The monks and commoners who were watching all shouted loudly and bowed down to the ground one after another.

Tang Taizong did not dare to neglect, and led the civil and military around, kneeling on the ground and burning incense.

Even those great sect emperors who were hidden in the void felt chills all over their bodies when they saw this Bodhisattva Dharma body.

How brilliant their vision is, seeing that this is just the incarnation of a ray of thought, but even so, it gives them a noble majesty that cannot be despised.

One can imagine how terrifying it would be if the deity came in person.

Avalokitesvara received the salute safely, with a voice like an orchid in an empty valley, and Lang Lang said, "I am the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Chaoyin Cave of Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, following the decree of the Tathagata Buddha, to come to the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty to find a sincere and sincere person to obtain scriptures. [-] miles away, go to Daleiyin Temple in Xitian to ask for the Tripitaka True Sutra. This sutra can surpass ghosts and get out of the crowd when you return to the country. If you are willing to go, you can get the golden body of Zhengguo.”

As soon as these words came out, the monks were in an uproar, and they all showed their longing.

What is the golden body of Zhengguo, that is the realm of the ancient Buddha, immortal, immortal, and not entering reincarnation. This is the aspiration of all Buddhist cultivation.

But when they heard 'the journey is [-] miles', the monks expressed their retreat. There are many monsters in this world. If they stay in the border of the Tang Dynasty, they can still be preserved. If you can find them and eat them, what about the golden body of proving the Tao.

Those Great Sect Emperor Venerables hidden in the void are all shaken, the east land to the west sky, [-] miles, isn't it the beginning of the eighty-one tribulations of the Buddha's calamity!

Chapter 864 The Emperor of Hell is here!

Tang Taizong said: "How difficult is this, I will send a general to lead the forbidden army to ride with flying eagles, and it will take a long time to reach the western sky."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "The Three Treasures of the Holy Scriptures contain the meaning of Mahayana Buddhism, and they are only given to monks who are sincere and sincere. Those who want to seek the true scriptures must devote themselves to reciting the Buddha and walk on foot. ."

After speaking, the aura of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva shone and disappeared out of thin air.

When the great sect emperors heard this, they were quite convinced that the eighty-one difficulties of the westward road refer to the eighty-one difficulties of the Buddha's calamity. world.

A mere [-] miles away, for the emperor realm strong, it is nothing, and it will take a long time to reach the void.

Just walking on foot and bringing monks who are proficient in the Dharma is difficult.

You must know that these monks do not have the slightest cultivation base, and it is easier said than done if they want to walk [-] miles in the wild mountains.

Tang Taizong also showed hesitation, looked at the monks and said: "All of you are famous monks in my Tang Dynasty, for the peace of Tang Limin, and for their own Taoism, can someone be willing to take this errand and go to the West to seek Take the scriptures?"

All the monks were silent, this is a terrible thing, who dares to agree easily.

The ruthless man's eyes drooped slightly, and he sent a voice to Chen Xuanzang: "Master Xuanzang is the best candidate for his intensive cultivation of Buddhism. As for the disaster along the way, my three sisters can block it for you, so there is no need to worry."

Chen Xuanzang had a big wish in his heart, and he planned to take up this errand. After listening to the words of the ruthless man, he became a little more confident, and bowed his head: "The poor monk is not talented, I would like to do the hard work of a dog and horse, and seek the truth from your majesty, Pray to protect my Wang Jiangshan forever."

Tang Taizong was overjoyed, he went down the steps in person, helped Chen Xuanzang up, and asked, "If the Master can be so loyal and virtuous, he is not afraid of the long journey and the mountains and rivers. I would rather worship you as a brother."

Chen Xuanzang nodded and once again made his mind clear.

Tang Taizong also simply knelt down on Chen Xuanzang's side, lined up with him, bowed four times, and said loudly: "Emperor Tianhoutu, the heavens and the gods are above, Li Shimin, I wish to become brothers with Master Xuanzang, heaven and earth. Shared learning."

