Walking all the way to the sky, I don't know how many peerless powerhouses fell in front of Feng Zu. No matter what kind of strong enemy he faced, Feng Zu never frowned.

But on that day, Feng Zu was shaken, or rather, scared!

Even around Fengzu, there are the well-known Longzu and Linzu, who are known as the nine invincible supreme beings of the mountains and seas, walking side by side, advancing and retreating together.

Even so, Feng Zu was still afraid.

That scene gave the Immortal Heavenly Phoenix a huge shock, as if the altar of worship collapsed, and all beliefs were destroyed in an instant.

In the Lingxiao Palace at that time, there was only the Emperor Buried.

The scene that followed was unforgettable forever.

After some conversations, the Emperor Buried Heaven just used one move to blast all the Supreme Beings of the Three Alliances out of the Lingxiao Palace.

Fengzu, who was invincible and undefeated in her heart, didn't even have the strength to resist. He was bathed in blood, and he was almost instantly beaten to death.

Longzu and Linzu, who were traveling together, were also injured similarly.

It was only at that moment that she deeply realized the terror of the Emperor Burying the Heavens.

It is an existence that is absolutely impossible to defeat! !

This time, the biggest reason why she dared to come out of the Nanming Undying Volcano was that the Emperor Buried Heaven had disappeared.

"This aura is very strong, and there is absolutely no mistake. This should be the sword of the Emperor Burial."

Undead Tianhuang was calculating in his heart, but there was no joy in seeing the treasure.

For existences such as Emperor Burial, any item related to him is equivalent to a time bomb.

In particular, the Feng Clan shouldered the original oath, which made her dare not approach everything about the Emperor Burying.

She knew very well how terrifying the consequences of angering the Emperor Buried.

Thinking of this, the incarnation of Immortal Heavenly Phoenix's will hides deeper and hides in the interlayer of endless space.

If it weren't for the fact that the Underworld Emperor's seal was really important, she couldn't give up halfway, and she wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

At this time, everyone in Donghua Square did not know that there was a quasi-immortal emperor peeping in the dark.

The Tianhe Sect Master was under the suffocating terror oppression, and his half-step God-Emperor-level body actually broke out in a lot of cold sweat.

"Okay... such a terrifying power."

All the warriors showed solemn expressions, looking at the big hands in the void, only to feel that one foot was on the gate of hell.

"Pretend to be a ghost." 678 Read Novel www.678kxs.com

Zi Yan frowned, patted a palm, turned into a billowing wave, rolled up, and collided with the big empty hand.


An explosion sounded, and the two attacks disappeared at the same time.

In the void, however, there were four more figures of middle-aged men, Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, whose aura was soaring to the sky.

"It's the four major Yan Jun!"

"The four major Yanjuns of Xuanming Sect have arrived so soon."

"This is going to be a big disaster."

Countless people exclaimed that the four Yan Jun came out together and stretched across the sky. Such a scene was really shocking.

"Lord Yan Jun, save me, save me!" The tyrannical Lion Emperor shouted desperately as if he saw a savior.

However, the four figures standing in the sky didn't even look at him, just stared at Zi Yan on the BOSS stage.

A thin man standing on the far left took a step forward and said sternly, "The Star God Envoy, it was you who killed my fourth brother, and today is the time for you to pay the debt with blood!"

Zi Yan curled her lips and said, "You mean Yuan Sheng Yan Jun? It's just a scumbag. I just slapped him to death. You don't have to worry, you can go down to see him right away."

"Arrogant! It's clear that you planned to poison my fourth brother and let him die without a corpse. This hatred is deadly." Another short man said loudly.

Zi Yan was about to say a few words, and suddenly felt a familiar breath coming from a distance. Knowing that the eldest sister was about to arrive, she was overjoyed and had no intention of delaying.

"There's a lot of nonsense, if you want to fight, let's do it." Zi Yan kicked the BOSS platform to shreds and spoke coldly.

Rensheng Yan Jun, who was standing in the middle, stood with his hands behind his back. Hearing this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said solemnly: "Second brother, third brother, fifth brother, the three of you come together."

"yes, Sir!"

The three major Yan Jun clasped his fists slightly, and the tiger's eyes all stared at Zi Yan.

In the next instant, three air-breaking sounds sounded at the same time.

"Oh, then I'll clean up your three younger brothers first, and come to solve you."

Zi Yan smiled lightly, she knew that the eldest sister's strength has skyrocketed in recent years, and when the eldest sister arrives, she will not be able to catch an enemy.


A silver-white object flew out of Zi Yan's palm and quickly grew larger.

Seeing this, the three major Yan Jun didn't even think about it, and directly three thunder attacks blasted out, mixing the power of ice, fire, and thunder, and the ghosts were shocked, and the void exploded.

However, just as the three terrorist attacks approached the white object, the attack speed dropped suddenly, and finally stagnated.

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