"You're smart."

The corner of Zhang Tian's mouth curled up, he raised his hand and took the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk into his hand, and watched it left and right. This Reincarnation Immortal Treasure was useless to him, but it was different for Yuxin. The reincarnation law in the six-path reincarnation plate is fully understood, and it is enough to be invincible in the Immortal King Realm. It is a peerless treasure that can be relied on to prove the Tao.

After appreciating for a while, Zhang Tian's face showed a touch of satisfaction, such a treasure, it is worth him to put down his body and do extortion activities for a while.

"Lord Tiandi, since Xiaoxian has already made an apology, can you let Xiaoxian save the unsatisfactory junior?" Duan De reluctantly watched Zhang Tian put away the six-path reincarnation disk, and hurriedly asked another question.

He didn't forget Duan Qingyun's current situation. It doesn't matter if this little bastard is dead. If he loses face as a tomb robber, it will be very bad.

Zhang Tian glanced at him and said softly: "Have you forgotten the rules of the nine great mountains and seas? Tianjiao is fighting for the front, the elders behind you must not intervene, you can be wild beside you, and you plan to be unscrupulous in front of this emperor?"

"This...Xiaoxian dare not." Duan De bowed with a sad face.

"Look at it honestly. This time it's a big game. If anyone can't help but take the lead, they'll give up their qualifications to play chess. Are those quasi-immortal emperors really going to tolerate you?" Zhang Tian said in a flat tone.

When Duan De heard this, he narrowed his triangular eyes and said, "The Emperor of Heaven means that those quasi-immortal emperors are all peeping in the dark, waiting for me to take action, and then besieging me together?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Otherwise, do you think you can hide from the sky with a single seal of reincarnation? You must be underestimating the heroes of the world."

"He is an immortal, and he is really the most poisonous quasi-immortal emperor. Every single one of them is wilted. If it wasn't for the reminder from Lord Tiandi, I'm afraid I would really fall into their trap this time."

Duan De showed a fearful expression. You must know that there are quite a few quasi-immortal emperors in this layout that he is also afraid of. If they are really besieged together, even if he does not die, he will have to take off a layer of skin.At that time, not only will he miss out on the Shanhai Road, but he will also be disgraced and become the laughing stock of the nine mountains and seas.Feiku Novel Network www.txtwww.com

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Duan De's eyes, and he exclaimed: "Lord Tiandi knew about the situation of the mountains and seas early in the morning, but he has been hiding in the dark, sitting and watching the changes?"

Zhang Tian smiled indifferently and did not answer.

"The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and the Emperor Burying the Heaven is the number one in all ages. It really lives up to its reputation, and I, Duan De, are convinced this time. It's ridiculous that these quasi-immortal emperors have tried their best to plan for thousands of years, and in the end they just gave Lord Tiandi is just a wedding dress."

Duan De showed a schadenfreude expression. Originally he was not the planner of this chess game. He just happened to be at the right time and plunged in to make trouble. He didn't care much about Shanhai Road tires, so he naturally enjoyed watching this group of quasi-immortal emperors. Eat deflated.

After being complacent, Duan De nervously looked at the scene in the empty mirror. He was now certain that those quasi-immortal emperors who planned behind the scenes would not easily take action. In this case, Duan Qingyun may not have the possibility to escape.

At this time, the Shengyuan World, Xi'er City, and the venue of the Medicine King's Grand Ceremony were full of chills.

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect said angrily: "Well, you thief, who stole my Medicine King Sect's most precious Dan Ding, was caught out in public, and you even dared to make a lot of nonsense. I really don't know whether to call you arrogant or shallow and ignorant."

Duan Qingyun sneered and said: "Master Dao, I have smashed thirty-two emperor's tombs in my life, and the treasures I have stolen are countless, and I even stole the seal of the emperor under the eyes of the emperor. But the thief didn't get away, so he took the most precious glass phoenix golden cauldron, if there is no moon envoy today, who can find my trace?"

When everyone heard the words, they all took a deep breath and stole thirty-two tombs of the great emperors. This is too unreasonable, isn't it, is it something that can be done by humans?

The Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect was so angry that he vomited blood. He had never seen such a brazen person in his life who stole the treasure of the Medicine King Sect, and even looked disgusted.

Yu Xin smiled slightly and said softly: "Daoyou Duan's tomb robbery skills are indeed rare in the world. If you use them in the right way, you may not be able to become a generation of masters, and even leave a name for eternity. Why let yourself bear a lifetime of infamy and become a thief that everyone shouts and beats. ?"

"Yo! As expected of the envoy of the Moon God, I have heard more words than those old antiques. Daoist, my ability is not the first in the world, but it can also be ranked in the top three, but what does the world's evaluation have to do with me? Lord, I just want to be a master, and also a tomb master!" Duan Qingyun said with a big mouth, not ashamed, but proud.

The surrounding god emperors and quasi emperors were stunned. I really felt that this person was crazy. I am afraid that only this kind of person would go crazy and go to the Xuanming Sect to steal the seal of the emperor of the underworld.

