"Is Dad here all the time?"

Yu Xin blinked her eyes with a hint of surprise, and then said with a gloomy expression: "Yu Xin disappointed her father and failed to catch Duan Qingyun, obviously it was only a little short."

Zhang Tian shook his head and said: "You are wrong, that's not a little bit worse. Under the circumstances at that time, even if Emperor Hades and God Liu were present, Duan Qingyun would never be left behind."

Yu Xin was surprised: "Why?"

Zhang Tianzheng was about to speak, suddenly glanced at Li Linger behind him, and said softly, "Go down first."

"As ordered." Li Ling'er hurriedly bowed again and obediently retreated.Biquge dm www.zhaidm.com

Zhang Tian just said to Yu Xin what he had said to the ruthless man before, the layout of the mountain and sea road, the layout of the quasi-immortal emperor, these Yu Xin have long known, so he quickly straightened out the key.

"It turns out that Duan Qingyun also has a quasi-immortal emperor behind him. No wonder he dares to be so bold." Yu Xin was a little shocked after hearing this.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Not only that, the reincarnation seal used by Duan Qingyun to escape was formed by the quasi-immortal emperor behind him, even the quasi-immortal king can't break the defense, let alone you. Besides, you are not Got nothing."

Yu Xin nodded slightly when she heard the words, spread her palms out, laying this small piece of Taoist robe in her palm, and said in deep thought: "With Duan Qingyun's caution, after escaping, he will definitely abandon the glazed phoenix golden cauldron, but this piece of Taoist robe belongs to him. The personal things will keep him a little bit of breath, even if he takes off the robe, it is useless. The elder sister is now asking the old man Tianji at Tianji Terrace, and I hope this object can help her. "

"This is indeed a key item. As for whether it can play an ideal role, it depends on your own efforts..."

Zhang Tianyou said, before he finished speaking, suddenly, the world changed drastically.

The voices of countless ghosts and wolf howls came from the ground, as if the evil spirits in the underworld were roaring, the thunder of the gods shone above the sky, and huge thunder dragons passed by, as if the ancient gods reappeared and were about to crush the heavens.

"Shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, what the hell happened?" Yu Xin looked around at a loss, only to see a chaotic space storm all around. will collapse.

Such a scene is very terrifying, because Yuxin can clearly sense that no one is deliberately targeting her, but the whole world of Shengyuan is like this. Who can have such a strong will to make a world tremble?

Zhang Tian raised his hand and waved, and the surrounding space storm stopped immediately, and there was no more waves, as if everything just now was an illusion.

He looked up at the sky, as if he could see the sky through the layers of void, and said softly: "The first chess player has already made his move, and this shocking drama is about to begin completely. I don't know how many people will survive by the end. , a few people fell."

In the Southern Wilderness, Tianji Mountain, like a huge Hongyue, stretches across the earth, and the sight is inexhaustible, as if it is directly connected to the sky.

On the top of the cloud-covered mountain, the ruthless man stood with his hands behind his back, three feet of blue silk fluttering in the wind, and his body was illuminated by the rays of the avenue, like an ancient god, awe-inspiring and not to be offended.

She looked at the sea of ​​​​clouds in front of her, and suddenly her expression became solemn. She stretched out a plain white palm and shot it towards the void. The cloud and mist in front of her seemed to be cut by a sharp sword and rolled to the sides, only to see a blue Aura rushed into her palm.

When the brilliance had dissipated, an elegant flying sword of communication appeared between the forefinger and the middle finger of the ruthless man. The sword body was only six inches in size, engraved with a half-moon, and the fluorescent light circulated. It looked truly exquisite.

"It's a letter from the second sister."

The ruthless man said to himself, and read the information contained in the flying sword with his divine sense. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and whispered: "Since Duan Qingyun has appeared in Xi'er City."

As she spoke, there was an extra piece of Taoist robe in her hand.

Chapter 839 The Shadow of the Phoenix in the Xuanming Sect!

Tianji Temple, located at the top of Tianji Mountain, is surrounded by clouds, and the void is full of forbidden sky formations. In recent years, the old people of Tianji have retreated in it. This place is even classified as a forbidden area. , to enter.

But at this moment, there was a smashing wind and waves that flew past from a distance, without passing through the guard entrance below, but passed directly from the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Several disciples guarding the entrance looked up at the sky, and one of the new disciples exclaimed: "Who is this, who dares to trespass the forbidden area, and quickly report the police."

After speaking, the disciple took out a jade talisman that was about to burst, but was kicked to the ground by an older disciple.

