"Amitabha, the poor monk's name is Duan, and it is the first seat of the precepts. I don't know why the three gods are here, why?" Duan said with a solemn expression.

The ruthless man pinched his fingers, his eyes seemed to look into the temple through the layers of void, and said coldly: "Did Duan Qingyun arrive at the treasure temple a few days ago?"

"Duan Qingyun? Could it be that the envoy of the sun is referring to Duan Qingyun who stole the seal of the Underworld Emperor?"

Du Nan said in a stunned manner, Qianfo Temple is a place of pure cultivation, and compared to other great sects, it is much less willing to fight. He doesn't care much about the theft of the Underworld Emperor's Seal, which has caused uproar in the mainland, but I only listen to it occasionally. Just rumors.

Zi Yan jumped out of the Star God Ship and said loudly: "Don't pretend to be here, except that Duan Qingyun, who else is worthy of our fighting!"

The first seat of the first hospital in Dunantangtang, the realm of the emperor, who has lived for nearly ten thousand years, was reprimanded by a little girl Zi Yan, and his face was really ugly, but thinking of Zhang Tian's terrifying strength, he still endured this breath, honestly Said: "My temple did receive a Taoist priest a few days ago, but his name was Duan Wude, not Duan Qingyun."

"Duan Qingyun, this little thief, has done all the evil things. He is even more evil than my little witch. Naturally, he has no virtue. Needless to say, that Duan Wude must be him!" Zi Yan said angrily, obviously still remembering the last time. enmity.

Yu Xin said softly: "Yes or not, you can tell at a glance, and I hope the master can accommodate one or two and recommend it on your behalf."

"This..." Duan immediately showed a look of embarrassment, and that Duan Qingyun took the Buddha's golden seal from Jialan Temple into the Four Noble Dharma Cave, and asked him to go there to find it.

A tall and thin monk behind him was indignant, and said sharply, "This is the holy land of Qian Buddhism. You three gods can be arrogant and domineering in the Eastern Wilderness, but here I don't know where you are savage. My thousand Buddhists are polite. See you if you want!"

"Yes, this is Nanhuang, not the territory of your Three Gods Religion!" Another eminent monk echoed loudly.

The ruthless man frowned, and before he could speak, he suddenly seemed to sense something, and the light in his eyes sank.

"Haha, this time I can't let you thousands of Buddhists!"

"Jie Jie... This emperor advises you that it is best to hand over Duan Qingyun."

One after another tyrannical voice shattered the void and descended on the mountain gate.

Duan and the others' expressions changed greatly, and they all looked at the void and said, "Who is talking?"




A burst of void bursting sound resounded, and from one of the cracks, a huge coffin flew out. Five men in ghost robes hung under the coffin, holding the ancient coffin in one hand.LeTV novel www.les3399.com

On their foreheads, there is a ghost-patterned talisman, which flashes from time to time. Their faces are rigid and without a trace of expression, like zombies, but the aura they exude is terrifying. It is the mighty emperor. Carry the coffin.

The gatekeepers of the Qianfo Temple felt a suffocating fear. They heard that there are peerless powerful people who are still restless after being put into the coffin. They need to be sealed with a talisman and five ghosts will carry the coffin.

But five quasi emperors carry the coffin, this kind of pomp is unheard of, how terrifying the existence in the coffin should be?

Even a peerless emperor might not be able to afford such courtesy

On the other side, the void vibrated to produce a huge vortex, and a chariot full of desolation and antiquity came out of the sky, as if the Scarlet Firmament God was cast with gold, and the whole body was engraved with dense Dao lines.A green and yellow banner screeched, engraved with the quaint word "Xuanming".

The most astonishing thing is that the carts turned out to be eighteen blue savage beasts covered in scale armor. They looked like unicorns. Each one was several thousand feet in size. The wild beast is fixed in front of the chariot.

This pomp is very big. Eighteen wild beasts are in front, followed by more than thirty powerful monks, who together guard a chariot rolling in, occupying one side of the void.

Immediately afterwards, a group of women riding on the cranes flew out of the void.

After a while, another group of Taoist priests who rode the thunder broke through the air.

"Xuanming Sect, Heaven-Mending Sect, Juling Sect, Yin-Yang Reconciliation Sect, Illusory Yin Sect, Wulei Orthodox Sect... What do you want to do?"

The disaster has been completely shocked. Almost all of the sacred places of the Holy Yuan Continent have arrived at the end. There are countless quasi emperors and emperors in the sky, and the scale is even larger than the original Yaochi event.

Although the strength of Qian Buddhism is far stronger than that of the Yaochi Holy Land, it is as small as an ant in the face of so many forces.

For example, the three hegemonic forces of the Three Gods Religion, the Heaven-Mending Religion, and the Xuanming Religion, any one shot can bring a crisis of destruction to the Thousand Buddha Temple.

"To overcome the difficulty, those who are sensible should follow the words of the Moon God Envoy and hand over that Duan Qingyun, otherwise, be careful that you Qian Buddhists will become the next Jialan Temple." The Yin-Yang Emperor of Yin-Yang and He Sect said yin and yang.

The leaders of the other great sects were silent, but their attitudes were clear.

Ruthless said in a low voice: "Can Master Duan hand over Duan Qingyun now?"


"Amitabha, the sect leaders and elders have come from a long way, but the poor monks were not able to welcome them from afar, and I hope to forgive my sins. As for Duan Qingyun in the mouth of the Japanese envoy, please forgive me that my teaching cannot be handed over for the time being."

Thousands of Buddhist Buddhas stepped out of the sky. He was an old-fashioned emperor. The Buddhist Dharma was unfathomable, and he was famous in the Middle Ages.

In the present world, only after Zhang Tian, ​​Liu Shen, and Emperor Ming, even the ghost master of the Xuanming Sect would respect him by three points.

Zi Yan glared at her and said, "Hey, you old monk, do you think you can withstand so many of us, are you anxious to go to Elysium?"

The surrounding emperors and emperors collapsed for a while. Thousands of Buddhist Buddhas lived for tens of thousands of years. They entered the Tao with Zen, and their fortunes were superb. Anyone who did not fear three points, I am afraid that only this daring little witch would dare to make such a rhetoric.

Buddha's gray eyebrows jumped, but he also knew Zi Yan's 'great achievements' and didn't want to care about her.

In fact, not to mention Zi Yan's special background as Zhang Tian's daughter, her status as Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor alone is enough to be on an equal footing with Buddha.

It's just that she looks too loli, and usually doesn't feel majestic.

Chapter 856 The Emperor Buried Heaven's Action, Shocking the Buddha's Pure Land!

"This matter is quite complicated. I also invite fellow Daoists to come in and listen to the poor monk talk slowly." The Buddha said slowly.

"Humph! Could it be that the Buddha planned to hold me back and secretly let the little thief Duan Qingyun go?" The Great Emperor of the Spiritual Sect said coldly.

"I waited to come to the door to harass me, it's already disrespectful, so let's do it according to the Buddha's will."

The ruthless man said lightly, as if the leader spoke.

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