Duan De gave her a sideways glance, perhaps wanting to show off, and said proudly: "This emperor has blessed a great formation on top of that Buddhist sect, if anyone comes out of it, they will be automatically sent to the other side by the great formation. a place."

"Where will it be sent?" Yan Ruge asked immediately.

Duan De said: "Since this emperor is the emperor of hell, he is naturally transported to the endless hell. Hehe, these people are chasing after this emperor's descendants, so this emperor asks them to taste, what is cramping and peeling, the sword is a sea of ​​fire, can't survive, beg Can't die!"

After speaking, Duan De's figure was illusory and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and no one could have imagined that such a huge change would happen. The Dharma Cave of the Four Noble Truths, which was originally safe and harmless, became an instant.

Endless Demon Abyss.

"Would you like to write back to the sect master immediately and report this to him?" Li Linger suggested.

Mu Qiluo pondered: "The Sun God Envoy told me before entering that no matter what happens, you just need to stay here. I think you have already anticipated that there will be accidents, so let's do nothing."

"That's right, the three divine envoys all have secret treasures given by the sect master, so there is no need to think about it."

Yan Ruge nodded in agreement, she had almost absolute trust in Zhang Tian.

But he said that the Ruthless Man and the other emperor realm powerhouses were all shocked by the sight in front of them after they entered the Four Truths Dharma Cave.

I saw a vast and boundless picture of mountains and rivers, with various peaks protruding, and the rivers and seas flowing, which are almost not inferior to the real Shengyuan Continent.

"This, here is the Four Noble Dharma Cave?" Zi Yan asked stutteringly, frightened by the sight in front of her.

This is simply a real Great Thousand World, it looks even wider than Shengyuan Continent!

Yuxin said softly: "The Buddha said: One flower is one world, one leaf is one bodhi, if the heart is not distracted, the Tathagata is in the palm of the hand, this place is worthy of being a Buddhist holy place, just the artistic conception of this 'world in the palm' is not an ordinary ancient Buddha can comprehend.”

"What flower, Ye, I don't care, eldest sister has found Duan Qingyun's little thief?" Zi Yan said crisply.

The ruthless man pinched his fingers and decided to match the general trend of the stars. After a while, he looked up to the southeast and said coldly, "Go there."

Seeing Ruthless Man's movements, Zizai Shengji and others hesitated for a while, and followed her.

A group of strong men climbed over mountains and mountains, crossed countless wild places, and finally came to a huge city.

Here, the pedestrians are intertwined, the traffic is busy, and it is very lively. It is a strong human city.

"Chang'an." Yu Xin looked at the words on the plaque at the city gate and read it out softly.

"Go in and have a look."

The ruthless man lowered his escape light and silently merged into the crowd.

These people are all mortals without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual energy, and they are not aware of the ruthless people at all.

"Come on! Selling fish, selling fish, freshly caught fish..."

"Selling cloth, selling cloth..."

"Fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and marriage prospects are all in one sign."

The sound of hawking on the street was up and down, and it was extremely lively.

Chapter 860 The world created by the Burial Emperor!

Zi Yan looked left, looked again, frowned and said: "Eldest sister is sure that Duan Qingyun is here? What is the so-called Buddha's eighty-one hardships, these Four Noble Dharma caves are too weird."

The ruthless man was about to answer when he suddenly saw many people surrounding a brick wall, so he also moved up.

Zi Yan is the character who joins in the fun the most. Without being greeted by a ruthless person, she squeezed to the front on her own. I saw an imperial list posted on the blue brick wall with a dragon seal underneath, and I was even more curious.

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said: I have been on the throne for more than ten years, and I have been in power diligently. However, in the borders of the Tang Dynasty, there were floods in the east, severe droughts in the west, and people's livelihoods were difficult, all because I did not understand the Buddha's law and the meaning of the Buddha. Therefore, I want to be there. After one month, there will be a conference on living Buddha, and the list goes around the world, and all monks with the Tao can attend the conference and practice Buddhism together..."

Zi Yan read the contents of the list from beginning to end, and didn't notice anything strange, so she squeezed out of the crowd again, and said to Ruthless and Yuxin: "Eldest sister, second sister, this emperor It's so strange that there are droughts and floods in the territory, and instead of sending people to rain and collect water, they ask to worship Buddhism, what is the reason?"

Yuxin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Don't forget, Sanmei, this is a world in the cave of the Four Noble Truths, specially created to sharpen the Buddha's mind, and naturally it has something to do with the Buddha. Looking at the people of Chang'an, there are almost no people who have cultivated. Presumably no one is proficient in the means of rainwater harvesting.”

After listening to Zi Yan, she nodded earnestly, and said, "Second sister is right. If you want to control droughts and floods in a region, you must at least have a holy cultivation base, and then practice special spells. Do you want to come to this country? That cultivator is really pitiful."

"Haha, the Star God has made a sign. This place is nothing but an illusory world, and all the scenery is just an illusion. Life and death are only a single thought, what's so pitiful." The Great Emperor Yin Yang said with a smile.

Saint Ji Zizai stepped forward and said: "Everything that has action is like a dream bubble. It is like dew and electricity, so it should be viewed in this way. Buddhist Zen philosophy emphasizes small words and great righteousness. It was sent out."

The Great Emperor Kuxuan looked around and sighed: "There is a strong sense of Buddha in this place. I think everyone is going to Buddha. Maybe this Buddha machine should be in the Buddha's Conference a month later. I can wait and watch it change."

The rest of the great emperors agreed and dispersed.

Zi Yan said in surprise: "Hey, these people actually left by themselves, I thought they would always follow us like a mangy dog."

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "I used Ziwei Dou to calculate that Duan Qingyun would go to the Thousand Buddhas Temple. Where can I find out about these great sects? When I think about it, I know that the chess players behind them have taken action and pointed the way for them. Now, I am afraid that they all have powerful cards from chess players, so they don't have to follow us all the way."

"It turns out that the eldest sister can just take this opportunity to find Duan Qingyun!" Zi Yan said excitedly.

The ruthless man said: "How can it be so easy, don't forget that Duan Qingyun also has the support of the Quasi Immortal Emperor behind him. Instructing Duan Qingyun to enter the Four Noble Dharma Cave must have deep meaning, and he should not be able to catch him in a short time."

Yu Xin said softly: "Then let's stay in the city first, and take advantage of the fact that the Sheng Buddha Conference has not yet been held, and look for opportunities to wait and see. In addition, I feel that this place seems to be full of qi induction, and it's better for the third sister not to be out of line. time, otherwise I am afraid I will be directly expelled."

"Understood, I won't mess around." Zi Yan swore to assure, as to whether it is true or not, only she knows.

On the way to find the inn, the three sisters deliberately paid attention to the comments of the people around them, and found that most of them were related to the Buddha, and the most talked about was the meeting of the living Buddha that will be held in a month.Zero One Reading Network www.01dsw.cc

It is said that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty has sent angels to send invitations to many famous Buddhist temples, and invited eminent monks from all walks of life to participate in the Living Buddha Conference.

After half an hour of searching, the three sisters finally booked a room at a high-end restaurant called Jinfenglou.

Sitting in the room, the three sisters shared the information they had obtained while eating, and quickly compiled a general information.

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