Chen Xuanzang was very grateful and said, "Your Majesty, what virtues and abilities does a poor monk have, and dare to be favored by the heavens? When I go, I must sacrifice my life and work hard until I reach the Western Heaven. If I don't get to the Western Heaven, if I don't get the scriptures, I will not dare to return to the country even if I die. , and sink into hell forever. This oath stands before the Buddha and will never be violated."

Tang Taizong was even more delighted in his heart, and he ordered him to return to Luang, waiting for a good day to be elected, and sent an ultimatum to go out, and the monks in the square also dispersed.

Chen Xuanzang rushed to Ruren Ren and said, "Thank you for the cassock and tin cane given by the benefactor, so that the little monk can show off his head, and this is a good opportunity from heaven."

Zi Yan smiled and said: "You monk, you are not too brave. Haven't you heard that there are more tigers and leopards and monsters in the west. I'm afraid that there is no return, and it is difficult to save your life."

Chen Xuanzang said honestly: "I have made a great vow. If I don't follow the true scriptures, I will fall into hell forever. Besides, the Emperor Tang treats me with sincerity. How can I not serve my country with loyalty? "

Yu Xin said softly: "Master, don't listen to my sister's nonsense, the three sisters and I are all outsiders who are skilled in the passage method. Although they are not good at learning, it is enough to subdue demons and demons, and the wizards don't have to worry about the monsters along the way. ."

Chen Xuanzang said excitedly: "The three benefactors are so kind and virtuous, the little monk dare not forget them, and he will repay them in the future."

Watching Chen Xuanzang and the three Ruthless sisters leave, the emperors who were hiding in the void were a little anxious.

They have already seen that Chen Xuanzang is the one who is destined to learn from the scriptures. If he does not follow him closely and escort him to the west, he will be sent out soon.

A few days later, Tang Taizong held a court meeting, gathered the civil and military, wrote a scripture ultimatum, used the seal of the pass, and awarded it to Chen Xuanzang in public.

Chen Xuanzang took over the thanks. 5599 Novel

Tang Taizong said: "Brother Yu, this trip is a long way, and I have a purple-gold bowl, which I will send you to use for fasting on the way. Then I will send three hundred tiger guards to accompany you to protect you."

Chen Xuanzang said, "Thanks for your kindness, Your Majesty, it's just this purple-gold bowl. The poor monk is guarded by experts from outside the world, and there is no need for a soldier to follow."

Tang Taizong said sternly: "This is a piece of my heart, and the younger brother must not refuse, even let them be a leg groom."

Chen Xuanzang refused, but turned to look at the ruthless man.

The ruthless man showed a meaningful expression and said with a light smile: "Since it is Emperor Tang's intention, the master will accept it."

Only then did Tang Taizong show joy, and he sent Chen Xuanzang to the city gate all the way, and asked, "Does the imperial brother have a nickname?"

Chen Xuanzang said: "The poor monk is a monk, and he does not dare to be named."

Tang Taizong said: "At that time, the Bodhisattva said that there are three sutras in the Western Heaven. The royal brother can refer to the sutras and take the number. How about the name of the three?"

Chen Xuanzang said: "I will obey His Majesty's decree, and the poor monk will call himself Tang Sanzang in the future, always reminding himself to seek the Sanzang scriptures for the Tang Dynasty."

Tang Taizong said: "Your brother is sincere, and I have nothing else to say. Please drink this glass of vegetarian wine and head west."

Chen Xuanzang, or Tang Sanzang, took the decree to thank him, drank the vegetarian wine, took the three ruthless sisters, and set out on the journey without a trace, followed by three hundred tiger Benwei, carrying many burdens. .

It is filled with gold and silver property that Emperor Taizong of Tang offered as a reward, which was used to pay for the errands of various countries along the way.

Everyone walked a mountain road, and suddenly a huge cliff appeared in front of them. Under the cliff, there were waves in the sea of ​​clouds, and the waves were magnificent.

A tiger fighter said: "This is a dead end, turn back."

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