"Ah... my rune bones, my blood essence, my..." The Amethyst Lion King roared in anger, almost insane, he no longer controlled his power, and let the huge demon power vent, the purple fire soared into the sky, everywhere Escaping, as if to burn the entire inner courtyard mountain, countless students ran and cried, panicking.

"Amethyst Lion King, do you want to destroy the Deity Academy!" The elders in the inner courtyard shouted in shock and anger.

Zhang Tian frowned slightly, and poured a burst of true energy towards the lion claw rune bone treasure in his hand, and instantly transformed into a golden lion claw hundreds of meters in size in the void, exuding terrifying coercion, and the cover pressed down. He directly swallowed all the purple fires, and said calmly, "If you dare to be arrogant again, you will be destroyed both physically and mentally."

The voice fell, and the tragic howl of the Amethyst Lion King stopped abruptly, as if his neck was stuck. The pupils that were burning with purple fire were full of fear, and even the whole body was trembling slightly.


Yan Qingxuan muttered softly, and suddenly felt something, turned her head to look, just met Zhang Tian's meaningful eyes.

In an instant, it was like falling into an ice cave! , , .

Chapter 105 Shock the audience, the prince arrives

Before Yan Qingxuan saw that the Amethyst Lion King was defeated with one move, she couldn't help but feel contemptuous, but when she really faced Zhang Tian, ​​she suddenly realized that it was not that the Amethyst Lion King was too weak, but that Zhang Tian was too strong. Like a vast and boundless abyss, unfathomable.

In just a moment, Yan Qingxuan felt that all the secrets in her body had been seen through, including the most secret and powerful existence in the depths of her soul.


As if seeing something interesting, Zhang Tian smiled slightly and looked away again.

Devouring all the purple fire, the golden lion claw flashed twice before turning into a golden rainbow and flying back to Zhang Tian's hands.The noisy inner courtyard slowly calmed down.

Seeing this scene, the elders of the inner court and the ancient lunatic couldn't help but secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This is really cruel. A demon king's rune bone is invaluable. Not only does it possess powerful power, It also contains a powerful inheritance of magical powers, which makes them very envious.

Almost every rune bone of the demon race is born, and it will attract powerful forces from all sides to fight for it, but it is unheard of to dig out the rune bone directly from the demon king.Because rune bones are related to inheritance, when faced with a desperate situation, the first thing the demon king has to do is to explode the rune bones.

In other words, in front of Zhang Tian, ​​the Amethyst Lion King didn't even have time to explode the rune bones!



The elders of the Deity Academy on the high platform looked at each other, and there was a sense of astonishment in their hearts. They finally understood why Tianjiao, like the law enforcement Tianzun, also had such respect for this seemingly ordinary man.

Not only these elders, but even the law enforcement Tianzun, were completely stunned by Zhang Tian's strength.The last time he saw Zhang Tian catch the holy soldiers of the extreme path with his bare hands, and instantly wiped the will of the great saint, he concluded that this person must be the supreme among the great saints, but today Zhang Tian's performance once again exceeded his expectations.

The Amethyst Lion King, one of the ten dignified demon kings, was so vulnerable in front of him that with just one look, he exploded the opponent's body and dug out the rune bone treasure!

If Law Enforcement Tianzun only believed in the 'perfect holy body' that Zhang Tian said before, then now, he believes it [-]%.At the same time, I am also fortunate from the bottom of my heart that I have a good vision, seized the opportunity of Zhang Ruren, and successfully maintained a good relationship with Zhang Tian.

Ji Feixue looked at Zhang Tian with extremely complicated eyes. Originally, she had always regarded Zhang Tian as the kind of frivolous prodigal son full of nonsense.But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Zhang Tian would defeat the Amethyst Lion King, who the entire Ji family did not dare to provoke, and dig out the opponent's rune bone treasure!Like an indomitable god of war.

This huge contrast made Zhang Tian's image in her heart change dramatically, which gave birth to an inexplicable feeling.

"I read that right, the Amethyst Lion King actually lost?"

