The fierce beast that was originally the king was naturally vulnerable in front of these medieval great sects, and was soon expelled from its original territory, returning this mysterious place to the control of the human race.

To say that the strongest among these great sects in the Middle Ages, it would naturally require thousands of Buddhist temples, with real Buddhas in charge. More than half of the sacred places of great sects in the endless mountain range are attached to them.

Because Buddhism has always been dominated by cultivators, the surroundings of the Thousand Buddha Temple are always very quiet, accompanied by the elegant Sanskrit sounds in the morning and evening, even the monsters living nearby, because they are infected with Buddha nature, their eyes are slightly murderous.

But on this day, the Thousand Buddha Temple was lively.

A monk with a fat head and big ears and a round belly rang the golden bell outside the Thousand Buddhas Temple violently.

"When - when - when -"

The sound as thick as a mountain swayed and echoed throughout the endless mountain range.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

"Where did the savage Taoist come from, how dare he come to the Thousand Buddha Temple to spread wildness!"

"Go away, don't force the Buddha to do it!"

Seven or eight monks in green robes filed out, shouting sharply at the fat Taoist priest, extremely angry.

The cultivation of these people is no more than the legendary realm at most. They are all new disciples recruited after the recovery of the Thousand Buddha Temple. The cultivation of Buddhism is naturally mediocre.

In normal times, they wouldn't be so violent, but the golden bell at the door is really extraordinary. Once it is struck, the temple will vibrate inside and outside the temple. If the elders of the Discipline Institute know that it is the evil result caused by their negligence, they must have it. Punishment is added.

As a result, these people naturally did not have the slightest sympathy for the fat Taoist priest.

The fat Taoist smiled, let go of the golden pestle, and said loudly: "You little monks are really blind to Mount Tai, and even Daoist I dare to go outside, you know, Daoist, I can go to a large teaching at will. Holy Land, all of you will be treated as VIPs, so why don’t you bring out good wine and meat to entertain.”


"What a bold Taoist priest, you dare to come to Buddhism to find wine and meat, I think you are deliberately provocative."

"Buddha Amitabha, even the Buddha can't bear this. Brothers and sisters, follow me to surrender to this evil Taoist!"

The eyes of a group of monks are burning with anger. This is the Thousand Buddha Temple. Now the first Buddhist temple in Shengyuan Continent, come here to find wine and meat. This is not a challenge.

No matter how merciful the Thousand Buddhas Temple is, this kind of thing can never be tolerated, otherwise what is the prestige of the great teaching.

Just listening to the proclamation of the Buddha's name, the eight monks shot at the same time, swung their palms fiercely, and attacked the fat Taoist priest.No.7 Novel Network www.[-]

"Oh, everyone is a monk. If you have something to say, sit down and talk about it."

The fat Taoist screamed again and again, but his movements were not slow, his body was erratic like catkins, and he slapped a few palms like lightning, and all the monk guards knocked him to the ground, crying endlessly.

"Amitabha, the place where the Thousand Buddhas Temple is cultivated, the Taoist friends bully others. Could it be that they are bullying me that there is no one in the Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

A resounding Buddha's name sang out from the Thousand Buddha Temple, accompanied by an incomparably thick spiritual pressure, directly blasting the fat Taoist out.

After a while, several old monks stepped out of the temple, and the leader was dressed in gold-gilded cassocks. They were solemn and solemn. They only stood at random, but they were like the mountains of God, and the Tianshan Mountains were broken. Even if the momentum was not high, it was still overwhelming. asphyxia!

"The first rescue, this evil Taoist priest is here to provoke, and just rang the golden bell!" The group of monk guards rushed forward to complain.

The head of the old monk's eyes narrowed, his hands clasped together and said: "Amitabha, the poor monk's dharma name to overcome difficulties, is the first seat of the precepts, the Taoist friends ring the golden bell of my temple, what do you want?"

