"It turned out to be the Emperor of Heaven. Duan De sees Lord Heavenly Emperor." Duan De bowed his body, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, cursing in his heart.

To say that the person Duan De wants to see the most in the world is not the quasi-immortal emperor who chases and kills him everywhere, but the emperor buried in heaven!

Because of these nine mountains and seas, only the Emperor Buried Heaven was the one he didn't dare to calculate. Not only did he not dare to calculate, but he even had to let him be dispatched after the other party gave an order.

God knows, when the Burial Emperor put him in charge of supervising the creation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it was just that small order that trapped him for three million years.

He is a dignified newly promoted quasi-immortal emperor, or a quasi-immortal emperor who proves the Tao by the method of reincarnation. He has a bright future, but because of an order from the Emperor Burial, he can only stay in the dark and dark world, like an absentee, diligent and diligent, It took three million years of hard work and strength to retire.

In particular, he worked tirelessly for so long, but the reward he got was just a 'good job' from the Emperor Burial, and he casually gave him the title of 'Hell Emperor'.

What is this called!

Chapter 832 Duan De's Resentment to the Emperor Buried

Maybe others think that it is an unparalleled honor to be praised by the first emperor of all ages, but who is Duan De?That is the master who can't see the rabbit but not the eagle, and only likes the treasures and the supreme exercises by nature.

From Duan De's point of view, what's the use of your compliment for burying the Emperor of Heaven?It's better to give me the benefits of a quasi-immortal emperor soldier, or just pass me a quasi-immortal emperor method.

Since then, Duan De has labelled the Emperor Buried as a 'stingy', and sent him to serve three million years of hard labor. Able to respect.

Five million years ago, the Emperor Burial disappeared mysteriously, and the ancient heaven was headless.

When Duan De heard the news, he jumped a dozen feet in excitement. An ancient tomb of the Immortal King was half dug and stopped digging. He ran out and set off more than a hundred strings of firecrackers to celebrate. He laughed with tears in his eyes, a kind of injustice. The feeling of getting snow.

To say that in this world, there are many strong people who make him fearful, but the only one who can make him feel afraid from the bottom of his heart is Emperor Burial.Therefore, after learning that Emperor Burial was missing, his courage skyrocketed tenfold in an instant.

After so many years, Duan De was at ease in the heavens and the world, and he almost forgot about the Emperor Burial. He didn't expect to bump into this small world.

Knowing this earlier, let alone the mountain and sea road tire, even if there is a complete heart of the mountain and sea in the world of Shengyuan, he will never come over.

"Looking at your face, is it because you don't want to see this emperor?" Zhang Tian said with a smile on his face.

Duan De was startled, and quickly put on a smile and said, "How dare, how dare, Lord Tiandi knows that Duan De was born in a fight, with bad luck on his body, and he was afraid of ruining Lord Tiandi's luck, so he was a little lost."

"Destroy the luck of this emperor? The ancient demon gods of the past did not dare to boast such rhetoric. It seems that you have grown a lot over the years, and you have swelled." Zhang Tian said with a faint smile.

Duan De said with a sad face: "Aiya, the Heavenly Emperor's luck is very good, and he is number one in all ages, so don't make fun of Xiaoxian. Duan De is a gutless person, and he can't stand the Emperor's jokes."

"A gutless person? I think you are very courageous. Do you know that the person you were trying to plot is the daughter of this emperor?" Zhang Tian's face suddenly turned cold, and an invisible power permeated the entire immortal. temple.

"What? This, this is the flood of the Dragon King Temple!"

Duan De's face turned pale with fright, and he rolled his eyes immediately, and said: "As expected of Lord Tiandi, she is indeed a goddaughter, Xiaoxian spent all her time for that bastard junior, and did not hesitate to shield him from the air, but still Being caught by the eldest miss hurts. With such a resourcefulness, Duan De can say that the entire nine mountains and seas are not more than the number of one hand, and there are people who have descendants of the Emperor Buried.

Zhang Tian sneered and said: "Stop talking about those useless things. This emperor broke your black ring, just a small punishment. In addition, how should you compensate for the fright of this emperor's daughter?"

"My black ring was intercepted by you as soon as I made a move. Your daughter doesn't even know that someone is plotting, where is the shock?" Duan De complained wildly in his heart, but the Emperor Buried Heaven's words and followed the law, how could it be? Can he object?

