But he said that in Chang'an, the capital of Tang, Ruthless and the great emperors had spent most of the month.

Because of the Sheng Buddha Conference, a large number of monks enter Chang'an every day, and people singing and chanting Buddhist scriptures can be seen everywhere.

On this day, Ruthless and Yuxin were drinking tea in the house, and Zi Yan suddenly burst in.

"Eldest sister, that Yin-Yang Emperor has captured hundreds of handsome monks. This method of Yin-Yang harmony is too evil, even monks are not spared."

Zi Yan moved a bench and sat down and said very gossip.

These days, she runs wild outside every day, enjoying the mundane music, and whether she is having a good time, and she has inquired a lot of news.

"Don't say such a serious thing!" Yu Xin reprimanded with a red face, and then said softly: "Then the Great Emperor Yin and Yang arrested the monk in order to choose an eminent monk, not what you think. Here After all, it is a place where the mind of Buddhism is tempered, and one’s tyrannical cultivation alone is not enough to survive the Buddha’s calamity.

"So that's the case." Zi Yan showed an expression of sudden realization, nodded and said: "No wonder people from the Huanyin Sect and the Heaven Patching Sect are also recruiting famous monks everywhere. Since this is the case, let's hurry up, otherwise the monks will be all over the place. They were robbed."

The ruthless man smiled slightly, drank the fragrant tea in the cup, and said calmly: "No hurry, the time has not yet come."

Chapter 862 Isn't this "Journey to the West" that Dad told me?

Time flies, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the thirteenth year of Longji Zhenguan, the Living Buddha Conference was held.

Before and after the thousand official rings are worn, the five guards' flags are lined on both sides.

Holding a gourd, holding an axe and tomahawk, both paired;

Crimson yarn candles, royal incense burners, dignified and dignified.

Dragon and phoenix dance, auspicious.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty sat high in the bright hall, and the ten thousand Buddhas sat around the dojo, preaching sutras and discussing the Tao, and the lotus springs gushing from the ground.

Ruren, Yuxin, and Zi Yan were walking on the road, and many monks could still be seen walking towards the dojo.

At this moment, a tall and thin vendor appeared in front of him, dressed in ragged robes, holding a cassock and a tin stick to sell.

The golden light of the cassock was bright, as if the dragon scales and cranes were made of silk, woven by the fairy, and the goddess made it.

The tin rod is nine feet long, made of copper and iron, winding like a fairy vine, with luminous pearls on the four corners, and an emerald in the top.

They are all treasures in the world, attracting countless passers-by to watch.

Zi Yan was the best to be lively, and quickly pulled Ruthless and Yu Xin to join them.

I saw a big monk standing in front of the vendor, took the cassock and tasted it, nodded with great satisfaction, and said, "How much will your cassock sell for?"

The vendor said, "The cassock is worth five thousand taels, and the tin stick is worth two thousand taels."

Suddenly there was an uproar around.

The great monk said angrily, "Aren't you a madman? You want seven thousand taels of silver for two vulgar items. Could it be possible to wear them on your body to live forever, become a Buddha and become an ancestor?"

The vendor wasn't angry either, he just said plainly: "Wear my cassock, you won't fall into perdition, you won't fall into hell, you won't suffer vicious hardships, you won't meet the den of tigers and wolves, you won't sell it for five thousand taels of silver."

Zi Yan was watching with relish, and suddenly a ruthless voice came from her ear: "Third sister, go and buy that cassock and tin cane."

She didn't understand what the ruthless man wanted this cassock for, but she was very obedient. She jumped out immediately and said crisply: "You great monk, if you can't afford the money, get out of the way as soon as possible, don't delay me to buy it."

The big monk glared at Zi Yan and said, "Where's the kid from? I am the host of Dahong Temple. With thousands of miles of territorial land and over [-] tenant farmers, how could I not be able to take out a mere [-] taels of silver, but I just disdain to be deceived."

"Che, I don't care if you are Dahong Temple or Dalan Temple. If you don't buy it, let it go." Zi Yan waved her hand away, looking at the vendor and said, "I want your cassock and tin cane. This is [-] yuan. two silver coins."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan pointed to the ground, and a large wooden box appeared out of thin air. The lid of the box was opened, and it was full of silver, which caused a commotion.

This money was collected by Zi Yan wandering around in Chang'an for a month and collected everywhere. Some of them were approving people's orders, and some were helping people go to haunted houses to eliminate ghosts. The way they came was very legitimate.

The vendor was stunned when he saw this, his face showing a look of astonishment.

The ruthless man said with a chuckle, "The Venerable Fang Cai said that the cassocks were five thousand taels and the tin sticks were two thousand taels. Now that they are here, it is possible that they do not want to sell them."

"This..." The street vendor hesitated for a while, not even noticing that the ruthless called him 'Venerable'.The Eighth Library www.8shuku.com

Suddenly, the vendor seemed to see something surprising, his face changed drastically, and he whispered: "Since the customer pays, I will sell it naturally."

After speaking, the vendor put away the cash box and disappeared out of thin air.

This time, it was Ruren's turn to be surprised. She had already figured out that this vendor was extraordinary through the number of crape myrtle, and the cassocks and tin sticks were also 'things set by heaven'. .

That's why she deliberately commanded the first army to see the follow-up changes, but she didn't expect that the vendor actually gave up the cassock and the tin stick, which made her a little overwhelmed.

But the ruthless man did not know that at that moment, Zhang Tian appeared behind her. It was precisely because he saw Zhang Tian, ​​Nanhai Guanyin who was pretending to be a street vendor, that he was shocked and left in a hurry.

"Big sister, why are you spending so much money selling these two things?" Zi Yan said with some distress.

The host of Dahong Temple on the side was extremely regretful. He saw that the cassock and the tin cane were magical, and he already fell in love with them. Zi Yan took the lead.

Seeing Zi Yan's expression now, the big monk quickly stepped forward and said, "I don't care about the past, if you don't like it, you might as well transfer it to me."

"Go and go, I want to take advantage of me, but there is no door." Zi Yan said angrily.

The ruthless man took the cassock and the tin cane, pondered for a while and then smiled, placed a seal on the tin cane, suddenly found it on the ground, and raised his voice: "Anyone who passes by a monk who can pull out this cane will give it to him directly. ."


The host of Dahong Temple was overjoyed, this saved [-] taels of silver, and hurried forward to pull it out.

However, with his milk-feeding power, he was still unable to shake the tin stick, so he could only curse a few words and leave in anger.

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