After several hours, hundreds of monks tried, but no one succeeded, but more and more onlookers.

"Pull it out!"

"Pull it out!"

Just then, there was a commotion from the crowd.

The three ruthless sisters, who were waiting in the tea shop to drink tea, hurried back to check, and saw that the one who pulled out the tin stick was a young monk with beautiful eyes and extraordinary handsomeness.

When the monk saw the ruthless man, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Little monk Chen Xuanzang, from Hongfu Temple, pulled out the tin stick by coincidence, please return it to the original owner."

The ruthless man looked him up and down, and said, "Master has come to Chang'an for thousands of miles, probably because of the Buddha's assembly. There is an old saying: people need clothes, Buddhas need gold clothes, the master wears shabby clothes, and the face of saints is disrespectful. I happen to have a brocade cassock and a nine-ring tin stick here, and I would like to give it to the master and promote the Dharma."

After speaking, the ruthless man did not wait for Chen Xuanzang to object, and pointed at the cassock and the tin cane, the two treasures flew into the air, and the light flashed, and they were directly worn on Chen Xuanzang's body.

In an instant, everyone felt their eyes lit up. Chen Xuanzang, who was already handsome, became even more dignified with the blessing of these two divine objects, like an Arhat descending and a Bodhisattva approaching the mortal.

"This... The little monk thanked the donor for his kindness." After some hesitation, Chen Xuanzang finally thanked the ruthless man.

In this way, Chen Xuanzang, wearing a brocade cassock and holding a nine-ring tin staff, went all the way to the Buddha Assembly. When the people along the way saw this, they all said that the King of Earth Store was here, and everyone took refuge.

The ruthless man followed behind with his two younger sisters.

Zi Yan stared at Chen Xuanzang's back, looked left, looked again, and suddenly said: "Datang, Chen Xuanzang, Tang Xuanzang, isn't this the "Journey to the West" that Dad told us?"

Chapter 863 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the South China Sea Appears, Shocking the Emperors!

Yuxin said softly: "I also think it's like "Journey to the West". Tang Sanzang went from the Eastern Land Tang to the Western Paradise to obtain the true scriptures. Are you also tempted?"

Ruren said: "I'm only [-]% sure right now, but it shouldn't be wrong if I think about it. It's normal for my father to have a lot of experience in the world. ."

Zi Yan excitedly said: "That story is very interesting, a monkey demon, a pig demon, and a weirdo, escorted Tang Sanzang to the West, how many monsters were fought along the way, and the daughter country, Che Chi country, I don't know Can we meet?"

"Father's stories always have deep meanings in them. Now that I think about it, the catastrophe that Tang Sanzang and others have gone through has all tempered their state of mind. It is a matter of course to reach the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss and become a Buddha." Yu Xin sighed.

Zi Yan pouted and said: "I didn't see any deep meaning, didn't they all fight and kill all the way?"

The ruthless man smiled and said: "Fighting, killing and killing are not necessarily not Buddhas, even Buddhists that focus on pure cultivation, there are Vajra Buddhas, tiger-fighting Arhats, not to mention the way of fighting and fighting. Fight, kill and kill."

Zi Yan also laughed when she heard this, and said, "I like it the most. I can also prove one of such a Buddha."

While the three sisters were chatting and laughing, they had already arrived at the venue of the Living Buddha Conference.

I saw tens of thousands of eminent monks sitting around in the vast and boundless square, expounding their views on Buddhism.

Suddenly seeing Chen Xuanzang coming, the golden bead was hanging, the precious image was solemn, all the Buddhist monks stood in awe, silent.

Those great sect emperors who were hiding in the dark couldn't help but secretly startled when they saw this. When their cultivation reached their realm, they all had the ability to sense the gods and humans. Just looking at them, you could see the extraordinaryness of this cassock and tin stick.

Such a fetish can never be carried by ordinary people, and from this perspective, this monk is also not unusual.

At this time, someone saw the ruthless group behind Chen Xuanzang, and his face became even more gloomy.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty sat high in the bright hall, and when he saw Chen Xuanzang, he made a color to the left and right.

A minister stepped forward and said, "Who is coming?"

Chen Xuanzang saluted: "Chen Xuanzang of Hongfu Temple, to meet the emperor."

"Okay, okay! Master please come to the stage to preach." Tang Taizong couldn't help but speak in person, his eyes were full of heat.

"Follow His Majesty's will."

Chen Xuanzang bowed again, stepped onto the high platform, cleared his throat, talked about the mysteries of Buddhism, recited the "Sutra of Rebirth and Death" for a while, talked about "Anbang Tianbao Zhuan" for a while, and once again announced "Persuading to Cultivate Gong". Volume", countless flowers and rain fell from the sky, and the people were amazed.

Originally, tens of thousands of monks were displeased when they saw Chen Xuanzang's independence, but after listening to his Zen philosophy, they all showed admiration and listened carefully.

The ruthless man stood below, and couldn't stop nodding when she heard it. Although she didn't respect Buddhism, all the ways in the world came to the same goal. What Chen Xuanzang said was a great way, and it was very touching to her.

However, Zi Yan was impatient to hear it, patrolled around, and suddenly said in surprise: "Big sister, look at that vendor is here too."

The ruthless man looked sideways, and saw that the street vendor lifted up his tattered robes, jumped into the square, and said loudly, "The monk, you only talk about the Theravada Buddhism, do you know the Mahayana Buddhism?"

This voice did not sound very loud, but it clearly reached everyone's ears.

Chen Xuanzang's voice of lawsuits stopped abruptly, he quickly walked down the high platform, walked to the street vendor and bowed, respectfully said: "Master, this disciple has lost his sight, please don't blame. It's just that all the monks are talking about Theravada. teachings, but don’t know what the Mahayana teachings are?”

The vendor said: "Your Theravada teaching method can not save the dead and ascend, but only the mundane and light. I have the Mahayana Buddhism Three Treasures, which can transcend the dead and ascend to heaven, can save the difficult and free from suffering, can cultivate an immeasurable longevity body, and can do infinity. Come and go."

Chen Xuanzang said in surprise: "How can there be such a mysterious Dharma in the world?"

Tang Taizong also stood up in awe and asked, "Where is your Mahayana Buddhism?"

The vendor said: "At Daleiyin Temple in Daxi Tianzhu Kingdom, I am the Buddha Tathagata, I can solve the knot of hundreds of injustices, and can eliminate the disaster of no misunderstanding."

After all, Tang Taizong was the emperor, with an extraordinary bearing, and said calmly: "I wonder if the old master knows this Mahayana Buddhism?"

The vendor said: "Naturally know it."

Tang Taizong stroked his beard and sighed: "Okay, I have never heard of Mahayana Buddhism, please come to the stage to solve my doubts."

Chen Xuanzang also turned to invite him.

The vendor smiled slightly, floated up in the sky, stepped on the auspicious clouds with his feet, and reached the Jiuxiao, where the Avalokitesvara Pizza Dharma body appeared, with a gold leaf button on his head, a bottle of willow in his hand, and a solemn appearance.


"The Bodhisattva has descended!"

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