"This is..." the three of them exclaimed at the same time.

Only then did I see clearly that it was an ivory-shaped Noble Phantasm, exuding a gleaming white brilliance.

That light is not like spiritual power, but... the breath of immortals.


The three of them were shocked. Unexpectedly, Zi Yan was able to take out the fairy-level treasure, which is even more terrifying than the extreme emperor soldiers.


The three hearts were timid at the same time, but it was too late.

The immortal light of Zhenxu White Fang spread and enveloped the three of them together.

In an instant, time and space stand still.

"Hey, let's see where you're going."

Zi Yan rose to the sky like a young god, the Qinglong war halberd was held in his hand, and the power was monstrous.

Chapter 847 Immortal Battle!The two immortal emperors clashed!


Rensheng Yan Jun was furious, and a mighty power burst out from his body, and he pressed his big hand forward.

Suddenly, the void shattered a large hole, and a large bronze-colored hand, hundreds of feet in size, shone through the void, with various emperor patterns shining, exuding a devastating breath, and suddenly grabbed Zi Yan.

This blow is extremely terrifying. The real emperor of ancient times took action, shattering the sky and breaking the ground, turning the battlefield of the sky into a turbulent field, as if to shatter Zi Yan and the void on that side.

"not good!"

Feeling the horror of this blow, Zi Yan's tight little face also showed a touch of movement.

Normally, although this attack is strong, it is not difficult to resist it with her defensive power, but she used to spend a lot of real energy to stimulate the immortal king's treasure, White Fang. time of weakness.

If this blow is hard to resist, I am afraid it is difficult to escape unscathed.

"You want to stop me, I want to kill!!"

Zi Yan's rebellious psychological attack, not only did not restrain her spiritual power to protect herself, but even more motivated the injection of the Qinglong war halberd. Sir.

In an instant, blood surged!

Under the control of Zhenxu Baiya, the three major Yan Jun could not move at all, and were swallowed up by the green dragon and halberd, turned into blood and mud, and their body and spirit were destroyed!

"Ah ah ah... I want you to die! This emperor wants you to die and my burial place!!"

Rensheng Yan Jun was completely mad, and an avenue of stars appeared behind him.

That is his ancient Taoist road, and every inch is a condensed understanding of Taoism, and one inch can shatter mountains and rivers.

"Protect the Star God Envoy!"

At the critical moment, the tiger shouted vigorously, and his body transformed into a huge killer whale.

Ignoring the huge gap between the enemy and me, he slammed into the void.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

At the same time, thousands of terrifying magical powers took off at the same time, resisting the big bronze hand.

"A group of ants-like things, who dare to make trouble in front of this emperor, all die."

A flash of contempt flashed in Ren Sheng Yan Jun's eyes, the bronze-colored big hand in the void was three points faster, and the fierce power it brought annihilated all attacks.

"An ant, hum! - I want to see, who dares to call my sister an ant!"

A voice as cold as ice broke through the void and descended directly into the layers of turbulence.

Before the sound fell, an incomparably huge black iron tower descended from the sky.

This blow, the divine might, envelops the divine might of the heavens and the earth, and just the might that radiates out causes all the turbulent flow in the space to calm down.

In front of this huge demon-suppressing tower, the big bronze-colored hand transformed by Rensheng Yan Jun was crushed directly like a mayfly compared to the ocean.


The bronze-colored palm exploded, and countless fresh blood appeared. Obviously, it was not simply the manifestation of spiritual energy, but a divine power related to blood essence.

At the same time, Rensheng Yan Jun also changed his expression greatly, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and said in shock: "This is the emperor's soldier!"

Not just imperial soldiers!

Under the perception of Rensheng Yanjun, this imperial soldier has an extremely terrifying giant force attached to it, like an ancient sacred mountain that has been pressed down, unmatched and unshakable.No. 1 Novel www.xsh[-].com

"Miss, you are here!"

Zi Yan sighed lightly, and immediately showed a very excited expression.

The ruthless man didn't show his body, only the thunderous voice echoed in the void:

"Say my sister is an ant, what kind of thing are you!"

The voice contained the breath of endless frost, and the anti-magic tower rumbled, rising into the sky again, and pressing towards Ren Sheng Yan Jun.

"Who is it, get out of here!" Rensheng Yan Jun was furious, and with a stroke of his palm, a red-gold roulette shot out.

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