Therefore, although the Three Gods Religion is no longer there, its hidden power spreads to every corner of the Shengyuan Continent, so that no ancient sect holy land dares to underestimate it, especially when the seal is lifted and the ancient existence of the Three Gods Religion awakens, then It will be turned upside down.

The nineteenth prince has the top inheritance of the Three Gods. Although he is not young, he already has great prestige in the court and the military, and even has the allegiance of a large number of princes, which is by no means comparable to ordinary princes.

Hearing the greetings from Wu Qingquan and others, the nineteenth prince, who has always been known for his gentleness and elegance, rarely paid any attention to it, and just stared at the space crack on the other side.

This move also aroused the curiosity of the elders, who all looked towards the crack.

"This volatility, could it be..."

Wu Qingquan seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

clap la la...

At this moment, the crack in the space suddenly burst into a golden light, and a young man with two wings on his back flew out from it.But seeing this young man's blond shawl, even his skin and pupils are golden, and behind him are a pair of huge golden wings. The golden feathers are unusually sharp, like a sharp blade hanging upside down, causing him to exude a fierceness all over his body. Boundless power.

"It really is from the Golden Feather Clan!"

The elders on the high platform all showed a solemn look. The Golden Feather Clan was one of the three major imperial clans among the alien races. It was extremely powerful.

Meeting everyone's gaze, the young man from the Golden Feather Clan said with a cold and arrogant expression: "This is the temporary inner door token issued by your Deity Academy, this prince is the first time to travel through space at a long distance, and the direction is not very good, I hope It's not too late."

Wu Qingquan took the token, and his face couldn't help but look even more ugly. This time, only ten temporary tokens were issued, and basically only a few large parties had a share.This shows that a certain big party in the academy, or even the senior level of the academy, has an alien traitor!

The students in the inner courtyard in the square couldn't help but collectively showed a look of astonishment. Listening to the words of this young man from the Golden Feather clan, he actually broke the void with his own strength!However, the fluctuations in his body were clearly only in the Sea of ​​​​Lands.

The nineteenth prince narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "I have heard for a long time that the Jinyu people are born with one of the three talents of space, wind, and thunder. It seems that the golden feather prince is good at space talent. But you Jinyu people are talented. If a saint died in the East Desert, you are not afraid that your prince will also be damaged here?"

Wu Qingquan and others were shocked again. The saintess of the Golden Feather Clan had at least a high-level cultivation of the Legendary Realm, and even the gods of the Golden Feather Clan blessed them, so it was difficult for even the great saints to kill them.They didn't even know that such a strong man fell in the Eastern Desolation.

The golden feather boy immediately showed his fury when he heard the words, and said sternly: "In the ruins of the demon emperor, it really was your human race who did something to bring down a peerless genius of my golden feather clan, and today I will use the blood of your human prince. , come to sacrifice for the saintess of our clan!

Just as the golden feather boy confronted the nineteenth prince, the lion clan boy standing below also burst into a powerful momentum and shouted loudly: "People of the golden feather clan, don't be too arrogant. Your life and the ancient dragon soul pill, I The Emperor Shi'er is all set this time!"

As soon as the lion's roar shook the sky, the entire square resounded with the roar of the emperor lion. He already has the appearance of throwback to his ancestors, and his bloodline is far stronger than that of the ordinary golden lion. At this time, his momentum is full, just like the ancient emperor lion came into the world, and his majesty is everywhere. , the momentum is not inferior to the nineteenth prince and the Jinyu boy.

The three top arrogances seemed to be competing, the momentum on their bodies was getting stronger and stronger, and the powerful coercion collided in the void, causing the void to tremble and the mountains to roar, as if several legendary kings were fighting each other.

The students in the inner courtyard on the square below were dumbfounded. Only at this time did they know what the true genius is. The strength of these three people has reached a level that they dare not even think about.

Even some of the Transcendent Realm students who came to watch the fun had a solemn expression on their faces. The pressure of these three Tianjiao even made them feel invincible!

"This is the real top genius of the three races of human, demon and alien! Just one trial in the inner court led to three at once. It's hard to imagine how many monsters will gather in that bloody trial!"

Wu Qingquan couldn't help but sigh, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he looked at the back of the student group in the inner courtyard, and saw a cloud of smoke billowing there, as if something had happened.

"Give way!"

"Give way!"

In the group of students in the inner courtyard, there was a clear and pleasant female voice from behind, and with this voice, the crowd dispersed like a mountain, not actively moving away, but being pushed away by the owner of the voice.

For a time, the entire team turned on their backs, and some inattentive students were directly thrown out, fell more than ten meters, and hit several people in succession, triggering a chain reaction.

Such an arrogant approach soon aroused common anger, and a group of students in the inner courtyard looked at the passage with fiery eyes.

I saw that the perpetrator was a beautiful girl, about five or six years old. She was wearing a white dress, her skin was as crystal clear as suet jade, and her whole person was like a doll made of pink and jade.

Behind her, carrying a trident as tall as her, strode forward, shouting "Let me go", while throwing out the inner courtyard Tianjiao who was blocking the front like a sandbag.

"Zi Yan!"

The ruthless man instantly widened his eyes. , , .

Chapter 107 Identity exposed, cruel little witch

When he came back to his senses, Ruthless Man immediately pointed at Zhang Tiandao: "Dad, didn't I ask you to keep the Seagod Trident first, don't let Zi Yan bring it into the trial ruins!"

Zhang Tian spread his hands and said, "The trident is with me. I don't know what the hell this girl is up to."

The ruthless man showed a look of doubt, turned his eyes to look behind Zi Yan, and he found the clue.I saw that the trident behind Zi Yan, although the shape and surface runes were exactly the same as the holy soldiers of the extreme path, did not have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power, and was obviously made of mortal iron.

"This girl!" Ruthless sighed helplessly.

"Let me go!" Xiao Ziyan rushed forward desperately, but unfortunately she was too small and was drowned in the crowd at once, so she could only throw all the people in front of her.

This move aroused public anger. Although Zi Yan is very cute, the students in the inner courtyard are not very old. They are all proud of themselves. How can they show their timidity in front of a little girl?

"Humph! You dare to touch me to try..."

A ruthless young man standing in front of Zi Yan raised his chin high, and before he could speak, he was directly punched out by Zi Yan, thrown up like a parabola, knocking down seven or eight teenagers in a row, Roll over.


The rest of the teenagers couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw this scene, knowing that the person just now was unusual, and he was ranked in the top [-] in the entire inner courtyard, but he was vulnerable!


At this moment, there was a roar in front, and there was a monster boy who directly transformed into his body. It was an earthly violent bear with a height of [-] feet. A fierce color flashed in his eyes, and he looked down at Zi Yan and stretched out. Take out a door-sized bear paw and press it hard towards Zi Yan!

"It's Xiong Hunter, this person is extremely brutal, and he really shot!"

"Xiong Lifeng is the top five masters in the inner courtyard, and he will definitely teach this arrogant little girl a good lesson!"

The students in the inner courtyard were talking a lot, with the expression of watching a play, some little girls couldn't bear to be abused by such a cute Zi Yan, so they couldn't help covering their eyes.

Zi Yan's little face was tense, and at the same time that the bear's paw was stretched out, she shot out like lightning, grabbed the corner of the bear's paw first, and a violent force swayed along her arm, which directly smashed the huge earth. The bear was lifted up and smashed to the ground!


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