Wherever he passed, the void shattered like a mirror, and all the divine passage methods were shattered by it.

call out!

call out!

call out!

The Great Emperor Kuxuan, the Judge of Water and Fire, the Holy Princess Zizai, the Great Emperor Yinyang and others vomited blood and flew backwards, without the slightest resistance.


Lang Lang's Buddha's sound came from above the nine heavens, like a galaxy, and blasted directly in the ears of all the great emperors.

"This is Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!"

All the great emperors looked at the Avalokitesvara that descended from the sky, and recognized at a glance that it was the Nanhai Avalokitesvara who appeared at the Chang'an Buddhist Congress and the number one Bodhisattva in Buddhism today.

"See Nanhai Guanyin Bodhisattva." The emperors did not dare to neglect, and they stepped forward to pay homage.

Such an existence can't even offend the great master of the mountains and seas behind them.

After all, behind the Guanyin of the South China Sea is the Pure Land of Buddhism, the second largest force in the universe today.

"The patrons protect Tang Sanzang all the way to the west to get the scriptures, you have worked hard and made great achievements, get up quickly."

After speaking, Nanhai Guanyin raised his hand slightly, and a soft but irresistible force rose up, holding up all the emperors.

"Thank you Bodhisattva." The emperors bowed again.

Nanhai Guanyin smiled slightly, looked at the ruthless man and said, "This benefactor, we meet again."

The ruthless man bowed slightly, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "I was in Chang'an that day, I don't know if it was the true body of a Bodhisattva, and I have offended many people. I also ask the Bodhisattva to forgive me."

Nanhai Guanyin smiled and said, "It's not strange for those who don't know, the donor doesn't need to be more polite."

This kind of smile is different from the laughter of ordinary women, but reveals a kind of grandness and tolerance, like the boundless sea, even if it appears on the face of the beautiful Guanyin, it will not make people feel the slightest blasphemy.

The Yin Yang Emperor remembered what Zi Yan had said before, he pondered for a while, and said forward: "Dare to ask the Bodhisattva, why do you want to stop me from killing this black bear demon emperor, this demon is greedy and cruel, and it will bring disaster if you stay."

Nanhai Guanyin said: "Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life. Although this black bear spirit is unruly, it has a root of wisdom, and has a relationship with the Buddha. Be a guardian of the mountains, and recite the Buddha with all your heart."

The emperors had their own thoughts when they heard the words, but they all said with sincere expressions on their faces: "The Bodhisattva really is the benevolent savior of suffering, and his soul is not damaged. We admire it."

Knowing that he had been rescued, the Demon Emperor Heitian was overjoyed, rolled on the ground, reincarnated into a human form, and knelt down and said, "This disciple is willing to follow the Bodhisattva to practice Buddhist worship and meditation."

Nanhai Guanyin nodded slightly, waved the willow branches and flicked towards the Heitian Demon Emperor, turning him into a [-]-foot-sized black bear.

The ruthless man said strangely: "What else do you have to order from the Avalokitesvara?"

Nanhai Guanyin hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you know the Emperor Buried?"

Chapter 868 Of course I know the Emperor Burial!

She asked this question because when she was on the streets of Chang'an, she saw Zhang Tian appearing behind Ruthless Man.

Although Zhang Tian's aura is not high, but with the cultivation realm of Guanyin in the South China Sea, he will naturally not think that he is seeing the wrong person, so he thinks of the connection between Ruthless and Heaven Burying Emperor.

Little did she know that her question caused an uproar among the emperors.

Who is the Emperor Buried, who is the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Court, recognized as the strongest being by the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, who suppresses the heavens and the world, such a person is actually related to the ruthless?

If these words came from the mouths of others, it would be fine, but from the mouths of Nanhai Guanyin, people have to be convinced.

After all, Nanhai Guanyin has a distinguished status and is one of the representatives of the Buddhist Pure Land. He can also be ranked among the nine mountains and seas.

The ruthless man was thinking about why Nanhai Guanyin asked this question, but Zi Yan, who was next to him, had already answered first: "Of course I know it."

Nanhai Guanyin's pupils shrank slightly, and said softly, "That's true."

The ruthless man said: "The younger generation does not understand what Master Guanyin means."

Nanhai Guanyin seemed to remember something, and the snow body trembled slightly, and said, "It was me who overstepped, so I will retire."

After speaking, a large piece of aura gushed out from the fairy lotus under his feet, wrapped the Nanhai Guanyin and the black bear essence, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Watching the disappearance of Guanyin's figure in the South China Sea, all the emperors exploded at once, and the Great Emperor Yin Yang stared and said, "Envoy of the Star God, do you really know the Emperor Buried?"

This is a great event. Once the rumors go out, let alone Shengyuan World and Ziwei Star Field, I am afraid that the Ninth Mountains and Seas will be shaken.

Zi Yan nodded as a matter of course: "I really know. Isn't the Emperor Buried the Holy Father of the Human Race, the Supreme Being of the Nine Realms, and the First Emperor of the Ancients. It's just that I know him, he may not know me."


At this moment, even if he is as calm as Emperor Kuxuan and as introverted as Saint Ji, he still has the urge to vomit blood, which is caused by Zi Yan's strong words.

The Great Emperor Yin-Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Who doesn't know what you said, even the Bodhisattva dares to deceive him. It's really audacious, and it's no wonder that the Emperor Burial wants to know you!"

Zi Yan shook her head and said, "That's not necessarily true."

The Great Emperor Kuxuan came out again and pretended to be a good man, and said: "Everyone, don't say a word, now that the Black Bear Demon Emperor has been taken away, the most urgent task is to find Duan Qingyun as soon as possible."

When the word 'Duan Qingyun' was mentioned, everyone kept silent and looked at the ruthless man.

The ruthless man here has already made a decision, turning the sky into the stars.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After half a moment, Ruthless Man dispersed Xing Dou, shook his head and said, "I can't find out. Duan Qingyun has a secret treasure on his body, so he can temporarily block the exploration."

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