A huge roar sounded, and countless smoke and dust were rolled up, and a big hole was directly knocked out of the ground. Xiong Lifeng was half-stuck in the hole, screaming desperately, but he couldn't break free from Zi Yan's suppression.

"This big bear is so mighty, the flesh and blood must be delicious, but unfortunately the eldest sister won't let me eat it." Zi Yan's little face showed a hint of regret, she lifted her right hand up, and threw the bear hunting out directly, and then It was to knock down a group of students.

"What? Xiong Hunter lost?"

"This girl is so powerful!"

"She not only defeated the bear hunting wind, but also wanted to eat him. God, where did the murderous child come from." Chinese www.bxzw.net

All the students in the inner courtyard were in a cold sweat, and no one dared to provoke them, and they all hurriedly retreated backwards, for fear of provoking this little Valkyrie.

At this moment, a boy with a tiger's head suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "It's you, that robber witch!"

This person is Tianjiao Hu Dali of the killer whale clan who was bullied by Zi Yan last time on the battlefield of gods and demons. This time he also took a temporary inner door token to participate in the trial.

"It turns out that she is that cruel little witch!"

When the students in the inner courtyard heard the words, they also reacted.More than half a month ago, a little flying witch appeared on the battlefield of the ruins, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil. They wanted to form a team to challenge, but they didn't expect it to be this murderous little girl.

Zi Yan fixed her eyes and clapped her hands: "It turned out to be Xiaohu, your face turned white, and I almost didn't recognize it."

A black line suddenly appeared on Hu Dali's face, and he said in his heart, "If you hadn't commanded that Yalong to smash thunder and lightning last time, would the young master be so embarrassed? And I'm a killer whale, not a tiger!"

But he was well aware of Zi Yan's ferocity and didn't want to reason with her, so he just said coldly: "When you enter the trial ruins, I'll show you how powerful I am!"

On the high platform, Wu Qingquan, the chief elder of the inner courtyard, saw the chaos below, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Su Qing, little girl, what are you doing here?"

Zi Yan rushed to the front, bumped into several young Tianjiao in succession, and said crisply: "Grandpa, I am also here to participate in the trial, this is my token."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan touched her body and raised a roasted chicken leg, which was full of aroma.

The students in the inner courtyard burst into laughter.

"Yeah, I got it wrong. This is the roast chicken made for me by the uncle of the blacksmith shop. It's coke on the outside and tender on the inside, but it's delicious. He knows that I'm going to participate today..."

"shut up!"

Wu Qingquan also had a black line on his face, and reprimanded: "If you have the token, take it out quickly, and the trial ruins will begin!"

"Okay, grandpa." Zi Yan put away the roasted chicken legs with regret, took out the token and threw it out.

Wu Qingquan took the token, and immediately smelled a smell of roast chicken, he was anxious for a while, and said angrily: "The ruins are about to open, I will tell you the rules of the trial, and I will give each of you a blood card in a while to hunt and kill. The monster queen will deposit its life essence and blood into it, and will get a certain amount of points according to the strength of qi and blood, and the top ten in the final points will get the blood bodhi reward!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Qingquan took out a towering ancient tree that was more than ten feet long and erected it in the center of the square. He saw that this ancient tree was full of demonic energy, like a peerless monster. Even the trunk was blood-colored. One after another, blood-colored beads were engraved with mysterious Dao patterns, exuding a strong aroma.

"This blood bodhi is bred from the blood of the ancient fierce beast Huo Qilin. It is the supreme blood qi treasure medicine. There are fifty-five pieces in total, and the top ten people will get one to ten pieces respectively."

"Okay, as expected of the Deity Academy, it can actually come up with such exotic treasures. Ten blood bodhis are enough for me to cultivate a powerful treasure technique." Emperor Shi'er said arrogantly, obviously he had already named himself number one in the trial.

Zi Yan looked at the blood bodhi, her eyes lit up, and exclaimed: "This blood bodhi is so strong, it should be better than the big bear just now. Grandpa, if I give them all their blood qi cards. Steal, these blood Bodhi, are they all mine?"

Chapter 108 Zi Yan rages against Zhoushan!


Everyone in the square was stunned. No one expected that this little witch would be so cruel that she wanted to take away all their blood energy cards!

Emperor Shi'er was stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly: "Okay, good, there are people in this world who are more arrogant than me, Emperor Shi'er. With your courage, I decided to accept you as my servant, in the future. Follow me to conquer the world, split the earth and seal the king!"

"Accept me as a servant?" Zi Yan's eyes showed a fierce look, and she said fiercely: "Little lion, don't annoy me, be careful I will eat you!"

"This little witch is definitely not a human race! It's too cruel, even the arrogance of the golden lions wants to eat it!"

The students in the inner courtyard were stunned.

Emperor Shi'er was so furious that he was the only one who threatened to eat others. This person wanted to eat him. Who is the demon clan? He couldn't help roaring loudly: "I am a descendant of the ancient emperor lion, and in the future, I will be the king of the whole continent, and even fight for nine Great mountains and seas. Following me will be your supreme honor."

Zi Yan's eyes were more suffocating, and she said solemnly: "I have decided to eat you and make them into braised lions, sweet and sour lions, lion heads with oyster sauce, spicy fried lion legs..."

"shut up!"

Wu Qingquan on the high platform couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted angrily at Zi Yan, this arrogant child almost regarded the ruins trial as a food conference.

Holding back his anger, Wu Qingquan decided to ignore Zi Yan and continued: "In addition to these blood bodhi rewards, the first place in this trial will also receive an ancient dragon soul pill!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience immediately became stunned, and countless students showed uncontrollable excitement.

The ancient Dragon Soul Pill, which is the supreme treasure, is a treasure that sealed the essence of their own blood and energy as a pill before the fall of the ancient dragon powerhouse, and passed it on to the younger generation.Although this blood essence is not huge, it is extremely rich, close to the blood of the ancestor dragon, which can greatly sublimate the blood of the inheritor!

"and many more!"

At this moment, Gu Luan suddenly stood up, shook his head and said: "I only said to take out this Dragon Soul Pill, but I didn't say that I would give it to the first place in the trial. Elder Wu, don't talk nonsense. "

Wu Qingquan said angrily: "If you don't give the first place, do you want to give the second place? The third place?"

Gu Luna rolled his eyes and said casually, "My medicinal pill, I will give it to whoever pleases me!"

With that said, Madman Gu began to glance at the students below, and saw Xiao Ziyan at a glance.

At this time, the girl was eating chicken drumsticks, enjoying herself, and the students around her were far away from her.Coupled with her cute appearance and carrying a huge trident on her back, she stands out from the crowd and is extremely conspicuous.

The ancient lunatic laughed and said: "Interesting child, this ancient dragon soul pill will be given to you."

Zi Yan froze for a moment, raised her hand subconsciously, and grabbed the ancient Dragon Soul Pill exuding a faint dragon power directly into her hand.

The surrounding students immediately burst into a commotion.

"Fuck, this little witch's luck is also too good, and she got a top-grade treasure pill in vain?"

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