"What are you talking about! That's the god of the sun, with a distinguished status, you are courting death yourself, don't drag us." Another old disciple said angrily.

The new disciple fell to the ground with a confused look on his face, and asked in doubt: "Who is the envoy of the Sun God? How could I not know that the Heavenly Secret Sect still has such a position, is it more honorable than the young master?"

The disciple who kicked him snorted coldly, "Aren't you stupid to practice all day long? You don't even know about the gods? Naturally, the gods are not from the Tianji sect, but the eldest daughter of the leader of the Three Gods Sect, the three gods. Does the sect master know? There are several great emperors who died in his hands as the first person in the mainland. Even Emperor Hades and God Liu are not his opponents! His precious daughter, even the great emperor of the ancient great sect would not dare Neglect, how can it be compared with the young master."

The new disciple got up and said flatteringly, "Senior brothers also know that our Tianji Mountain is isolated from the world, and the news has always been different. In order to be promoted to semi-sage, the younger brother has been in seclusion for several years, and his ears are even more blocked, but they don't know that. Big man, why did you come to our Heavenly Secret Sect?"

A simple and honest-looking disciple said: "The envoy of the sun is no longer an outsider. When he was the King of Nanling of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty in his early years, he practiced in Tianji Mountain for a period of time. There should be other important things here, no. We should ask."

"Yes, yes, junior and junior are taught, it's just..." The new disciple nodded again and again, and then he wondered: "Isn't the top of Tianji Mountain covered with the forbidden sky, why is the Sun God able to walk freely? Could it be from the inside? The elder deliberately blocked the magic circle for her?"

"That's not true, it's not that the elders don't want it, it's that the Japanese envoys don't need it at all. They have their own secret techniques that can travel freely in the forbidden space. Listening to the young master, it seems to be some kind of space technique. Fantastic?" a disciple said conspicuously.

"Awesome, powerful, these mountain protection formations of our sect are all arranged by our ancestors. Even if the emperor enters it, it will be difficult to move. Asylum, isn't it safe to sit back and relax?"

"That's natural."

A group of disciples discussed it for a while, then resumed their seriousness and stood on both sides of the entrance.

But he said that in the Tianji Temple, a flash of light flashed, showing the figure of a ruthless man, and when the flowing hair fell firmly on Xiang's shoulders, he said slowly: "Sect Master Tianji, I ask you to calculate Duan Qingyun's whereabouts, you But you have repeatedly declined, are you really unwilling to help?"

The old man Tianji sitting on the main seat had gray hair, and his two white eyebrows almost fell to the ground. After listening to Ruthless Man, he trembled slightly, and sighed softly: "Sun God Envoy, this old man is very clear, it is not The old man is unwilling to help, and his ability is really poor. There is a very powerful mysterious force shrouded in that Duan Qingyun, not to mention me, even the previous suzerain, the previous suzerain, can never be calculated. "

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said, "This envoy believed what you said, but the situation has changed now. Just a few days ago, Duan Qingyun appeared in Xi'er City and happened to be caught by my sister, not only using up most of the mysterious power in his body, but also It was because he tore off a piece of his Taoist robe, so I want to ask Sect Master Tianji to do it again."

After speaking, the ruthless man threw the fragment of the Taoist robe and said solemnly: "This is the last time, whether it is successful or not, the envoy will go down the mountain." 16 Reading www.16dushu.com

The white hair in front of the old man's face suddenly swayed, revealing a very serious face, he gently pinched the fragment of the robe, and said solemnly: "The Sun God's envoy has come to this point, the old man will try his best to calculate it for you once. ."

The voice fell, and a thick and obscure momentum erupted from the old man of Tianji, causing the void above his head to crack inch by inch, turning into a chaotic nothingness, and then lit up a star after another, forming a million in the blink of an eye, the stars shine, Like a sky full of stars.

Ruthless people carefully observe, this is a great opportunity to comprehend "Ziwei Doushu".

I don't know how long it took, those stars suddenly became disillusioned, disappearing one by one, until the last one left, the light shines, and it hangs into the seal made by the old man of Tianji.

A wisp of fresh blood escaped from the corner of the old man's mouth, and his eyes were even more bloodshot. At this time, he didn't care about all of this, and kept urging the injection of True Yuan into Yin Jue, shouting: "Congeal!"

In an instant, the palm-sized seal suddenly burst out, like a picture scroll opened, countless mountains, rivers and mountains are displayed in it, and the previously fallen stars turned into fingertip-sized light spots and stopped at one place on the picture scroll.

The ruthless man pinched "Ziwei Doushu", sucked the spot of light over, and said in surprise: "Duan Qingyun is in Donghua City?"

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