The place where they are now is a human kingdom in Dongsheng Shenzhou, the country name is Tang, and Chang'an is its capital.

This country occupies not a small area, but it is not worth mentioning compared with the huge Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Here, the Buddha is respected, and the Tathagatas of the West, various Bodhisattvas, Venerables, and Arhats are all gods worshipped by the people.

"Datang, Chang'an, everyone to Buddha... Big sister, second sister, don't you think this is very similar to a story my father told us before?" Zi Yan said with a frown.

"I also have a familiar feeling, and I can't judge the specifics." Yu Xin said hesitantly.

In the past, Zhang Tian took their three sisters to live in Wuliu Village. When he was free, he would always tell some bizarre stories, of which Zi Yan listened the most.

"Wait patiently first, I believe that at the Living Buddha Conference, everything will be revealed." The ruthless man said with a foreboding.

In the world of the Four Noble Truths Cave, thousands of miles above, Zhang Tian appeared out of thin air, and with just one thought, he understood the rules of this world.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to see this fantasy again."

Zhang Tian's eyes showed a touch of reminiscence. Few people knew that this fantasy world of 'Journey to the West', which was famous in Buddhism, was actually created by him.

Back then, he specialized in the law of virtual reality transformation, and in order to practice his hands, he created many near-real illusions, some of which were created by his heart, and some of which he restored some novels and classics he had read in previous lives.

This 'Journey to the West' was created by him based on a certain classical masterpiece he had read in his previous life. It contains [-] catastrophes, and every time he passes a level, he can increase the realm of Buddhism by one point.

Later, he conquered the world as the Emperor Buried, and wiped out countless alien races. When he was rewarded after the war, he thought of this fantasy world and sent it out.

Unexpectedly, inadvertently, this illusion has been widely circulated in Buddhism, thus creating countless ancient Buddhas with profound Buddhist teachings.

Every time he thought about it, he felt speechless.

Chapter 861 The South China Sea Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appointed by Zhang Tian

Walking on this vast land, Zhang Tian could not help but gradually indulge in it.

At the beginning, he just randomly created the 'Journey to the West Illusion' based on scattered memories, but after tens of millions of years of perfection in the Buddhist Pure Land, it has become a very rigorous illusion to sharpen the Buddha's heart.

There are eighty-one calamities in the Buddha's calamity, and each calamity corresponds to a difficulty in Buddhist cultivation. If one can pass the eighty-one kalpas, one's dharma cultivation will be able to stand side by side with the ancient Buddha of the true immortal level.

And all the way west, at most a hundred years can come to the end, and because the internal time flow is a hundred times slower, in fact, the outside world is only one year.

That is to say, in just one year, a person with little foundation in the Dharma can become an ancient Buddha with deep Zen philosophy.

Of course, there are very few people who can clear 'Journey to the West' in one go, and most of them are trapped by the catastrophe in the middle.

For example, in the Thousand Buddha Temple, only the eminent monks who have reached the first level of the Buddhist temple can go on the journey to the west.

However, if you can't do it once, you can do it twice. You can try a thousand times in a thousand years. Even if there is only a slight improvement each time, you will always see results after thousands of years.

This is also a new branch of Buddhism - ascetic monks.

It refers to those who do not have Buddhist wisdom or talent, but have a firm Buddhist heart, who tirelessly walk westward over and over again, savoring the Zen principles, until they reach the end and become a generation of ancient Buddhas.

In order to carry forward Buddhism, Buddhist temples in the heavens and the world have built the "Westward Journey", and the end point goes directly to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss where the Buddha's Pure Land is located.

For tens of millions of years, countless eminent monks who have entered the Paradise of Elysium from the 'Journey to the West' have become the mainstay of the Buddhist kingdom.

It can be said that the Buddha's Pure Land can now have the invincible momentum that overwhelms the world, and the 'Journey to the West' has played a very important role.

Here, Zhang Tian walked forward in the aftertaste, and in one step, he shrank thousands of miles, and before he knew it, he had reached the Daleiyin Temple at the end of the illusion.

This Daleiyin Temple is full of Buddha light, and various pagodas are lined up. Sometimes ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas pass by. This is not a pure illusion.

