Tang Sanzang said hesitantly, "I just finished drinking the royal wine, and His Majesty's chariot didn't move. How can I answer when I go back now?"

The ruthless man smiled and said: "This is God testing the Buddha's heart of the Master. If the Buddha's heart is firm, there will naturally be a path under his feet."

After speaking, she took a few steps forward, and she really stood above the sea of ​​clouds without falling.

Seeing this, Tang Sanzang put aside his worries, followed by stepping into the sea of ​​clouds, and walked towards the depths of the white mist.

The tiger guards in the back did not have the courage, and most of them were stagnant. Only a few dozen people set foot on the sea of ​​​​clouds indifferently.

"Haha, I know how difficult this Buddha kalpa is, and it's not easy to pass."

A tiger Benwei laughed, and the armor on his body shattered, revealing the black robe inside.

The ruthless man turned his head and sneered: "The calamity is born from the heart, if the heart is not sincere, the Buddha's calamity will be self-sufficient, and since you want to pretend to be a guard, you should pretend to be the end, otherwise..."

Before she could finish her words, thunder suddenly exploded in the sky, and a purple divine thunder shattered the void, hitting the Emperor Zhun directly.


Lei Hai gave birth to waves, a huge gate of reincarnation opened, and the ghost of hell loomed, directly strangling the quasi emperor, destroying both body and spirit!

Chapter 865 The Little Tiger Demon Surrounded by Great Emperors


This sudden change shocked countless people in an instant.

The Great Sect Emperor Venerable disguised as Hu Benwei, looking at Yin Yang and He Sect Zhun Emperor who were cut into ashes, all had a feeling of chills all over their bodies.

"How can there be punishment from heaven?"

"Even if the heart refining fails, isn't it just sent out?"

"It's such a terrible punishment. There are six doors of light looming, which makes me feel the unparalleled power."

The expressions on the faces of all the great sect emperors were uncertain. Even the Great Emperor Kuxuan and the judges of the Xuanming Sect were so shocked that they could hardly move when they saw the six gates of light.

There was no surprise on the face of the ruthless man, and he only said lightly: "Do you really think that Duan Qingyun entered here unsuspecting? Now, he has become a turtle in his urn."

"Is it Duan Qingyun's ghost?"

The emperors listened to Ruthless Man's words and showed a stunned expression. They were able to chase and kill all the way to the Thousand Buddha Temple, with the support of mountains and seas behind them. Naturally, they knew that Duan Qingyun was just a chess piece.

When he thought that he might have fallen into the calculation of a quasi-immortal emperor, no one had a good face anymore.

The ruthless man took advantage of the situation and continued: "The journey to the west is open, and everything is under surveillance. If you have any misconduct, you will be sensed immediately. You have seen the end, and it is impossible to escape safely. If you can't survive the Buddha's calamity, then your body will die and your soul will be destroyed!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the emperors became even more ugly.

The Yin-Yang Emperor said coldly, "What exactly does the Sun Envoy want to say?"

The ruthless man said: "Since you are going to accompany you on the road as Hu Benwei, you should perform your duties well, and don't think about crooked ways."

Saint Ji Zizai rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "The meaning of the Sun God Envoy is to keep us guarding and obeying your dispatch all the way?"

"What? This is absolutely impossible!" All the sect masters showed indignation, what kind of identity they were, even in the Middle Ages, how could they be willing to condescend to be under the ruthless people.

Ruthless said in a low voice: "Whether or not, it's up to you to decide. If you think you can survive the six gates of light just now, you can remove the armor."

"You..." The emperors were furious, but did not know how to answer.

The six gates of light just now clearly enshrouded the huge immortal power. I am afraid that even the Underworld Emperor and Liu Shen are here, and they will definitely not be able to resist.

If it is just sent out of the Four Truths Dharma Cave, many people will recognize it, but if it is at the cost of death, it has to be shaken.

At a critical moment, the Great Emperor Kuxuan stepped forward and said: "Don't forget the agreement you made earlier, before you find Duan Qingyun, you will never start the civil strife lightly. Now everyone is in the same boat, helping each other and helping Master Sanzang pass through. Buddha Kalpa, or find Duan Qingyun, and use his life to negotiate with the master of the Six Paths of Light."

After all, Emperor Kuxuan had an extraordinary identity, and what he said was the truth. Only then did those emperors be honest.

Zi Yan snorted softly and muttered: "Big sister is too kind, why tell them this, it would be better if they were all run over by the six gates of light."

The ruthless man stepped forward, and said casually: "Let them die like this, wouldn't it be cheap for them. This road is [-] miles long and has a total of [-] difficulties. We sisters alone are three. People, I'm afraid it's hard to resist, and now there are more guard tribes, isn't it a good thing."

Zi Yan's eyes blinked, and she suddenly said excitedly: "Big sister is wise, if you encounter monsters and ghosts on the road, ask these people to come first, let's watch the fun." Nuancai Literature Network www.ncwxxs.com

Yu Xin shook her head and said nothing.

Everyone walked like this for a few days and reached a steep mountain.

The mountain road here is rugged, vipers and beasts often appear, often frightening Tang Sanzang, stop and go, angering many emperors.

Just at this moment, a cloudy wind suddenly blew up at the end of the mountain road, and the black air roared through the sky like a tornado, covering the sky and the sun.

"This is a monster, I'm afraid it is the beast king who dominates one side."

The emperors glanced at them casually and ignored it for a while, because although this demonic wind was strong, it was not at the level of demon emperors, and they were like ants in front of them.

"Where's the bald donkey, after passing through the territory of my General Yin, he didn't pay tribute?"

In the dark wind, a big man in armor walked out, majestic, staring at Tang Sanzang like copper bells.

Tang Sanzang was so frightened that he took a few steps back, barely calmed his mind, and said in a salute, "Amitabha, the little monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and wants to go to the west to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures. "

This is not a lie. Originally, Tang Taizong had prepared a lot of property, but they were all blown away by the mountain wind at the cliff in the sea of ​​clouds. Now it can be said that there is no treasure at all.

General Yin said angrily: "You monk doesn't follow the rules, don't you hear the wild goose plucking hair, I think your cassock is pretty good, just leave it for me."

"This, how to do this..." Tang Sanzang stepped back again and again.

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