Fortunately, the guards of the Three Gods Religion had been prepared for a long time, and they issued defensive magical powers in time to separate the fire waves, causing the crowd to exclaim.

"Bold! How dare you make a mistake, tighten me up!" Zi Yan ordered loudly.

The moment the voice fell, the iron rope that bound the tyrannical Lion King suddenly burst into countless golden lights, only to find that many runes were engraved on it.

"Ah ah ah..."

The tyrannical lion emperor immediately let out a roar like a slaughtering pig, his arrogance became weaker and weaker, but the iron rope was attached with a spirit-sucking formation, which sucked all the spiritual power he finally gathered.

"Kill!" Infinite Novel Network



The crowd made noises again, killing words.

Zi Yan waved her hand and said, "Master Tianhe, let's do it."

"As ordered."

Tianhe Sect Master swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stepped forward nervously.

Although he has a half-step god emperor-level combat power, he still finds it difficult to breathe in front of the tyrannical lion king who is comparable to the peerless emperor, even though the tyrannical lion emperor is powerless to resist.

Walking closer, the leader of Tianhe clenched the sword in his hand, which was a dull star-colored dagger.

It looks unremarkable, as if there is no spiritual fluctuation.

But when the tyrannical lion emperor saw this sword, his expression suddenly changed drastically, revealing an extremely frightened look.

Because he recognized this sword, it was the famous Xingxing Sword, one of the divine soldiers of the Three Gods Religion, and it was invincible, even the Great Emperor could not resist it.

"No, don't kill me! I have important information to explain!" On the verge of danger, the Tyrant Lion King roared desperately.

The leader of Tianhe looked up at the BOSS platform and saw that Zi Yan did not respond, so he continued to step in and slammed the Xingxing Sword.

"I am a member of the Xuanming Sect! Who dares to kill me!"

The tyrannical lion emperor screamed and slammed the leader of Tianhe directly in place, with a shocked expression.

Zi Yan narrowed her eyes and said, "You said you were from Xuanming Sect?"

"That's right, I have already secretly joined the Xuanming Sect. I was also secretly ordered by Mother Meng of the Xuanming Sect to make troubles in the East Desert. If you dare to kill me, you will be the enemy of the Xuanming Sect!"

The tyrannical Lion King said in a single-minded manner, in order to survive, he was already desperate.

But after he finished speaking, he realized that the leader of Tianhe was not only not afraid, but looked at him like a fool.

Meeting the eyes of the tyrannical Lion King, the leader of Tianhe sneered: "You are a traitor of the Xuanming Sect, and you are only making a fuss. You know, just yesterday, the black and white impermanence of your Xuanming Sect was beheaded by the Star God Envoy. It's gone!"

"What, this is impossible!" The Tyrant Lion King exclaimed.

Zi Yan said impatiently: "Come on, I'm still waiting to eat the lion emperor meat."

"Suffer to death!"

The Tianhe Sect Master's eyes narrowed, and he slashed the Xingxing Sword.


"This emperor wants to see, who dares to touch my Xuanming Sect!"


The majestic and tyrannical voice, from far to near, oscillated in layers of space.

Before the voice fell, the void suddenly transformed into a terrifying big hand, as thick as a mountain, breaking through the layers of void and descending to the square.

The offensive has not yet been reached, but the power it exudes makes Tianhe Sect unable to take the initiative.

But I didn't know that, in the vast void, a phoenix shadow aloft suddenly froze, looking at the sword in the hands of the Tianhe sect master, and said in surprise: "This is... the breath of the emperor buried?"

Chapter 846 Frightened Quasi Immortal Emperor!

Burial the Emperor!

A very distant and unfamiliar name.

Many times, the Immortal Phoenix thought that he had forgotten the name.

But the moment she saw Xingxingjian, she recalled everything.

The horror of Burial Emperor!

Burial the prestige of the Emperor!

The invincible figure of the Emperor Buried to suppress the heavens and the world like a desolate ancient heaven!

It turned out that the name was not forgotten by her, but buried deep in her bones and blood, and now it has all been inspired, reminding her of the terrifying years dominated by the Emperor Buried.

In fact, the Immortal Phoenix has only seen the Burial Emperor once.

That was a glimpse of her as Fengzu's personal guard, when she was killed in the ancient heaven.

She will never forget the immortal and invincible Feng Zu, who was like a god in her heart, and the trembling body when she stepped into the Lingxiao Palace.

Thinking back then, how domineering the sky was when the sound of 'there is no sky with a phoenix' made the birds in the world respect the phoenix and the ancestors of the phoenix as their king!

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