"Thank you Devil Emperor." Duan Qingyun leaned over and bowed, showing a proud expression.

In the next instant, the Black Sky Demon Emperor had already vacated the sky, and directly transformed into a huge bear paw to press down on the Batian Lei Emperor, not giving him a chance to report his identity.

"Humph! I asked why you were so arrogant, it turned out that you were looking for a backer!"

The Batian Lei Emperor raised his head and howled, with one hand open, a mountain-like azure divine thunder suddenly dropped from the void, hitting the Black Sky Demon Emperor directly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two great emperors fought on this Black Wind Mountain, and the void of thousands of miles was blasted, turning into a field of annihilation.

After half an hour, the ruthless man who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath abruptly opened his eyes and said solemnly: "Batian Lei Di has fallen."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and made a move towards the void, and the trace of the soul fire left by Batian Lei Emperor really burned out.

"How is this possible!" All the emperors were shocked. How far did they go, and the catastrophe they encountered was even difficult for the dignified sect master to resist.

Zi Yan pouted and said: "What do you know, if I guessed correctly, the Batian Lei Emperor must be on the Black Bear Emperor on Heifeng Mountain, that is the mount of Guanyin of the South China Sea in the future. , is he able to deal with it?"

The emperors were stunned for a while, and Shengji Zizi asked: "How does the Star God Envoy know that there is a demon emperor sitting on Heifeng Mountain, and how does he know that he will be taken as a mount by Nanhai Guanyin?"

"Of course I listened to my dad." Zi Yan said as a matter of course, and asked strangely: "Have you never heard of "Journey to the West"?"

Chapter 867 Do You Know the Emperor Buried?

The emperors were dumbfounded.

Journey to the West?

What it is?

Even within Buddhism, the catastrophe in Journey to the West is strictly prohibited from spreading out, so how will others know about it?

Zi Yan said: "It turns out that you don't know, so it's not unusual. Let me tell you, this black bear spirit is not simple. He has the blood of the devil, but he has a relationship with Buddhism. He is protected by Guanyin Bodhisattva. If he is wrong, he will die."

The Yin Yang Emperor said coldly, "Humph! What a nonsense, Nanhai Avalokitesvara is the number one Bodhisattva in today's Buddhism, the Buddha's light shrouds the heavens and the world, how could he condescend to subdue a black bear demon emperor who still has a demonic nature. "

"Don't believe it or not." Zi Yan said indifferently.

The Great Emperor Kuxuan hurriedly stepped out and adjusted: "Whether or not the Batian Lei Emperor has fallen into the hands of the Black Bear Demon Emperor, we must rush over to prevent Duan Qingyun from escaping."

The ruthless man nodded and said, "It's still as thoughtful as Emperor Kuxuan thought. Let's go together this time."

With the lessons of Batian Lei Emperor, these great emperors did not dare to take it lightly, and prepared immediately.

The group flew to the Black Wind Mountain in a mighty way.


The Great Emperor Yin Yang rolled up an ancient pine tree that was a hundred feet tall and smashed it hard on the side of Heifeng Mountain.

"Who dares to provoke this Demon Emperor!"

A huge demonic wind erupted from a cave and rolled up the sky.

In an instant, the whole world turned dark.

The Black Sky Demon Emperor transformed into a ruthless burly man, standing in the air, looking down at the Great Emperor Yin Yang and the others coldly.

Zizai Shengji felt the terrifying suffocating energy on the other side, her expression became solemn, she raised her hand and turned into a picture scroll in the void, revealing Duan Qingyun's appearance, and said softly: "Has this demon emperor ever seen this person? "

When Heitian Demon Emperor saw it, he was even more angry, and said angrily: "You are also trying to snatch this emperor's cassock?"

The Yin Yang Emperor said: "That Duan Qingyun is really on this Black Wind Mountain, we don't need to talk to him, there are so many people, we are afraid that he will fail!"

After speaking, the Great Emperor Yin Yang made another sharp female laughter, rolled up the black and white horses, and slashed towards the Black Heaven Demon Emperor, like two death scythes that harvested life, flashing icy rays of light under the night sky.

"Haha, this emperor is afraid that you will not dare to shoot!"

Hei Tian Demon Emperor laughed loudly, he had demon blood in his bones, and he was naturally belligerent. He did not retreat and counterattacked immediately. He turned into a huge bear paw and slammed it down, covering all the great emperors.


"court death!"

"Suppress him!"

All the emperors were shocked and angry, and they took action one after another. For a time, the emperor's might was in the sky, penetrating the sky, and countless mountains and mountains were directly razed to the ground.




The huge cracking sound resounded endlessly. Although the Black Sky Demon Emperor was the overlord of one party, he was still in precarious danger under the siege of the emperors. It didn't take long for the image of defeat to appear, and panic flashed in his eyes.

"Jie Jie, let's die, this corpse puppet has never swallowed a powerful demon emperor like you." Aishuwu www.2shuwuxs.com

The Great Emperor of the Spiritual Sect burst out laughing wildly, and with a move with both hands, a white-boned monster with a height of a thousand feet rushed to the Black Sky Demon Emperor as if chasing the moon. The two big hands trapped his shoulder blades, and he opened his mouth to bite at him.

At this moment, a ray of spiritual light descended from the sky, turned into a huge willow branch, and only swept towards the white-boned monster. The white-boned monster immediately flew out, and a huge hole was broken in the skeleton.


The Great Emperor of the Spiritual Sect suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood essence, with a look of horror on his face.

However, the power of the willow branches far exceeded his imagination. After blowing away the white-boned monster, the power continued to rush forward, like a gust of wind blowing the earth, sweeping away thousands of miles of autumn leaves.

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