If they don't provoke Zi Yan now, they are intimidated by Zhang Tian's power.

But within the Four Truths Dharma Cave, all qi mechanisms were blocked, and even Zhang Tian could not sense it.

Thinking of this, many great emperors couldn't help showing a meaningful expression.

After a few hours, everyone gathered at the peak of the mountain behind the Qianfo Temple.

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, the body has golden light, and it reflects my body again, and the four truths are opened!"

The Buddha statue combined with the first of many Buddhist temples to make a road of Buddha seals.


The void seems to have been split open by two big golden hands, revealing a gate shrouded in Buddha light, three feet long and wide, lying in mid-air, and the interior cannot be clearly shown.

Seeing this scene, many great emperors are hesitant. Thousands of Buddhism have a long history. This Four Truths Dharma Cave has been inherited from ancient times. Even the ancient Buddhas in the real fairyland have been trapped, and they have to be in awe.

The ruthless man turned around and said to Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge: "The Four Truths Dharma Cave is mainly to test the Buddha's heart, and it is useless to enter too many people. My two sisters and I entered, you are here to guard, if Duan Duan Qingyun came out, and immediately grabbed it."

The two women immediately clasped their fists and said, "As ordered."

The ruthless man nodded slightly, looked at the two younger sisters, and flew straight into the door of light.

Seeing this, the other great emperors and Zhundi finally made up their minds, like the ruthless people, to leave most of the personal guards outside, and only bring a few strong people inside.

In just half an hour, all the Emperor Realm powerhouses in the Holy Land of the Great Sect were gone.

Only then did the Buddha statues of the Thousand Buddhists and the heads of the Buddhist temples breathe a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the mutation protruded.

"Hahaha, a bunch of idiots, if they really fell for this trick to lure the enemy, let you see what is called the wrath of the underworld emperor."

Duan De, who was wearing a sloppy Taoist robe, suddenly appeared and laughed.

Chapter 859 I am the Emperor of Hell!

"You... who are you?"

The Buddha and others were all shocked. With so many of them standing here, they didn't even sense the aura of this sloppy Taoist priest.

Even now, when everyone swept over with their souls, they only found an empty void.

As if this sloppy Taoist priest didn't exist at all.

"Who am I? I am the ancestor of Duan Qingyun, the Emperor of Hell!"

Duan Dewei said sternly, but unfortunately, with his six-foot height and round belly, it only gave people a funny feeling.

"Duan Qingyun's ancestor? Could it be you..." Mu Qiluo's expression froze, showing a very horrified expression.

She heard Ruren casually mention the Shanhai chess game before, and knew that there was another more terrifying battlefield hidden in this magnificent battle between the great teachers.

This person claims to be Duan Qingyun's ancestor, isn't it the existence in that more terrifying battlefield.

After Duan De replied, he ignored these people and turned his head to look at the door of light shrouded in the Buddha's light, with a sinister arc in the corner of his mouth.

"Boundless Heavenly Venerate, feel the horror of hell."

Duan Deshen muttered a word, and with a flick of his sleeve, an extremely tyrannical reincarnation method erupted from his body, turning into six doors of light shrouded in black flames, heading towards the door of Buddha light.


The people below all showed anger,

"Amitabha, the place where Buddhism is pure, does not allow evil spirits to spread wildly."

"Moco is boundless!"

The Buddha's hands were sealed, and the void rumbled and vibrated, condensing a huge Buddha's golden palm and attacking Duan De.

"Go, go, don't delay this emperor's work."

A hint of impatience appeared on Duan De's face, and with a wave of his hand, the Buddha's golden seal in the void burst into pieces, and Yu Wei rolled back down, directly knocking the Buddha away thousands of miles away, with a side of the void vanishing into dust.


All the onlookers could not help but take a deep breath. The Buddha is one of the oldest emperors in the world, and he is also profound in Buddhism. Except for the leaders of the three overarching sects, no one dares to say that he can beat him.

Such a strong man was blown away by this sloppy Taoist like a fly, and it seemed that he didn't even use [-]% of his power.

Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge, Li Linger and the others looked at each other in dismay, and none of them dared to move.

The heads of those Buddhist academies all showed signs of anger, and they took action one after another, forming Buddhist magical powers one by one, attacking Duan De.

"Oh, you people, do you want to force this emperor to kill? Get out!"

The last word fell, and the violent power was like silver falling for nine days, annihilating all Buddhist magical powers, all Buddhist cultivation, all flying upside down, vomiting blood.

This time, no one dared to do it anymore.

Everyone stood there in awe, watching Duan De play one by one towards the Six Paths of Light, gradually forming a mysterious magic formation.

Just the breath of this magic circle makes people shudder.

"Hey, it's done, the next thing is life or death, it depends on your good fortune." Duan De's face showed cunning again.Shuhuangla Bookstorewww.shuhuangsw.com

Seeing that Duan De was about to leave, Mu Qiluo immediately summoned up his courage and asked, "Dare to ask the senior Emperor Ming, what is the purpose of doing this?"

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