"I bother!"

Madman Gu showed a look of disdain and squinted: "Wu Qingquan, you are too good at bragging. If you really want to have confidence in your grandson, you dare to bet with me on who is the first?"

Wu Qingquan was slapped in the face in public, very unhappy, and frowned: "Just bet, who do you like?"

The ancient lunatic suddenly regained his energy, first took out a silver tray, then took out a blood-colored treasure medicine and placed it on it, proudly saying: "This blood Poria is also what I got from the ruins outside that day, and it has medicinal properties for [-] years. , just use it as a bet! Bet that the prince of the Golden Feather clan will win the first place. Although I also hate alien races, the space talent of the golden feather prince is enough to make him invincible in the Lunhai realm. . Whoever wants to bet, I'll take all of them!"

"The [-]-year-old blood tuckahoe is enough to refine the imperial elixir, which is of great benefit to the forging of the holy body. As expected of an ancient lunatic, this kind of treasure is also said to be taken out!"

The eyes of all the elders showed a fiery look, and they all took out their treasures to bet.

"Elder Wu's grandson, Wu Di, is talented and intelligent. He is the first arrogant in the inner court. He will definitely win the first place in this trial!"

"Emperor Lion has the bloodline of the ancient emperor lion. Although it has not fully awakened, it is equivalent to half an ancient beast. It will definitely win the first place."

"The nineteenth prince bears the two top inheritances of the Holy Ancestor Royal Family and the Three Gods Religion. It is unfathomable. Who can resist it?"

"That Hu Dali seems to have awakened the ancient killer whale bloodline. This family is the best at fighting, and his points should be unmatched."

Even the Duke of Zhendian and the slightly recovered Amethyst Lion King participated in person, and each took out their treasures to cheer on the Nineteenth Prince and Emperor Lion.

Soon, the silver tray was filled to the brim, and the brilliance of various treasures competed with each other, like a treasure tray, exuding strong spiritual power fluctuations.

Gu Lunzi Le couldn't close his mouth, just as he was about to announce the closing, suddenly a golden light flashed, and a golden lion claw fell to the top of the tray, and the powerful pressure directly covered the brilliance of all the treasures!

It is the rune bone Noble Phantasm of the Amethyst Lion King!

Wu Qingquan and the others all breathed for a while, looking at the golden lion paws, the fire in their eyes almost burst out. This is the rune bone treasure of a generation of demon kings, and it records the powerful inheritance of the golden lion clan!If you get any demon tribe, you can immediately become the treasure of that tribe!

Even if other people's treasures add up, it is less than one-tenth of the golden lion's claw.

"Senior Zhang, the five people with the highest voices are Prince Nineteen, Prince Jinyu, Emperor Shi'er, Hu Dali, and Wu Di. I don't know which of them Senior wants to suppress?" Wu Qingquan said respectfully.

Zhang Tian said softly, "This emperor bet that none of them can win the first place."

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.Since it is a trial, there will always be one person who will win the first place. Could it be that there are more terrifying evildoers than the Nineteenth Prince and the Emperor Lion, it is impossible!

"Why?" The Marquis of the Town Hall said coldly, his breath seemed to be connected with the ancient temple, revealing an air of desolation and vastness.

"Because... Bendi's daughter is also inside." ,, . . .

Chapter 110 One punch kills the first person in the inner courtyard

Trial Ruins, on a mountain in the southwest corner.

The nineteenth prince, who was wearing a python robe and a jade belt, stood with his hands on his back, facing the mountain wind, his eyes as vast as stars looked into the distance, crossed the mountains, and landed on an incomparably tall peak that seemed to reach the sky.

For a long time, a touch of unconcealed excitement flashed across his eyes.

"I finally waited for this day. I spent two years searching through the books of the Royal Library. I launched countless worldly forces to search for it, and even made an exception to use the hidden forces of the Three Gods Religion, and finally found this secret place. Back then, the Three Gods The teaching Star God should be the ancient poor and strange demon king who beheaded here!"

The nineteenth prince whispered softly, his face was still like a spring breeze, but his heart was already too excited!

At this moment, a burst of Shen Xi suddenly erupted in the central direction, rushing straight into the sky, illuminating half of the dim sky, and faintly purple clouds of elixir were floating in the air.

"The fragrance condenses the clouds, this is the birth of a peerless medicine!"

Several students dressed in the inner courtyard of the Deity Academy exclaimed in amazement. They were all descendants of princes who served the nineteenth prince, and they were here to assist the nineteenth prince.

The nineteenth prince glanced lightly and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about it, it's just a precious medicine. Now you can go around and see how the space barriers are arranged."

"As ordered!"

Several students bowed in a solemn voice and dispersed to different peaks.

The peerless medicine was born, and the vision shook the entire ruins. The nineteenth prince didn't care, but it didn't mean that others didn't care.Soon, countless students rushed towards the central peak.

Xiao Ziyan is naturally among them. At this time, she has hunted and killed hundreds of monsters. She is the overlord of the beast king level. Her body is full of blood, and she runs from a distance. .

On the central peak, there is a Dao Lake, the lake is rich in spiritual energy, and the peerless medicine grows on the lakeside.

The aroma it emits condenses into purple clouds, floating over Dao Lake, as if Sendai is in the realm.

At this time, there were many students of the Deity Academy surrounding, confronting each other, quietly waiting for this violet sky grass to fully mature, and no one dared to act rashly.

At this moment, an extremely violent breath rushed from a distance, which immediately made these students nervous.

"Who is this here?"

"What a powerful blood, could it be Emperor Shi'er?"

All the students were discussing, and they all looked like they were facing a great enemy.

Soon, Zi Yan's figure was revealed. She was like the cub of a vicious beast, full of power. With a slight leap, she ran hundreds of meters. Ashamed, dare not compare with it.

"There really is a treasure here!"

Zi Yan stood on a low stone mountain, looked up high, showing surprise, and stomped a foot, the stone mountain collapsed, and her whole body rose into the air, like a big eagle soaring for nine days.

"Fuck, it's that cruel little witch!" Shucang.com www.shucang.cc

"To fly so high, is she still a human race!"

"The blood is congealed, how many beasts she has killed."

"It is said that in order to get rid of the pursuers, she knocked down a mountain, which was terrifying."


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