"See the hall master." The girl saw who was coming, and hurriedly knelt down to salute, and all the people behind her knelt down.

The middle-aged man nodded casually, then turned to look at Zi Yan, showing a flattering look, he bowed and said: "Master God, my subordinates have already prepared this year's salaries, do you want to check them out? ?"

"Go and go, didn't you see that I was busy? Don't disturb me." Zi Yan crossed her legs and waved like a fly.

"Yes, this subordinate will step down and ask for instructions when the envoy is finished." The middle-aged man said cautiously.

At this moment, a flying sword wrapped in fiery fire suddenly flew from a distance, swaying a wave of fire, and went straight to Zi Yan.

Chapter 841 The emperor walks all over the place, the saint is not as good as a dog

"What! How dare you run wild in my Luofu City!"

The middle-aged man beside Zi Yan was suddenly shocked, raised his hand and released a palm to shoot at the fiery flying sword.

"Go away, this is my eldest sister's message to me!" Zi Yan said angrily, slapped the man away with a slap.

Then he took the flying sword into his hand and looked at it seriously.

The middle-aged man looked bewildered, but he didn't dare to make a fool of himself, and said with an apologetic smile: "Originally, it turned out to be the flying sword of the Sun God Envoy, no wonder it is so strong, and Yu Wei alone makes it difficult for his subordinates to resist."

After Zi Yan watched Feijian, she showed a very excited expression, and she pouted: "Hey, stop flattering here, and present the regular salary, I'm leaving now."

"Ah, the envoy is leaving now? Could something happen?" The middle-aged man looked concerned.

Zi Yan said: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and find Hu Dali for me."

"Yes, yes." The middle-aged man nodded again and again and quickly stepped back.

After a while, Hu Dali, who had grown into a strong man, ran in in a hurry, and said loudly: "Master God, I heard that you are going to set off now?"

This Hu Dali is an old acquaintance of Zi Yan. He was tyrannized by Zi Yan at the first meeting, and then pulled farther and farther by Zi Yan, and he can only sigh.

However, his talent is extremely strong. He is a descendant of the ancient killer whale, with a noble bloodline, and the ethnic group has tried his best to cultivate it. Coupled with the recovery of the ancient spiritual energy, he has also broken through to the demon holy realm and joined the Three Gods Sect.

Zi Yan also bumped into him once, and felt that this guy was using it with ease, so he was transferred to the left and right to be a small follower.

Hu Dali looked at a reckless energy, but in fact it was rough and fine, and followed Zi Yan to get a lot of benefits. With rich resources, he piled up all the way to the level of the Holy Master, and he was loyal to Zi Yan.

Zi Yan on the main seat waved the left and right maids back, and said seriously: "My eldest sister sent me news that Duan Qingyun had fled to Donghua City, and she was rushing over quickly, and asked me to go to calm down first. "

Hu Dali exclaimed: "Duan Qingyun? Is that the thief who stole the seal of the Underworld Emperor? I heard that he made a big fuss in Xi'er City a few days ago and stole all the treasures of the Medicine King Zongzhen Zongzong. He also disturbed the Medicine King's ceremony, and even the Moon God Envoy failed to capture him."

"That's right, it's him! This little thief dares to tease the second sister, it's a crime that deserves death. When I go to Donghua City to catch him, I must hit him hard and let him taste the power! "

Zi Yan said angrily, biting the red fruit in her hand fiercely, revealing a row of crystal and fine white teeth.

Hu Dali said: "Donghua City is only a few hundred miles away from here. If you hurry up, you will be there tomorrow, but..."

"Just what?" Zi Yan asked.

"It's just that Qingyun was very cunning. He was able to escape from Xuanming Sect and Xi'er City successively, which shows that he has many tricks. Last time he suffered a big loss from the Moon God Envoy, and he will definitely have a long memory. When the time comes, the Star God If you just stepped into Donghua City with your front foot, he ran away on the back foot, how can we arrest someone?" Hu Dali analyzed it seriously.Mengsheng Novel www.mengshengxs.com

Zi Yan nodded and said: "You are right, I have always had the reputation of being wise and martial, this is known to the whole continent, I am afraid that he will be frightened when he hears my name, but he wants to find a chance to stabilize he."

Zi Yan's black and beautiful eyes rolled straight, and suddenly she shone brightly, and said, "I have an idea, didn't we capture a little lion a while ago?"

"You mean that tyrannical lion emperor? This guy has the power of a peerless emperor, and he acts recklessly in the Eastern Wasteland. I don't know how many great religious holy places have been extorted and extorted. I can't let him down!" Hu Dali said with emotion.

This is not flattering, but it is true. This tyrannical lion emperor is the mount of a medieval great sect leader. After the recovery, the entire sect was killed by him. The quasi emperor did not dare to take his edge, which made many people feel scared.

Zi Yan said vigorously: "This little lion has caused anger and resentment in Donghuang. I originally planned to bring him back to the Three Gods Religion as a great achievement of mine, but I have changed my mind now, and I will use him to lead him out. Duan Qingyun!"

Hu Dali was puzzled and said, "My subordinates don't understand the meaning of the envoy."

Zi Yan said: "Hey, you are really stupid! Isn't that Duan Qingyun like to join in the fun? I will give him a big fun and keep him from leaving."

"Then what is the envoy going to do?"

Zi Yan said loudly: "Listen now, go and spread the news, saying that the envoy will hold a lion slaughter conference in Donghua City, and the date is set in two days. All the affiliated sects of the Trinity Sect must participate and make a public announcement. Performing martial arts, the martial arts champion sect will have the right to kill the tyrannical lion king with their own hands, and the corpse of the tyrannical lion king will also belong to them, and the remaining two to five will be exempted from this year's regular salary."

Hu Dali thought about it for a while, and suddenly said in surprise: "God's clever plan! The annual salary is very considerable. Those sects will definitely go all out to avoid the allowance, not to mention that the corpse of the tyrannical Lion King is also a great treasure. The Tyrant Lion Emperor is full of evil, and it has already attracted everyone in the East Desert, and knowing that the lion slaughter conference will definitely attract a large number of warriors to come to watch the ceremony, such a grand occasion, it is expected that Qingyun will not leave easily."

"Yes, as long as Duan Qingyun is really fun, he will never miss this event." Zi Yan smiled happily, quite proud of her own strategy.

"However, in this way, we will lose the regular salary of the five great teachers, and the loss will be huge." Hu Dali was a little worried.

Zi Yan said with contempt: "It's really short-sighted, as long as you can catch Duan Qingyun and seize the seal of the Emperor of the Underworld, not to mention the five sects' regular salaries, they are all exempted, and the envoy is also at the expense of it, you just do things."

"Yes, this subordinate will go down and deal with it." Hu Dali bowed and left the hall.

"Hmph, Duan Qingyun, let's see how I catch you, this little thief."

Zi Yan took another bite of the spirit fruit, revealing a fierce expression.

Two days later, Donghua City was full of people.

Just as Hu vigorously guessed, after the news of the Lion Slaying Conference was released, it immediately shook the entire Eastern Wilderness. Countless warriors who had been persecuted by the tyrannical Lion Emperor rushed over at the fastest speed, wanting to watch him beheaded to the public.

Those affiliated sects of the Three Gods were even more excited, and they sent the strongest experts of the sect to participate in the battle, especially after learning that they could find foreign aid, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers.

For a time, in Donghua City, the emperor walked all over the place, and the great sage was not as good as a dog.

Chapter 842 Here, I am the rules!

"Fuck, who pushes Lao Tzu, don't die!"

"Fuck you, don't push forward, there's no room in front of you!"

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