Zi Yan fell heavily to the ground, like a cannonball, smashing a huge deep pit, which shocked all the students in the inner courtyard. Although they knew that she had the ancient dragon soul pill on her body, no one dared to come up with an idea.

At this time, Zi Yan is still in a white dress like snow, because the ice spirit bracelet that Fairy Yuehua gave her can condense a light aura shield, which has the magical effect of protecting the body and removing dust.

But she killed too many beasts, the blood of those beasts condensed around her and did not disperse, converging into a circle of pale red blood, wrapping her whole body, even if it was hundreds of miles away, You can smell the fierce suffocation on her body.

Falling next to Dao Lake, Zi Yan didn't even look at other people, just stared at the Ziluo Tiancao, and said with a very old-fashioned look: "This grass is an old medicine with years, and it has a blood-colored wheel pattern on it. , the medicinal properties are very amazing, you can't bear it, so let me take it!"

After speaking, Zi Yan strode towards the Ziluo Amica, and the students in the inner courtyard looked at each other, secretly saying that this little witch was too domineering, and she would take this peerless medicine without saying a word.


Just when Zi Yan was about to approach Ziluo Amica, one of the students finally couldn't help but stand up, but seeing that he was tall and wearing a shining treasure armor, with a sturdy head and a proud demeanor, he followed behind him. Nearly a hundred students were the largest force present.

"Who are you? What do you ask me to do?" Zi Yan looked at the horned young man with a bad expression.

The tall boy raised his chin and said proudly: "You don't even know me? Tell you, I am the first arrogant in the inner courtyard, Wu Di! My grandfather is the chief elder of the inner courtyard! I think you have some skills, if Now hand over that Ancient Dragon Soul Pill and be my little brother. I can ask my grandfather for mercy and let him allow you to join the Deity Academy, how about that?"

Zi Yan's eyes flashed with suffocation, without saying a word, her right foot slammed on the ground, a roar erupted behind her, and countless huge earth and rocks cracked, and she was wrapped in smoke and dust, rushing straight towards Wu Di.

"Good come!"

Wu Di shouted loudly, and took out a treasure mirror with a 'shuh', and the five-color divine light on the mirror surface flowed toward the Zi Yan hood, and suddenly a cyan divine light was stimulated.

This treasure mirror is an imitation of the ancient treasure mirror, which was specially prepared for him by his grandfather for this trial.


The cyan light and Zi Yan's fists collided fiercely, and suddenly a shocking roar broke out. The cyan light beam only lasted for a moment before it shattered.

Zi Yan's fist was cast unabated, like a thunderbolt, smashing on the five-color mirror, and suddenly smashed the entire mirror, and the powerful fist burst out, directly blasting Wu Di out, smashing hundreds of feet away on a towering ancient tree.


Under the weight of the towering ancient tree with a width of several dozen feet, it was directly blown to pieces, sending billowing smoke and dust.

All the students in the inner courtyard were horrified. This was too brutal. The number one person in the inner courtyard was actually smashed to death by this little witch! , , .

Chapter 111 Battle against the alien prince!


"Boss, are you alright!"

Seeing that Wu Di was blown away by a move, his younger brothers showed panic, and they each used their movements to rush over, helping Wu Di up with all his hands and feet.


Wu Di reluctantly stood up and spit out a mouthful of black blood. The light of the treasure armor on his body was dim, and his eyes were full of bloodshots.

"have equal shares?"

All the younger brothers showed speechless expressions, God is so evenly divided, you have let people punch so far, and the Noble Phantasm has also been destroyed, and it is evenly divided?This is confusing!

Wu Di's fiasco successfully deterred the other students in the inner courtyard. For a time, the audience was deadly silent, and no one dared to come forward to provoke him.

After all, although Wu Di's title of 'the first person in the inner courtyard' is somewhat level, his real combat power can also rank in the top three. Even he was killed with one punch. Unless the others swarmed up, who would be this little witch's opponent?

"Is no one robbing it anymore? Then this precious medicine is mine!"

Zi Yan showed a look of joy, with a curved arc at the corner of her eyes, extremely cute, and walked towards the Ziluo Amica step by step.

The rest of the inner courtyard students looked at each other, and although they were a little unwilling, no one dared to make the first move.They don't have as many powerful treasures as Wu Di. If they are punched by this little witch, they may not be able to get up. No matter how precious the medicine is, it is not as precious as a small life!

So, this group of people just watched Zi Yan approaching the purple sky grass, and didn't want to change suddenly when Zi Yan was about to reach out to pick it up!


The void trembled for a while, and a huge space crack burst out of thin air, and a powerful golden figure stepped out from it, as if the god of war was killed from the ancient times, and the momentum was soaring.

With one foot stomping, the entire mountain roared and trembled, and the cliff collapsed, like a mountain torrent burst its banks, and huge rolling stones fell one by one.Overwhelming, covering Zi Yan's head in an instant.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and when the surrounding students reacted, the whole mountain was crumbling, and they couldn't help being shocked and angry.

Never would have thought that the prince of the Golden Feather Clan was so domineering that he almost collapsed the entire mountain when he fell, like a god.

"Nice treasure medicine, this prince accepts it!"

The Golden Feather Clan boy fluttered his golden wings and stood in the sky, looking extremely arrogant, his right hand grabbed the Ziluo Tiancao next to the lake below, the void was slightly twisted, and in the next instant, the fully mature Ziluo Tiancao fell into his In his hands, Shen Xi shone on the surface, as if possessing spirituality.

"Give me back my precious medicine!"

Zi Yan shouted angrily, facing the flying rocks in the sky, rushing straight up, two fleshy fists slammed out one after another, shaking with those boulders weighing tens of thousands of pounds, the shocking mountains and rivers paled, terrifying Absolutely.

The young man from the Jinyu clan narrowed his eyes and stepped down again. The whole mountain roared and vibrated again, and a huge crack split open in the middle, then collapsed and poured out towards Zi Yan.

"Give me back my precious medicine!"

Zi Yan shouted again, like a roaring ancient beast, all the boulders rushing towards her were torn apart by the powerful fist wind before they approached, and rushed to the Jinyu teenager in the blink of an eye.

"Sun Peng Quan!" Quickly read the novel www.kuaikanxs.com

Zi Yan stared at the young Jin Yu, as if there was a layer of golden light on her right fist, and when she swung it out, countless flames ignited, as if to swallow the sky and destroy the ground, completely wrapping the young Jin Yu!

Stab it!

The entire void seemed to be shattered, making an overwhelmed roar, but the golden feather boy disappeared out of thin air, causing Zi Yan's shocking punch to fall into the void.

With the exhaustion of true breath, Zi Yan fell back to the ground.

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