it said that the world of Shengyuan, Xi'er City, the venue of the Medicine King Ceremony.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Seeing that this great calamity of the gods had been hanging in the sky for a few hours, it didn't fall down, but the momentum was getting stronger and stronger, but it gave people a feeling of bluffing.

"Sect Master, this, this Pill Thunder Tribulation is different from what is recorded in the ancient books, why hasn't it descended?" Gu Chen stood beside the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect and asked carefully.

"You ask me, who am I to ask?" The sect master of Yaowangzong complained in his heart, and he is also confused now.

The inheritance of this medicine king sect can be said to be profound. In the heyday of the Middle Ages, he presided over the medicine king ceremony of the Ziwei star field, so that all the alchemists of the Ziwei star field all gathered in the Shengyuan world. They have experienced countless calamities, but they have never There are such weird moments.

"It's amazing! It's amazing!" Elder Chunqiu stood beside him, stroking his beard non-stop, and his beard was about to fall off.

The Dan Lei Tribulation of the Ten-patterned Emperor's Absolute Pill is so terrifying. The Great Emperor is in danger of dying. As a veteran alchemist, he understands the danger even more and keeps his heart in his throat. Come down.

Being so undecided all this time, his heart can't stand it at his age.

The atmosphere on the field was weird, and everyone didn't know what expressions to make, so they could only stand still. Could it be that something went wrong in this desolate ancient heaven, and the people who still executed the robbery were gone?

Even Yu Xin's gentle and indifferent personality could not keep her calm at this time. Her refining of this Emperor Grade True Blood Pill was of great use, but the pill could not be completely formed if the pill robbery persisted.

And she is not without means to catch the Dan Lei, as long as Zhang Tian's will in the Ice Spirit Jade Ring is released, she believes that no Dan Lei can hurt her.

After waiting for another half an hour, Yu Xin finally couldn't bear it any longer. Learning from Zi Yan's tone, she said loudly to the sky: "You Dan Thunder Tribulation, you are falling and not falling, scattered and not scattered, why?"


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, shocked by Yu Xin's boldness, and Elder Chunqiu's eyes almost fell out. He had lived for tens of thousands of years, and this was the first time he saw an alchemist who dared to challenge Dan Lei Jie. .

You must know that the person in charge of Tianwei now is the immortal official in the ancient heaven.The so-called human heart has a thought, and the world knows it. If there is no reward for good and evil, the universe will be lost. These words are likely to reach the ears of the immortal officials in charge of punishment.

However, what surprised everyone was that when Yu Xin's words fell, not only did the kingdom of thunder in the clouds of Jiuxiao not descend, but instead shrank rapidly, dissipating like clouds and mist, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

It's gone, it's gone, it's gone?

A Pill Thunder Tribulation with a ten-pattern Emperor Grade Absolute Pill, unexpectedly ended without a hitch.The Dan Thunder Tribulation of the three quasi-emperor-level elixir just now was extremely fierce. 315 Chinese website

This is the perfect explanation for me!

There was also a flash of surprise in Yu Xin's eyes. Even if she didn't care about it, the Dan Thunder Tribulation has two functions, one is to test the alchemist, and the other is to destroy the elixir in the elixir.

Now that the Pill Thunder Tribulation has disappeared, it means that the Pill Spirits in the Pill are still intact.

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