Yu Xin said softly: "In today's situation, thousands of god emperors and quasi emperors are all here to take you. Duan Daoyou can't escape with his own abilities, but I can show you a clear path."

Duan Qingyun squinted and said: "Listen to this tone, could it be that the Moon God Envoy is planning to protect me?"

Yuxin said: "Daoyou Duan is indeed knowledgeable. After my father heard Daoyou Duan's deeds, he appreciated it. If you are willing to join our Three Gods Sect, even Xuanming Sect or the deity of Emperor Underworld will never dare to trouble fellow Daoists. ."

"Haha, what the envoy of the Moon God has said is really pleasant, but Daoist I have not been a scumbag all these years. What kind of person is Zhang Jiao, who can take a fancy to my two hundred catties of fat? I am afraid that it is not me, but a The Underworld Emperor Seal in my hand." Duan Qingyun said with a sneer, unmoved.

Chapter 834 The quasi-immortal emperor behind the Xuanming Sect

In the distant Bronze Immortal Hall, Duan De heard Duan Qingyun's words, his forehead was almost angry, and he scolded this unsatisfactory junior ten thousand times in his heart.

You said that when you are not good at pretending, if you have to pretend at this time, you don't know that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. If you annoy this precious daughter of the Emperor Buried, it is not your ancestor who is unlucky.

Thinking of this, Duan De looked at Zhang Tian cautiously, wanting to see his face.

Sensing Duan De's action, Zhang Tian glanced at him angrily, and said in a low voice, "This emperor doesn't have so much leisure time, Tianjiao contends for the front, the brave takes the lead, if this emperor's daughter can't even bear this storm alone, How to deal with the bloody battle of mountains and seas on the battlefield of ten thousand races in the future? Don't think of this emperor as the same as you."

Duan De's little chicken nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes, the Emperor Buried Heaven swallows the universe and has the mission to protect the nine mountains and seas. Naturally, it is different from the idle people like Xiaoxian, but Xiaoxian uses the villain as a villain. The heart is the belly of a gentleman."

Zhang Tian shook his head and stopped talking to Duan De. This guy is just a hobhead. He doesn't have any immortal emperor style. Talking to him too much will make himself uncomfortable.

However, Yuxin said that at the Medicine King Grand Ceremony, Yu Xin was not unhappy when she heard Duan Qingyun's words, but said briskly: "Daoyou Duan himself, whether it is the seal of the Underworld Emperor, my promise will not change, as long as fellow Daoist Duan is willing to join the Three Gods Religion, my father It will protect you comprehensively, and even if you want to prove the Great Emperor, it can provide you with enough resources."

Many god emperors and quasi emperors couldn't help but feel very excited when they heard the words. These conditions are really excellent. As long as they donate the seal of the underworld emperor, they can get a big backer, and even promise to give resources to the emperor of the Tao. The whole world is afraid Only Zhang Tian can do this alone.

"Jie Jie, the Moon God Envoy said so, it's too much to take my Xuanming Sect in the eyes, right?"

A tragic and sharp voice suddenly appeared in the venue, accompanied by a large number of gloomy winds, and the two figures were looming, like ghosts.

"It's the black and white impermanence of the Xuanming Sect!" You Zhundi recognized the identities of these two people and couldn't help exclaiming.

The rest of the people took a few steps back when they heard the words, showing a look of panic. Although these two people only had the peak cultivation of the Emperor Zhundi, they could kill the Emperor when they cooperated.

"Giggle, big brother, look, these people are quite discerning, and they know that we are black and white impermanence." Bai Wuchang flashed out of the cloudy wind, holding his orchid fingers, his voice was sharp and thin.

She stood at the top of a palace, her white ghost robe fluttering in the wind, her slender limbs seemed to be broken with just a little force, and her small face was painted with various ghost lines, which looked very gloomy.

"Envoy of the Moon God, thank you for drawing out the thief who stole the Xuanming Seal. We will leave the rest to our Xuanming Sect."

Hei Wuchang flashed out from the other end, standing opposite Bai Wuchang, enclosing Duan Qingyun in the middle.

He was very tall, but his body was very weak, like a bamboo pole stand, wearing a high hat with a ghost, miserable, revealing the power of Senluo hell.

"That's right! Duan Qingyun, you shameless little thief, how dare you steal the seal of the Underworld Emperor of my Xuanming Sect, which makes the Underworld Emperor furious, and it's no better to hurt my brother and sister. In order to chase and kill you, you are running around day and night. , this time, I will take your head and slash it with thousands of swords to vent my anger!" Bai Wuchang screamed, and a large cloud of yin gushed out from her body, instantly covering the sky and the sun.

"Sister, don't be impatient, this Qingyun is also a hero. As long as he is willing to hand over the seal of the Underworld Emperor, our brothers and sisters are not bloodthirsty people. It's okay to leave him a whole corpse."

Hei Wuchang's voice was slow and elegant, as if he was holding a Zhizhu. At the same time, a large amount of yin qi poured out of him, blending with the yin qi emanating from Bai Wuchang, turning into a huge yin dragon moving towards Duan. The blue cloud covered it and went away.

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