The fat Taoist straightened his clothes and respectfully said, "It turned out to be Master Duan, who has long admired his name, and a poor Taoist who has no virtue. He came here today because he was actually entrusted by someone to give him an object."

After speaking, the fat Taoist opened his Taoist robe and took out a palm-sized Buddha's golden seal.

"Duan Wude?" Those monk guards who were knocked over were speechless for a while. This name is really strange. Since they have no virtue, what kind of Taoist are they?

Duan looked at the golden seal of the Buddha, but his face changed drastically in an instant, and he said condensedly, "This is the inheritance token of the Jialan Temple, where did you get it, and what did you give it here?"

The monk guards were all stunned when they heard the words. Of course, they were like thunder in the Jialan Temple. They were also a great medieval sect. They had a great emperor-level Buddha in charge, but the timing of their birth was not good. They were targeted by the Xuanming Sect. The Lord personally took action and slaughtered the Jialan Temple from top to bottom.

The fat Taoist took away the Buddha's golden seal and lamented: "The poor way was also obtained by chance, and because of this Buddha's golden seal, a major crisis was resolved, and because of the Buddha's grace, the final wishes of the owner of the Buddha's seal were fulfilled. As for what it is. Objects, Pindao cannot disclose, and I hope Master Duan will understand."

"Amitabha, Taoist friend Duan repays his gratitude. It can be seen that the good thoughts still exist. Jialan Temple and my thousand Buddhism have always existed in the same vein. Since it is the final entrustment of Jialan Master, my temple will naturally open the door of convenience. Taoist friends please come in. Right." Du Nan said softly.

"Hehe, thank you Master Duan." The fat Taoist bowed his head, and a sly look flashed in his eyes.

Two hours later, the entire Thousand Buddha Temple was disturbed. The first of the major halls gathered in the Taoist Temple, looking at the old Buddha who was the first, with an anxious expression.

"Respected Buddha, is it inappropriate to let an outsider enter the Four Truths Dharma Cave of my Thousand Buddha Temple?"

"This cave of the Four Noble Truths is the guardian holy place of my Thousand Buddha Temple. Except for the Buddha and the first seat of each courtyard, no one is allowed to enter it. This is an iron rule."

"That's right, the legend of the last layer of the Dharma Cave of the Four Noble Truths leads to the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom. If this Taoist priest has a different mind, it will not cause a catastrophe."

A buddhist cultivator below was arguing, but it was half a quarter of an hour ago that the Buddha of the Thousand Buddhists let the new fat Taoist enter the cave of the Four Noble Truths.

The Buddha said in a low voice: "Amitabha, although there are various rumors about the Dharma Cave of the Four Noble Truths, you have all entered it. With your Buddhist hearts, you are still unable to reach the last level, let alone this young Taoist priest, even if he is real If there is a way to enter the Pure Land of Buddhaland, that is also his creation, and being able to cross one person to the Land of Ultimate Bliss is also considered a good deed, so why not do it?”

"This..." The heads of the group looked at each other in dismay, and had no choice but to give up.

In the void, Duan De let out a sinister laugh and murmured: "The Four Truths Dharma Cave, one recites the Buddha Kingdom, one recites the hell, since you immortal kings and immortal emperors are chasing after Daoye and my descendants, Daoye I will bury you all!"

Chapter 855 The Wind and Clouds Gather at the Thousand Buddha Temple!

A few days later, the void above the Thousand Buddha Temple exploded, and three huge battleships engraved with the sun, moon, and stars suddenly burst into the sky, laying across the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the tyrannical aura permeated the entire endless mountain range.


All the creatures in the endless mountain range crawled on the ground in fear, feeling the incomparably fierce murderous intent from the huge battleship.

"This... this is the flag of the Three Gods Religion? Go and report the first one!!" The monk guarding the mountain said in horror.

After a while, a group of old monks wearing golden cassocks flew out from inside.

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