The old man Tianji dissipated the ray of light and said tiredly: "It's within [-] miles to the left of Donghua City, because he is still moving, so you need to go there to find out the exact location."

The ruthless man nodded and said: "I understand, I would like to thank the Sect Master Tianji for helping me this time. If I encounter trouble in the future, my Three Gods Religion will do my best to protect it."

There was a smile on the corner of the old man's mouth, and he insisted: "The words of the gods of the day are not worth the old man's loss of thirty years of life."

"Then the envoy will take the first step, and Sect Master Wang Tianji cherishes it."

The ruthless man clenched his fists slightly, turned and left the hall, performed the Great Void Technique, and in the blink of an eye appeared on a peak ten miles away from Tianji Mountain.

"When I arrive, at least a few days, as many as half a month, I still need to send someone to stabilize the Qingyun first, remember that Zi Yan should be almost at Donghua City." The ruthless man muttered to himself.

Then, a communication flying sword engraved with the imprint of the scorching sun rose into the sky and escaped into the clouds.

At the same time, in the secret hall on the eighteenth floor of the underground of the Xuanming Sect, a dark river that was flowing calmly suddenly burst into waves, and the black water in the river rolled up and turned into a black phoenix.

In the next instant, a large gust of gloomy wind swept through, setting off everything, the Underworld Emperor dressed as an emperor burst out of the sky, stood by the river, slightly cupped his hands and said, "See Lord Tianhuang, what are your orders?"

The black phoenix roared: "Trash, the Emperor of the Underworld is imprinted in Donghua City, send someone to fetch it quickly! If this time fails again, this phoenix will not be lenient!"

Chapter 840 The Wrath of the Immortal Phoenix!

Emperor Underworld's face sank, and he seemed to remember something terrible, with a hint of fear in his eyes, and said solemnly: "Could it be that Tianhuang has already solved the great power behind Duan Qingyun?"

"You mean that immoral Heavenly Emperor? Humph! If he dares to obstruct my undead phoenix clan's grand plan, I will take action to suppress him!" the black phoenix said coldly.

Emperor Hades cupped his hands and said, "Since Lord Tianhuang has made a plan, then this Emperor will send someone to Donghua City to find out that Qingyun!"

"Better! You must always remember who gave you this life, I can make you live, and I can also make you die!!"

The black phoenix made an ear-piercing shriek, and the entire underground palace was suddenly violent, and the raging waves swept through the dark river, as if the end of the world had come, the word 'death' surrounded the underground palace for a long time.

"Respectfully send Lord Tianhuang." Emperor Ming's body was still slightly bowed, his eyes were tightly closed, and he did not move.

After a long time, Emperor Hades stood up straight, and the surroundings were calm, as if nothing had happened, but his face was gloomy and terrifying, with boiling flames burning in his pupils.

At this moment, the void not far away flashed, and an old woman leaning on the crutches with a dragon head walked out, and said in a low voice: "Emperor Underworld, do we have to let this evil spirit drive us?"

Emperor Ming clenched his fists tightly, his nails almost sinking into the flesh, and said coldly, "The strength of this undead phoenix is ​​far beyond your imagination. This emperor is just an ant in front of her. If it weren't for her, Xuan Ming would still be of use. Where you teach, you only need to breathe out, you and I, including the entire Xuanming Sect, will all be wiped out!"

The old woman was shocked and said: "It turned out to be such a strong person, even you can't fight against Emperor Underworld, so she doesn't, doesn't she have the realm of immortals?"

"Xian? Ordinary true immortals and immortal kings are not worth mentioning in front of her." Emperor Hades sneered, but his eyes were full of coldness.

The old woman was really shocked this time, and even the Immortal King can despise it. It is self-evident what kind of terrifying strength he should have. Such a character exists at the peak of the entire Ninth Mountain and Sea.

"Oh my god, didn't it mean that after the Zhantian era, all the immortals and gods were silent? Besides, our Shengyuan world is only a small world now. Even if it is promoted to a large world, how can we get such supreme respect?" said very confused.

The Underworld Emperor smiled and sighed: "The immortal gods are silent? It's just hidden behind the scenes. Besides, that existence has transcended everything. Unless she wants to, who can silence her."

"Then what should we do next?" the old woman asked tentatively.

A glint of light flashed in Emperor Ming's eyes, and he said coldly: "Duan Qingyun appeared in Donghua City, and this time he will be brought back to Xuanming Sect. You order to let the four major Yan Jun dispatch at the same time!"

The old woman said in a low voice, "My subordinates obeyed. It just so happens that Black and White Impermanence is near Donghua City at this time, so let them respond first, but..."

"Just what?" Hades said coldly.

The old woman raised her head and said tentatively, "Then Donghua City is located in the East Wasteland, but it is within the control of the Three Gods Religion. If we send people over, I am afraid it will arouse the other party's vigilance."

"Three Gods Religion?" Emperor Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and the invincible gesture of Zhang Tian's hand to suppress the heavens and the earth appeared in his mind, and mocked: "We have to make the momentum bigger, if that Zhang Tian dares not to know his life or death. He came forward just so that the phoenix swallowed him."

The old woman also showed a hint of emotion, and cupped her hands: "This subordinate understands, let's go and make arrangements."

"Well." Search e-book

Emperor Ming put his hands on his back, watched the old woman leave, and then looked at the dark river that had no end to it, a past event quietly came to his mind.

At that time, it was still the heyday of the ancient Xuanming Sect, when the Star Wars broke out, and countless thousands of worlds scuffled together.

On the verge of danger, the Underworld Emperor dispatched the Ghost Lord to go to the bottom of the pot to draw wages, but he was besieged by more than a dozen unparalleled emperors.

In that battle, it was dark and dark, with more than a dozen battlefields. In the end, his real energy was low and he was knocked down into the endless abyss. He thought he would die, but was rescued by a phoenix with black flames all over his body.

That scene shocked him very much at that time. The black phoenix only squeaked and quelled all the monsters in the abyss.

You must know that it is a forbidden area with Immortal King Shenmian, but that phoenix has such strength, and flew out with him unimpeded. During the whole process, the forbidden area of ​​the abyss was like a dead area, silently making no sound.

From that moment, the Underworld Emperor understood that the strength of this black phoenix was far beyond his reach, and he couldn't even see his back.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After the black phoenix rescued him, he made a series of arrangements. Although he did not know the root cause, he also knew that a very terrifying secret must be involved.

"Humph! Today I am a chess piece, and when I turn over, I will have to bring your clan to the root!"

Emperor Ming looked at the dark river and swore in his heart.

On the other side, in Luofu City, which is three hundred miles away from Donghua City, Zi Yan is sitting comfortably on a large snow fox leather chair.

"Envoy of the Star God, this is a pear berry, a special product of our Louvre City. We also invite the envoy to taste it." A girl about [-] years old waited carefully with a tray.

More than a dozen people stood behind, each holding a plate of rare delicacies and waiting in line.

Zi Yan watched the juggling in the temple, opened her mouth slightly after hearing the sound, and a berry was carefully stuffed into her mouth by the girl.

"Well, um, good fruit, although the aura content is not high, but the juice is full of water and the taste is very good, change it." Zi Yan said vaguely, her eyes still looking at the juggling in the center of the field, watching it with relish.

The girl was praised, her eyes instantly turned into crescents, she put the fruit plate on the table, bowed slightly, and retreated to the side.

The girl attendant behind was about to step forward, but was blocked by a dignified middle-aged man.

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