For example, the ancestor of the Southern Desolate Pill Pagoda, rumored to be an emperor-grade elixir that attained Taoism, has very powerful supernatural powers.

I saw Yuxin's hands forming a seal, as if the god of Sichun issued an edict, and countless plants and trees seemed to swarm from all directions, pouring into the emperor's true blood pill like the Yangtze River.

"I sealed the pill spirit with the forbidden method of sealing the sky!"

Yu Xin's expression was extremely solemn. The ten-patterned emperor-grade elixir was very powerful. Only by activating the Heaven Sealing Forbidden Law would she be [-]% sure to seal the elixir.


A violent explosion sounded, and the void around the Emperor's True Blood Pill was all shattered, and a shrill cry could be heard vaguely.

"Dan is done!"

There was an uproar in the audience, and no one bothered to care about the strange Dan Thunder Tribulation. At this moment, everyone's minds were attracted by the True Blood Pill with red blood like agate. It is very rare even in ancient times.

"Congratulations to the Moon God Envoy for successfully refining the ten-pattern Emperor Grade True Blood Pill. The title of Medicine King is well deserved."

"Envoy of the Moon God, this Emperor is willing to use [-] Emperor Grade Spirit Stones to purchase this True Blood Pill!"

"Only [-] emperor-grade spirit stones? My Huan Yin Sect is willing to give out [-] emperor-grade spirit stones."

"The value of this pill is not inferior to that of the Emperor Grade Divine Weapon. If the Moon God Envoy intends to sell it, I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy it."

All the quasi emperors went crazy and offered eye-popping high prices, and even the elders of Spring and Autumn couldn't help but ask for it.

However, Yu Xin was unmoved and said softly, "I've disappointed you all. I refine this elixir, and he will use it for other purposes."

When the words fell, Yu Xin raised her hand and waved forward, forming a huge blue-patterned palm, grabbing the Emperor Grade True Blood Pill, and squeezing it!

"Blood trail, come out!"

Yuxin flew into the sky, her fingers turned bloody, and all the bloodstains rushed in the same direction in the blood mist that the True Blood Pill burst out.


Suddenly there was a frantic voice from the crowd, but it was a fat Taoist priest with a vulgar appearance.

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect was surprised and said loudly, "This is my Sect's Glazed Phoenix Golden Cauldron, it's you, Duan Qingyun, the pirate!"

Chapter 831 Duan De sees the Emperor Burial!

"Damn, what tricks did you do, little girl!"

The fat Taoist cursed loudly, and the Liulihuang Jinding seemed to be trying to break free, but he was holding onto it tightly with both hands, looking like he was in a hurry.

Yu Xin chuckled and said, "I knew that with your audacity, you would definitely not take advantage of the Medicine King's ceremony to get out and leave, but just sit on the sidelines and laugh at the audience. If I don't catch you out, wouldn't it be even more important to let them go? You laugh at no one in the Great Sect?"

Elder Chunqiu's eyes flashed, and he said in surprise, "I dare to ask little friend Gu Chen, blood is the main ingredient for refining the True Blood Pill, but I don't know where the blood of the Moon God Envoy comes from?"

Gu Chen bowed slightly: "Report to Elder Chunqiu, this blood is the blood of pills taken from the disciples of Medicine King Sect."

Elder Chunqiu stroked his palms and said, "That's right, I have heard for a long time that the glazed phoenix golden cauldron has spirituality and needs to be cultivated with pill blood every day. The glazed phoenix golden cauldron is of the same origin. Then, using the supreme blood to draw the secret method to make the true blood pill and the glazed phoenix golden cauldron resonate, naturally, Duan Qingyun can be captured by following the vine."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience. Only then did she know that Yu Xin was refining True Blood Pills every time. Using the ten-patterned Emperor's True Blood Pill as bait, he caught Duan Qingyun who stole the Underworld Emperor's Seal and the Glazed Glass Phoenix Golden Cauldron!