There is no way, the weak will be beaten, even if it is put on the quasi-immortal emperor.Aizw.net www.aizw.net

"Then how should Xiaoxian compensate for the emperor's opinion?" Duan De asked cautiously, with a distraught expression on his face. With his wealth-obsessed character, taking the treasure from his hand was like killing him. Still uncomfortable.

When Zhang Tian saw Duan De's expression, he immediately thought of Zi Yan. These two guys are very similar in terms of financial fans, and they are both indomitable masters.

"The Six Paths Reincarnation Disk or the Ancient Emperor's Order, one of the two." Zhang Tian said neatly.

"Robbery!" Duan De howled, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

He lived for tens of millions of years, and he was most proud of these two treasures.

The former was when he supervised the creation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, when he spied a trace of the Dao's savvy, which matched the reincarnation path he had learned, and forged the supreme quasi-immortal emperor soldier. It can be said that he is the strongest embodiment of the Reincarnation Dao method.

The latter's origin is even greater. It is a rare treasure that he accidentally obtained in the forbidden area of ​​​​the alien race during the reincarnation of the century. The mystery of the battle of gods, even he has not been able to study it thoroughly.

These two treasures are enough to destroy [-]% of the quasi-immortal emperor's soldiers. I don't know how many quasi-immortal emperors are jealous. Duan De sees it as more valuable than life. Now Zhang Tian asked him to give up one of them, which is simply unbearable.

"Emperor Burial, this punishment is too harsh, right?" Duan De said with a bitter face. If another person dared to hit him with these two treasures, he would be sure to fight with the other party, but Emperor Burying couldn't, because he didn't want to. , I really can't beat it, I don't even have a half-point chance of winning.

"Hmph, if it doesn't make your flesh hurt, how can you remember your fault today? You didn't hurt this time. If you did hurt Ben Emperor's daughter, do you believe that Ben Emperor wiped out your existence on the Avenue of Time?"

Zhang Tian said lightly, although it was just a casual sentence, the horror contained in it made Duan De shudder.

If Zhang Tian really did this, even if Duan De was proficient in reincarnation, he would not be spared, and he was sure that the Emperor Buried Heaven, who replaced the sky with his body, was capable of doing this.

"It's okay, it's okay, I hunt wild geese all day long, and one day I will be pecked blind. This time, Duan De admits it. Emperor Burial said directly which treasure he wants. Both of them are my favorite treasures. I really can't do it. make a decision."

Duan De was almost on the verge of crying, the voice was so desolate that it made those who heard it sad and those who saw it wept.

Zhang Tian looked at his appearance of being a fortune fan, but instead smiled, and said thoughtfully: "If that's the case, then you should hand over the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although this treasure is precious, the reincarnation method in it is already well-known to you, and it is not practical for you. It's of no use."

Duan De was speechless. God is useless. This is a quasi-immortal emperor soldier. Even if it is used as a brick, it should be stronger than most immortal king treasures, okay?

Not to mention that the six-path reincarnation plate not only contains the reincarnation Dao method that he has realized in his life, but also contains a precious avenue of wisdom. Although it is not very helpful to him, for other people, it is simply comprehend the reincarnation Dao method. The strongest treasure.

In order to plan for his daughter, the emperor of the funeral has reached the point of opening his eyes and talking nonsense.

Chapter 833 Extortion and Extortion of Emperor Burial

But there is no way, it's still the same sentence, since fists are justice, Duan De is considered a big man in the nine mountains and seas, but in front of Emperor Burial, he is also a bigger ant, and he has no qualifications to negotiate. He still understands this truth.

Besides, what Zhang Tian said was right. Although the Six Paths Reincarnation Disc and the Ancient Emperor Token were treasures of the same level, the Ancient Emperor Token was more useful to him. , might make him go further.

After thinking about all this, Duan De also recognized it neatly. He flipped his right hand and took out a circular dharma plate. The whole body exudes a white golden fairy light. It seems that there is a long river flowing inside, and you can see the past and future at a glance.

Different from ordinary quasi-immortal emperor soldiers who mainly attack and defend, the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk is an auxiliary treasure, which is equivalent to the ultimate of the Reincarnation Seal he created. Reincarnation, almost immortal.

Of course, as a quasi-immortal emperor weapon, its difficulty to use is also breaking through the sky. It not only requires a very high level of cultivation, but also has certain attainments in reincarnation.

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