Seeing this scene, the audience made countless gasps of cold air.

The black and white of the Xuanming Sect is impermanent, and how prestigious. Since its comeback, it has traversed the continent, and the powerhouses that have been broken into their hands are incomparable, even including some large sects.

Unexpectedly, these two were actually vulnerable in front of the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion.

"elder brother."

"younger sister."

Black and white impermanence were all seriously injured, and the dantian qi sea was shaken and cracked, and there was no more strength to fight.

"With this little ability, you dare to provoke my second sister. You really don't know whether to live or die. Don't you usually like to pretend to be a ghost, and I will really make you a lonely ghost!" , is majestic.

"You, don't come here." Bai Wuchang screamed.

"The four great Yan Jun of our Xuanming Sect arrived immediately and moved us, without you." Hei Wuchang threatened loudly.

Zi Yan made a move, squinted her eyes and said: "The four major Yan Jun are also coming, that's just for them to be with the dead ghost of Yuan Sheng Yan Jun."

"But before that, let's send you on your way."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan raised the Qinglong halberd and slashed down with a savage halberd.

This halberd shattered the sky and shattered the earth, directly annihilating the area where Black and White Impermanence was, turning it into a black hole.

The terrifying power suffocated everyone in the audience.

But for Zi Yan, it seemed like she had done a trivial thing, put away the Qinglong halberd, and glanced at the audience.

People from the Five Poison Sect, Cang Mang Sect and other major religious holy places all stared at each other.

I don't know who should be the champion of this Lion Slaying Hero Club.

Zi Yan looked around and found no trace of Duan Qingyun. She couldn't help being disappointed, and said casually: "Black and white are impermanent crimes, and this envoy has done things for the sky and killed two people. You should take this as a warning. As for this slaughter The number one title of the Lion Heroes Club, even if it's... it's the Tianhe Sect."


The martial artist in the audience was absolutely down, which was too sloppy.

Who would have thought that in the final final, both of them became losers, but Tianhe Sect became the final winner.

PS: Typhoon 'Mangosteen' is approaching, and Jiuwei is also in the affected area. We have prepared enough food and water.The next step is to pray to the sky, as long as there is no power outage, add another week!

If the power outage cannot be updated, I hope everyone will forgive me. As long as the power supply is restored, Jiuwei will double the update to make up.

Chapter 845 The breath of the Emperor Buried!

Among the thousands of people, the people of the Five Poison Sect and the Cang Mang Sect wanted to cry without tears, but the Tianhe Sect was overjoyed.

"Thank you Star God Envoy! Star God Envoy is wise!"

After being excited, the leader of Tianhe immediately brought a group of disciples to Zi Yan to bow down to thank him.

"No gift, go back today to prepare, tomorrow will officially hold the lion slaughter conference, and slaughter the lion!"

Zi Yan said domineeringly, her figure flashed, and she returned to the BOSS station.

Hu Dali immediately greeted him, and said with a little worry: "Star God Envoy, the four major Yanjuns who have just talked about black and white impermanence, must be guarded, do you want to send a letter back to the main hall now to ask for your support?"

Zi Yan said angrily: "Go, go, what are the four major Yan Jun, but only four bugs. If you dare to go wild in Donghua City, I will punch them one by one and blow up their dog's head."

"The envoy of the star gods should not be careless. The four major Yanjuns of the Xuanming Sect are one of the princes, and the other three are nothing more than that. It is said that the Rensheng Yanjun has been promoted to the realm of the ancient emperor. A great teacher in the Middle Ages, with a great reputation, he is indeed very human." Hu Dali continued to persuade him.

"What about the Great Emperor? It's still a blast! But it's a bit strange that Xuanming Sect transferred the four major Yan Jun to Donghua City at the same time. Do you think they already know the news about Duan Qingyun in Donghua City?" Zi Yan was keenly aware of the abnormality.

Hu Dali analyzed: "It's very possible. The Black and White Impermanence of the Xuanming Sect and the Four Great Lords of Yan are all well-known powerhouses. Except for Duan Qingyun, the subordinates really can't think of anything worthy of their gathering."

When Zi Yan heard this, she immediately became angry and said: "Okay, these people went to Xi'er City last time to ruin my second sister's good deeds, and this time they came to Donghua City to disrupt the situation, it's really unforgivable, See how I teach them a lesson!"

After a bit of damage, Zi Yan pondered again: "I still need to inform the eldest sister about this matter. You send a letter for me, saying that the people of Xuanming Sect have already set their sights on Duan Qingyun, and let the eldest sister arrive tomorrow. Otherwise there will be big changes.”

After all, only ruthless people have the means to find Duan Qingyun.

The next day, the crowd gathered in Donghua Square doubled in size, and everyone was angry and resentful.

"Slaughter the lion!"

"Slaughter the lion!"

"Slaughter the lion!"

The crowd was turbulent, and public opinion was surging like a sea.

Zi Yan sat on the BOSS stage, very satisfied with the lively scene below, seeing that the time was almost up, she was about to wave her little hand.

Hu Dali, who was standing beside him, immediately stepped forward and said loudly, "The lion slaughter conference has officially started! Bring the tyrannical lion king—"


The floor in the center of the square shattered directly, and a huge iron cage rose from the ground.

I saw that the iron cage was hundreds of feet long, and it was made of purple gold divine iron. Countless arm-thick iron cables extended to the inside, locking a huge lion demon covered with brown scale armor.


The tyrannical lion king woke up, his two black hole-like eyes suddenly opened, the crimson flames condensed in them, and two fire waves suddenly shot out, covering the crowd in front of him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

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