"Kill, you kill, I'm afraid you can't bear the consequences."

Duan De also had a temper. Damn, he would not listen to good words and persuade him, but he wanted to kill himself. He hated this kind of person the most in his life.

Immortal Tianhuang's movements stagnated for a while, showing a look of surprise, the two phoenix eyes burned with divine fire, looking at the ruthless people in the square through the layers of void.

"This little girl turns out to be the Eternal Sword Sacred Body. Could it be someone from the Sword Sect? No, it is impossible, the Sword Sect has already declined, ah... I know!" Undying Tianhuang muttered to himself, and suddenly screamed. , Ling Ran looked at Duan De.

"Duan De, you are so sinister and vicious. Mingli dispatched a little thief to steal the Underworld Emperor's Seal of the Xuanming Sect, in order to confuse me and other prospective immortal emperors. In the dark, he pressed all the treasures on this little girl and gave her She melted a fragment of a mountain and sea road tire. You are really a good means, you can cultivate an eternal holy body in this near-ancient and withering era, I am afraid that those fairyland sacred mountains are far inferior to you. "

The undead Tianhuang talked freely, claiming to have seen through all of Duan De's conspiracy and tricks.

This series of analysis seems far-fetched, and it is not something that a quasi-immortal emperor would do.

But Immortal Phoenix believes that with Duan De's despicable character, he can definitely do it.

Duan De almost spit out a mouthful of old blood after listening to the words of the immortal Tianhuang. This brain hole simply broke through the sky. Is his character so bad? Where is the most basic trust between people.

Immortal Heavenly Phoenix's huge body shone with a flash of aura, turning into a cold woman in a black dress, her sleeves opened, and mockingly said, "Why, I'm tearing it apart, you can't speak. If you know each other today, you can Hand over all the two Shan Hai Dao fetal fragments, Ben Huang can open the net and not kill this little girl, I think you have spent a lot of effort to cultivate her."

Duan De's liver was hurt by the anger of the undead Tianhuang. This kind of unreasonable feeling was terrible, and he simply said to a showdown: "Look at that sword, do you know who is behind this girl? Move her, be careful that you don't die. The Huang family will be removed from the world from now on, even Feng Zu can't protect you!"

His remarks are by no means false. The Emperor Buried is the supreme emperor of the nine mountains and seas. Throughout the ages, I do not know how many races have been destroyed by his anger, and many of them are more tyrannical than the undead phoenix race.

Undying Tianhuang sneered: "Want to use the Emperor Burying to threaten me? Duan De, you must underestimate Ben Huang. Everyone knows that you are insidious and cunning. How could Ben Huang fall for your tricks? Just a broken sword of the Emperor Burying Heaven. That's it, with your ability to rob a tomb, it's not easy to get it?"

Duan De was speechless for a while, and he understood at this time that the undead Tianhuang had already recognized his inferior character. No matter how he explained it, it was impossible to gain trust.

"Since you don't want to admit it, Ben Huang will kill this little girl and take out the Shanhaidao embryo from her body first."

Immortal Tianhuang said coldly, a white and beautiful jade hand protruding from the black sleeve robe, without a single flaw, pointed it out in the sky.

Suddenly, an immortal might that destroyed the sky and the earth erupted, rolling back the sky, crushing the layers of void, and shooting towards the ruthless man.

Chapter 849 Burying the Emperor of Heaven

"Immeasurable, his grandmother is a goddess, Pindao, let's be a good person today!"

Duan De proclaimed a strange name, his figure flashed, and before the Phoenix Tribulation Finger was again blocked, the Great Seal of Samsara slammed down like a sky.

He doesn't really want to be a good person, and he probably won't think about it in his life. There is only one reason for blocking him, and that is that he is really afraid of Emperor Burying finding him trouble.

Although this chance is very small, he is not willing to gamble. In contrast, it is easier to accept offending the undead Tianhuang.

After all, no matter how great the power of the Phoenix Clan is, it cannot spread over the nine mountains and seas, and there will always be a place for him in this world.

But if he angered the Emperor Burying Heaven, it would be the world under the earth, and no one in the Three Realms and Jiuyuan could save him.


Two attacks erupted in the void interlayer, instantly annihilating hundreds of thousands of layers of space.

If the two of them show their bodies, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Wasteland will be turned into ruins by the chaotic spiritual violence.

"Good! Good! Good! Let me see the strength of your hell emperor!"

The undead Tianhuang roared loudly, and was angry that Duan De dared to shoot at her. The violent spiritual pressure was higher than the first, and the sky was smashed down.

"Destroy the Phoenix - All things will be destroyed!"

The tyrannical voice resounded through the sky, shaking in layers of void.

The immortal phoenix had a seal on both hands, the black skirt danced against the wind, and a large number of fairy talismans manifested in the void, forming a mysterious and unpredictable array, as if it could absorb the power of the heavens and the universe.

At the same time, the undead Tianhuang also spewed out a few drops of blood essence and merged into the Vientiane Array.

This is the blood of the quasi-immortal emperor, and a single drop can wipe out a star field. As soon as it was integrated into the array, it made the entire array immortal, and lines of immortal patterns spread.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

The image of the violent Vientiane Killing Array is an immemorial mountain that slammed into Duan De.

"Fuck it, Yuanshi Tianzun, the monsters are really a group of lunatics, and they will use the ultimate move when they come up."

Duan De couldn't help but let out a foul language.

He recognized that this was one of the innate magical powers of the undead phoenix clan. It was very powerful, and he did not dare to be careless.

After all, the Phoenix Clan is one of the three major demon clans in the heavens. Some powerful branches were even comparable to gods and demons in ancient times. Their innate magical powers made even gods and demons in awe.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation - Open!"

Duan De had a rare serious expression, and his two big fat hands pushed forward, drawing a Tai Chi pattern like a grinding disc.

Suddenly, the void in front of him swayed with ripples, constantly distorted and reconstructed, and finally turned into six real and illusory doors of light.

Heaven, Humanity, Asura

Hell Realm, Hungry Ghost Realm, Animal Realm

The moment the Six Paths of Light took shape, a mysterious force of the law of reincarnation was released, sweeping towards the Vientiane Killing Array.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

These two attacks, which are comparable to the Quasi-Imperial Emperor's Law, collide in the void, and the one who casts them is the real Quasi-Imperial Emperor.

The aftermath of the explosion was eliminated through the layers of void interlayers, and it still had a strong power, rushing out of the Ziwei star field, directly shaking the real nine-layered sky.

For a time, all the great masters of the nine mountain and sea retreats were shocked, looking at the vision in the sky, shocked and inexplicable.

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