Zhang Tian walked into the Buddhist temple in such a grand manner. None of the ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas noticed his existence, but gathered in the Mahavira Hall as set.

Zhang Tian entered the Mahavira Hall and was seeing the first Buddha, the Tathagata, who was turning flowers into rain, and said solemnly: "I am now in the four continents, and all beings are good and evil, and they are different from each other: those who conquer Shenzhou in the east, respect the heavens and pay homage to the earth; those in the north Those from Luzhou have a clumsy temperament; those from Hezhou, the Western cattle, are neither greedy nor killed, but nourish their qi and submerge their spirits; only those from Nanzhanbuzhou are greedy for lust and pleasure in misfortune, kill more and fight more, and need to use the Three Cans of Truth to overcome evil and spread. good."

When His Highnesses heard the words, the ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas folded their palms together to take refuge, and asked, "Which Tripitaka scriptures does the Tathagata have?"

The Tathagata said: "I have a collection of Dharma, I talk about the heavens; I have a collection of teachings, I talk about the earth; I have a collection of scriptures, I save ghosts; The three collections have a total of thirty-five volumes, worth fifteen thousand one hundred and forty-four volumes, which are the foundations of Buddhist cultivation. Path, the door of righteousness. This three Tibetan scriptures are intended to be passed on to the eastern lands, instructing all directions, what do you think?"

One of the bodhisattvas said: "People in the world are stupid, and it is difficult for them to understand the value of the Tripitaka scriptures, and they are afraid of neglecting the painstaking efforts of the Buddha. From what I see, it is better to go to the Eastern Land to find a good believer in Buddhism and teach him to go through thousands of mountains and travel thousands of miles. Water, go to Daleiyin Temple to ask for the true scriptures, and then send them back to the East, so you can see your sincerity."

The Tathagata was overjoyed and said, "This is the blessing of Shanda, and the blessing of the deep sea. Who is willing to go for a walk?"

Just then he said that the Bodhisattva worshiped again: "The disciple is not talented, I wish to go to the Eastern Land to find a sincere and sincere person."

But seeing this Bodhisattva with picturesque brows and red lips, holding a jade vase in one hand, and sticking several willow branches obliquely, it is the Lord of Mercy on Mount Naluga, who lives Guanyin in Chaoyin Cave.Living in the South China Sea, looking for a voice to save suffering.

Zhang Tian looked at the Bodhisattva and unconsciously revealed a smile.

At that time, he was buried in the body of the emperor, sealed the world, and presented the 'Journey to the West', which led to the development of the Pure Land of Buddhism, but the biggest beneficiary of them was the South China Sea Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The reason is very simple. Nanhai Guanyin is his appointed guide for the journey to the west. This is just a random decision. However, as the 'Western Journey Fantasy' spreads all over the world, Nanhai Guanyin has also divided hundreds of millions of dharma bodies, transformed into countless Buddhas, and obtained amazing results. The achievements and realm have been advancing all the way. Although the strength is not enough to leave a name for the emperor's mark monument, the realm of Buddhism can stand side by side with the Buddha.

This also makes Nanhai Guanyin the only person in the nine mountains and seas who has the realm of a quasi-immortal emperor, but does not have the strength of a quasi-immortal emperor.

It can be said that Zhang Tian single-handedly accomplished Guanyin of the South China Sea, and he is also the number one Bodhisattva in Buddhism today.

Here, Zhang Tian's thoughts are flowing, and the plot in the hall is still advancing. He only listens to the Tathagata: "The South China Sea Guanyin has vast magical powers and is worthy of great responsibility."

Nanhai Guanyin said: "This disciple is going to the East, what other orders do the Buddha have?"

The Tathagata said: "East Earth and Daleiyin Temple are thousands of mountains and rivers apart, and there are many trials and tribulations. I have a "Jinlan robe" and a "nine-ring tin rod". If you are willing to come here with determination, wear my robes, so as not to fall into reincarnation; hold my tin coins, so as not to be poisoned."

Nanhai Guanyin converted to worship, bowed and retired.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian knew that the Journey to the West was about to officially open, and he didn't want to stay here any longer. With a flash, he returned to Jiuxiao.

Walk on the sky, all the way to the east.

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