"Terrible! The Amethyst Lion King can also be ranked in the top five among the top ten demon kings. If this matter spreads to the demon clan, it will definitely cause shocking waves."

"My human race is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. What are the mere monsters and alien races, the human race is the first race!" Online e-book www.txtzaixian.com

"This great expert seems to be the father of the gentleman's party supervisor. When I become an elite student, I must join the gentleman's party!"

A group of students in the inner courtyard of the Tianshen Academy talked a lot, making those members of the Gentleman Party who followed the ruthless people very proud.

Especially Li Ming, Fang Lin, Fang Yin, Su Ziyue, the four students who first followed Ruthless, trembled with excitement. Although they had long guessed that Ruthless's father must be a peerless powerhouse, they did not. Thinking of how powerful it is to such a terrifying level, I even made up my mind to follow the ruthless man closely!

In the entire inner courtyard square, the only person who can keep calm is the ruthless man. After all, compared with Zhang Tian’s walk in the starry sky slaughtering the saints in the ruins of the demon emperor, today’s suppression of the Amethyst Lion King is really not a big scene.

At this moment, Wu Qingquan, the chief elder of the inner courtyard, suddenly became condensed and said solemnly: "The ruins are about to open, Elder Li, are all the students here?"

The elder who was called immediately came out and said: "The students in the inner courtyard have arrived, but there are still three temporary inner door token holders who are not present, including the nineteenth prince."

Wu Qingquan frowned immediately, and the other two were nothing, but the Nineteenth Prince didn't come, so how could he open the ruins.

The ruthless man approached Zhang Tian and whispered, "Dad, didn't you bring the third sister with you? Where is the third sister?"

Zhang Tian said helplessly: "That little guy mysteriously said something to go out for a while, but he never came back, so I had to come here first."

"Dad, you really... Third sister won't sneak out to play again, right?" Ruthless looked anxious.

Zhang Tian comforted: "Don't worry about this, Dad, I have left a brand of consciousness in Zi Yan's body in advance. If she doesn't come over when the time comes, that brand will automatically send her over."

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Ruthless heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a space crack opened on the left and right of the square at the same time, but the crack on the right fluctuated more violently. With a roar, a huge ancient temple flew out of it.

But seeing that this ancient temple has a simple and simple shape, it is hundreds of feet long, and it is made of bronze. , rolling in, and a monstrous might surged like a tidal wave.

Law Enforcement Tianzun's pupils shrank slightly, and said slightly solemnly: "It's the king of the emperor's dynasty! He has always only listened to the emperor's orders, but this time he personally escorted the nineteenth prince. It seems that the identity of the nineteenth prince is really different. Same as usual."

"Elders, stay safe."

In the ancient bronze palace, a young man wearing a python robe and a jade belt stepped out calmly, his voice was soft, but it showed a masculine meaning, combining dignity and elegance, making his whole person look extremely perfect.

But when he saw another space crack, the smile on his face instantly solidified. , , .

Chapter 106 Tianjiao gathers, domineering little Ziyan

"I have seen the nineteenth prince."

Wu Qingquan and other inner principals, Qi Qi, saluted the nineteenth prince. Although Deity Academy was not under the rule of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty was, after all, the most powerful Dynasty on this continent, and it was also the Dynasty of the human race. Transcendence is like the Deity Academy, and it is also necessary to give some respect on the face of it.

The most important thing is that the identity of the nineteenth prince is different.Today's sage ancestors are known for their 'sacred martial arts', and even their princes are entrusted with important tasks according to their strengths.In this way, the prince's matriarchal power is very important.

The mother-in-law of the nineteenth prince was rumored to be a descendant of the Star God lineage in the Three Gods Religion in the Middle Ages.The Three Gods Religion was once prosperous and dominated the entire Shengyuan Continent. Later, a supreme being in the sect deduced the secret, and calculated that there would be a terrifying catastrophe in the Shengyuan Continent, he dismissed most of the disciples, sealed the mountain gate, and planned for a few years. Afterwards, the Heavenly Tribulation dissipated and the seal was broken again.

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