Such a layout can be described as scheming and calm, and no one can guard against it.

"The Luna Envoy's plan is so thorough, this Emperor admires!"

"Haha, it really is a tiger father without a dog daughter, Master Zhang's martial arts are sky-high, and the three daughters are all dragons and phoenixes."

"It's a very precise layout, but it's a pity to lose a ten-pattern Emperor Grade True Blood Pill, which is enough to create a strong Emperor Realm."

Many quasi emperors opened their mouths one after another, some marveled at Yuxin's extraordinary talent, and some lamented the loss of the ten-pattern emperor's true blood pill. After all, in the eyes of many physicist quasi emperors, the ten-pattern emperor's true blood pill is proof of the Tao. Hope, it is not much worse than the seal of Hades.

The fat Taoist Duan Qingyun's face was originally very ugly, but after listening to Yuxin's words, he couldn't help laughing and nodded: "It's an interesting layout, even the Taoist I have calculated. As the first emperor of the mainland, he has the power to suppress the power of Emperor Ming and Liu Shen, his eldest daughter is thoughtful, and the third daughter is arrogant and domineering, but there is very little information about the second daughter, and now it seems that he is also a powerful character.

At the same time, in the bronze immortal hall hidden somewhere, an old Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe was jumping in despair.

Upon closer inspection, it can be found that the appearance of this old Taoist priest is at least seven points similar to Duan Qingyun.

The only difference is that this old Taoist has a more terrifying aura and more luxurious equipment. Just that Taoist robe is engraved with more than a dozen powerful immortal formations. Ordinary true immortals are afraid that they will retreat when they see this Taoist robe. .

At this moment, the old Taoist priest was looking at the venue of the Empty Mirror Chinese Medicine King Ceremony, with a look of hating iron.

"Duan Qingyun, Duan Qingyun, how prestigious I am the Hell Emperor, I have not missed a tomb for tens of millions of years, you are really embarrassing to my ancestor, say it, my descendants of Duan De have people caught personal loot and Huo, then why don't you laugh at other people's big teeth? How can I travel in the nine mountains and seas?" 100% Novel Network www.[-]

The old Taoist walked back and forth in the Immortal Hall, constantly cursing and swearing, looking very irritable.

Suddenly, he stopped, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, and said to himself: "No, the Underworld Emperor Seal is a treasure planned by many quasi-immortal emperors, and many pairs of eyes are staring at me, Duan De can't afford to lose this person. , we must fish this kid out first, and I will slowly tune him later."

He turned to look at the empty mirror, his eyes moved to Yu Xin, and he gritted his teeth and said: "It's all your fault, you little girl, you have a bad stomach at such a young age, and you will get it later? I'll punish you a little first."

After speaking, the old Taoist Duan De showed a gloomy smile, took out a black ring and hit the empty mirror, shattering the void, and heading straight for Yuxin.

But at this moment, the black ring that was piercing the void was suddenly imprisoned by a mysterious force, which cut off Duan De's connection with the black ring almost in an instant, and pinned him on the black ring. kill.


In the Bronze Immortal Hall, Duan De was suddenly severely injured, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood, exclaiming: "Who is it, who dares to plot against the emperor?"

He was extremely shocked. With his shocking cultivation, he couldn't find many opponents in the world. Someone could cut off his soul imprint in an instant. This is simply incredible, unless it is...

Just when Duan De was thinking about it, the void beside him suddenly rippled, and a young man in white walked out with a calm expression, playing with the black ring fairy treasure in his hand.

"Duan De, what do you want to do to this emperor's daughter?" Zhang Tian said indifferently, and with a slight force on his fingertips, the black ring made of peerless immortal gold shattered into powder.

Before Duan De turned around, he only heard this familiar voice, and his heart stopped abruptly for two beats. After turning around and seeing Zhang Tian's face, he felt an impulse to hit the wall.

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