"Good luck? Not necessarily! Elder Gu is obviously uneasy and kind." Shuxzy Novel Network www.shuxzy.com

"That's right, the ancient Dragon Soul Pill is so powerful that even the Emperor Shi'er can't bear it if swallowed directly. It must be slowly refined with many auxiliary medicines!"

"That is to say, the little witch can't use this pill at all, everyone can snatch it?"

For a time, everyone looked at Zi Yan with hot eyes, as if they were going to devour her.

Di Shi'er said fiercely: "This ancient dragon soul pill is something I must get, little girl, offer the treasure pill to serve me, and I will make you famous in the human race!"


There was a sound of a tear in the void, Wu Qingquan's expression was solemn, and he said solemnly: "The ruins are open, everyone is ready to enter!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge door of light appeared in the void. Wu Qingquan waved his sleeves and rolled up a storm, sending all the students in the square in.

The stars moved, and the next moment, the group of students found themselves in the ruins. Because of the subtlety of the power of time and space, all the students were scattered and scattered throughout the ruins.

This is an unexplored relic, the sky is a touch of blood, surrounded by tall Xiongfeng, and lush and towering ancient trees.

Before some students got used to it, they heard someone shouting not far away: "That little witch is here, come and stop her!"

This sentence is full of magic power, and soon spread in this large area. Countless students are chasing after them. The ancient Dragon Soul Pill in Zi Yan's hands is infinitely valuable. It is more precious than those blood bodhis combined. , enhance the potential!

"Little witch, don't run!"

"Little witch, you have no way to escape, hand over the Ancient Dragon Soul Pill!"

"Little witch, I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy your Dragon Soul Pill, as many spirit stones as you want!"

"Little witch, we are members of the Heaven-Covering Alliance, hand over the Ancient Dragon Soul Pill, and we will keep you safe!"

One after another, students continued to join, and the chasing team became larger and larger. Unfortunately, Zi Yan's speed was too fast. It was more like playing with them. At one point, they flew thousands of meters all at once, making them unable to pursue them at all.

"Haha, little witch, let's see where you run this time!"

Seeing that there was a tall and tall black mountain in front of him, covering the sky and the sun, all the pursuers were refreshed, and they all used their magical powers, intending to completely solve this murderous little witch.

Zi Yan was carrying a trident on her back, standing on a low mountain more than ten meters high, with a ghostly head and a brain, suddenly shouted, her toes slammed on the ground, the low mountain under her feet collapsed, and the ground cracked countless cracks, spreading to unknown distances. .It was as if an ancient beast was arrogant, and it slammed into the Qianren Montenegro like a cannonball.

"Fuck, what is this little witch going to do?"

"She doesn't want to hit this mountain, does she?"

"Crazy, completely crazy!"


The pitch-black mountain peak, which is thousands of meters tall, was directly smashed by Zi Yan, and countless boulders weighing thousands of miles fell from the sky. , , .

Chapter 109 The Emperor's Daughter Is Also Inside

One person knocked down a thousand-meter peak!

All the students of the Deity Academy who were chasing were dumbfounded. Is this a human or an ancient beast?



With the collapse of Xiongfeng, boulders rolled down, and countless beast roars came out, shaking the sky.These are powerful monsters living in this black mountain. Their homes were suddenly destroyed, making them extremely angry. All the powerful auras locked on Zi Yan and rushed towards her with a roar.

"No, there are many beastmasters on this black mountain, all of them are provoked!"

"Little witch, you have made a big disaster, and you are simply seeking your own death!"

A group of students from Tianshen Academy watched Zi Yan be besieged by myriad beasts. They were shocked and anxious. They were not worried about her, but worried about the loss of the ancient dragon soul pill on her body.

Unexpectedly, Zi Yan punched out, like the scorching sun falling from the sky, directly roasting more than a dozen monsters into coke, and shooting out another palm, as if surrounded by stormy waves, and the towering ancient trees in front of them were smashed. fracture.

But in the blink of an eye, Zi Yan broke out in a bloody way, and then brought a group of monsters and ran towards the students of the Deity Academy.

"Haha, this little witch also knows to be afraid!"

"Look at how she ran away."

The students of the Deity Academy only felt very happy, as if they were out of anger, but soon, they felt that something was wrong.

There are too many monsters in this group, there are even many beastmasters, and the breath is so terrifying that they are simply not something they can deal with!

At this moment, Zi Yan had rushed to the front of the group of students and shouted loudly: "Brothers, I have listened to your order to attract this group of monsters, hurry up!" The voice was so loud, as if afraid of the back The Beastmaster, who has just begun to psychic wisdom, can't hear it.

The voice fell, Zi Yan pointed her toes, and the terrifying divine power exploded, jumping out of a few kilometers and disappearing into the woods.

"Little witch, you are shameless!"

"Little witch, you are too despicable!"

The expressions of a group of Deity Academy students changed drastically, and the curses rose, and the next moment they were overwhelmed by the mad beast tide, and screams continued to be heard.

In the inner courtyard square of Tianshen Academy, a group of elders chatted while waiting.

Wu Qingquan looked at the ancient tree of blood bodhi, and couldn't help sighing lightly: "I originally wanted to take advantage of this trial to use blood bodhi to enhance the background of the students in the inner courtyard, but I didn't expect that it would attract a few uninvited guests. Bodhi doesn't know how much he will be divided up."

Elder Li, who was on the side, said slowly: "Our Deity Academy claims to be a gathering of talents from all over the world, but in fact, the true talents of all ethnic groups are hidden in their own clan and cultivated with all their strength. For example, the prince of the Golden Feather clan who was suddenly killed this time is still alive. The Emperor Lions of the Golden Lion Clan, including the Tiger Dali of the Killer Whale Clan, are not comparable to the Tianjiao students in our inner courtyard. If the top few are swept away by outsiders this time, we will be embarrassed. already."

Another elder said: "Elder Li don't need to worry too much, this time, the grandson of Wu Da's grandson Wu Di is also participating in the trial. Wu Da's elders have devoted countless efforts to him, even if they are compared to Emperor Shi'er and Shi'er. The Ninth Prince and the others will never be inferior!" Baixiao Novel www.baixiaoxs.com

"Oh, Wu Di, this child, I grew up watching him, and he has a really good talent. I hope he can perform better this time." When it comes to his grandson, Wu Qingquan is also in high spirits, and he is obviously very fond of this grandson. Have confidence.

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