This roulette wheel is simple and heavy, exuding the atmosphere of the ancient and vast, and the moment it is released, it rises wildly in the wind, and brazenly greets the town magic tower.


There was an explosion, and a hundred meters of dust were blown up on the ground.

The golden roulette flew out of the turbulent vortex, and several terrifying cracks had been shattered on the body, and the aura was greatly reduced.

"So strong!"

Rensheng Yan Jun showed a look of astonishment, and finally some fear, turned into a shock and escaped into the void.

"These mountains and rivers all obey my orders, where are you going?"

A cold voice pierced through the void and sounded above the square.

At the same time, a passage formed in the void, and the ruthless man walked out calmly, wearing a light blue long gown blowing in the wind, indescribably leisurely and graceful, calm.An elegant ancient sword hangs from her waist, which adds a third of her dignified air, and also seems to remind others that she has the unparalleled swordsmanship in the world.

Stepping out of the passage, the ruthless man didn't make much of a gesture. He just stood there quietly, giving people a feeling of abyss, like an ancient sacred mountain, straddling the void, suppressing the gods and demons of all realms, tyrannical and domineering, unparalleled in the world. !

The tyrannical breath filled the audience, suffocating.

Zi Yan exclaimed: "Big sister, don't let this old Yan Jun run away."

"Don't worry, he can't run away. I'm just about to use him to test the power of the Dharma of the Divine Kingdom passed on by my father!" The ruthless man smiled calmly, his expression suddenly turned solemn, and his probing hand suddenly grabbed forward. .

Suddenly, the earth shook the landslide, the river changed its course, and the whole earth seemed to be turned over.

"Borrow [-] miles of mountains and rivers for one use!"

The ruthless man's voice shook the void, and the imprint of the kingdom of God in his body reflected in the heavens, as if the peerless god king issued an order, the entire land of the Eastern Wasteland began to tremble, and finally a terrifying mighty force exploded in the void.


A scream suddenly came from the void thousands of miles away. At the same time, the void that was located thousands of miles around was like a mirror, shattering inch by inch.


The bursts of explosions that shattered the sky and the ground sounded unnoticed, condensing the mighty power of [-] miles of mountains and rivers, and erupted in this square inch, directly blowing the emperor's body into powder.

A generation of great emperors, in an extremely tragic way, both physically and mentally destroyed.

"This, this is... the damn little devil, who actually refined the Shanhai Dao embryo into the body!"

The immortal phoenix in the void showed a shocked and angry expression, no longer caring about hiding his figure, the bang shattered the void, and grabbed the ruthless person with a claw, obviously thousands of miles away, but the space was condensed into mustard seeds, and it was fleeting. And to.

But at this moment, another terrifying immortal power suddenly appeared, forming a big seal of reincarnation and directly shattering the attack of the phoenix claw.

"Immeasurable that Heavenly Venerate, this woman is absolutely impossible to kill." Duan De's plump body seemed to be squeezed into the turbulent flow of space, and his greasy forehead was covered in sweat.

Chapter 848 Are you threatening me with the Emperor Burial?

Immortal Tianhuang's eyes burned with black fire, and he said coldly: "Emperor Duan Ming, you dare to stop me?"

Duan De exhaled, he hid on the edge early in the morning, peeped secretly, and secretly scolded Duan Qingyun, an unsatisfactory junior, for falling into other people's calculations, but he read Zhang Tian's warning in his heart, and did not dare to show up. help.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the undead Tianhuang suddenly shot, and the target turned out to be a ruthless man.

Who is the ruthless man?The eldest daughter of the Trinity Sect teaches Zhang Tian!

To say that Duan De didn't know who Zhang Tian was before, but now he knows clearly, it is the pseudonym of Emperor Burial in the small world.

Move his daughter?It really feels like I have lived too long!

Duan Deke still remembers that last time he just wanted to cast a small spell on Yuxin, but Zhang Tian extorted a supreme treasure, with a serious warning.

This undead Tianhuang actually has murderous intentions for ruthless people, and he is really not afraid to stab the sky into a big hole.

"Duan De, Ben Huang is asking you something!" Immortal Tianhuang said coldly.

Although she is just an incarnation of will now, although Duan De's time to prove Tao is thousands of years earlier than her, and although Duan De has a great reputation in the nine mountains and seas, she is not afraid.

Because she is standing behind Fengzu, standing behind the Phoenix Clan, one of the three great monster clans in the heavens!

This background is not comparable to Duan De, an orphaned quasi-immortal emperor.

Duan De wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said angrily: "Who do you want to kill, I have no interest in asking. But you can find death yourself, but you can't implicate me. Today, you will thank Pindao for saving you a little bit. My life. The immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, you owe a lot of favor this time."

According to Duan De's temperament, he has always been unprofitable. He is thankful that he doesn't cheat others, and he would go out of his way to help others, let alone have no friendship with the immortal Tianhuang.

If it were another place, he might just sit happily and watch the show, watching the undead Tianhuang kill himself.

But the problem is that he was also at the scene, and he was the only person on the scene who had the ability to stop the undead Tianhuang. Based on this alone, the Emperor Buried would probably take anger on him after the incident.

Although Duan De didn't think Burial Emperor's daughter was so easy to kill, there must be a powerful means of life-saving, but he has never been afraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

In his opinion, Emperor Burying is a scheming, stingy and treacherous villain who made him work millions of white jobs in the Netherworld, and also extorted his most precious six-path reincarnation disk. Another of his most precious ancient imperial orders was also extorted away.

He absolutely cannot take this risk.

So he stood up at a critical moment and stopped the undead Tianhuang.

Immortal Tianhuang didn't appreciate it, and said coldly: "Duan De, don't talk madly in front of Ben Huang, Duan Qingyun's stealing of the Underworld Emperor's Seal, I haven't asked you to settle the account, do you want to settle with you now? Can Ben Huang start a war?" Good novel

Duan De shook his head and said: "Oh, it's really hard to be a good person. If you knew what a big mistake you made today, I'm afraid you would be very grateful to me, but I, Duan De, are not the kind of person who reciprocates favors, so you should leave now. ."

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, a mere native girl, why can't you kill it? Ben Huang still wants to go his own way today. If you want to stop it, you can give it a try!"

The phoenix wings of the immortal phoenix unfolded, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the power went straight to the sky, shaking the nine mountains and seas.

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