"What? Then how do we find him? We can't just sit back and wait for him to come to the door." The Fire Judge of Xuanming Sect said very dissatisfied.32 Novel Network www.[-]wx.net

"That's not necessary." The ruthless man smiled and said calmly: "After this incident, I can conclude that Duan Qingyun can't leave Master Sanzang too far away, and when his secret treasure expires, I can naturally calculate his whereabouts. "

"Is this true?" The water judge asked in disbelief.

Zizai Shengji said: "I believe the Sun God Envoy's inference that this illusion originally appeared around Tang Sanzang's study of scriptures in the West. It may be possible to leave him for a short time, but over time, it will be rejected by the illusion."

This explanation convinced many emperors to nod their heads, and Emperor Kuxuan said, "In this way, as long as we follow Tang Sanzang closely, we will catch Duan Qingyun sooner or later."

Yu Xin said with some worry: "This is less than ten calamities. The Black Bear Demon Emperor that has appeared is already so powerful, and the calamity that follows will probably be even more difficult."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the emperors were a bit ugly.

They found that there seems to be no way out now, and the failure to cross the calamity is death.

If you want to survive, either grab Duan Qingyun and threaten the person who controls the six gates of light behind him; or go all the way west to the Pure Land of Buddhism.

After leaving the Guanyin Temple, everyone went on the road again, but their mood was not as relaxed as when they surrendered to General Yin, the tiger demon.

The strength of the Black Sky Demon Emperor sounded the alarm for them. This fantasy world of Journey to the West was a powerful fantasy world that could trap the unparalleled Buddha. If they were not careful, they would become the next Tyrant Thunder Emperor.

The mountain road is long, but fortunately, there are no particularly powerful monsters in the next few Buddhist kalpas, but it has caused everyone to toss and toss, and the mood gradually begins to relax.

On this day, I went to another rugged mountain range, which was even more difficult and steep than the Heifeng Mountain, and I couldn't see the sky.

Tang Sanzang sat on the tiger demon, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and asked, "What kind of mountain is this?"

Yu Xin was turning over the map presented by the villagers in front of her, and when she heard Tang Sanzang's words, she replied softly, "This mountain is called Huangling, but it is the steepest peak in this area, stretching for [-] miles. After it, there is a village behind."

The ruthless man led the way, hiding his hands in his sleeves to secretly fight against crape myrtle, suddenly his face sank, and he sent Yuxin and Zi Yan a voice transmission: "The two sisters should be vigilant, this mountain is full of monsters, it must be a place Fiercely. In addition, Duan Qingyun's secret treasure body protection time is coming, and he will also take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, so be careful not to be caught in the gap."

Yu Xin nodded secretly when she heard the words, and a pattern of a flower on the other side appeared between her eyebrows. The soul was divided into thousands, and it was connected with the surrounding vegetation, laying a huge and meticulous soul net.

After listening to Zi Yan's eyes, she turned her eyes wide, stopped, walked to the rear guards, pointed to Yin-Yang and Hejiao, a white-robed quasi-emperor, and said: "The mage said he was thirsty, you go ahead and pick some for him. Fruit to eat."

Bai Pao Zhun Emperor immediately cast an inquiring look at the Yin Yang Emperor.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Emperor Yin Yang, and he naturally knew that this was Zi Yan taking the opportunity to pick things up, but they are now guards. If they don't obey, they will be sent out. Thinking of the terrifying six gates of light, who dares to take the risk.

"You go, go and come back quickly." The Great Emperor Yin Yang said coldly.

"As ordered." Baipao Zhundi bowed and leaped towards the depths of the jungle, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Right at this moment, a gust of wind arose. The wind was so huge that it reached a height of ten thousand feet.

The target is Tang Sanzang riding on the back of the tiger demon!

Chapter 869 Gale, listen to my orders!

"Master be careful!"

Emperor Kuxuan was startled and slapped the ground with his palm.

Suddenly, the ground in front of Tang San's hiding place exploded abruptly, and countless Zha Rong tree roots rose from the ground, specializing in turning them into divine trees in the sky, blocking all the gusts of wind.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they suddenly heard a piercing scream in the distance, and they were all shocked.

This voice is very familiar, it is the Yin Yang He Jiao Bai Pao Zhundi who was just sent out by Zi Yan.

"Go and see this Emperor!" The Yin Yang Emperor said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Just as he was about to fly and tear apart the void, he saw a white startling rainbow passing by from a distance.

Zi Yan said: "You have nothing to do, what did you yell just now, it scared me!"

Baipao Zhundi said: "I just finished picking the fruit, and I was walking to a mountain stream, and suddenly there was a gust of wind, as sharp as a knife. I was in a hurry and dodged into a cave, but I saw a cluster of white bones, belonging to the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor. Bone horror."

"What!" The emperors exclaimed in unison.

But I heard the white-robed Zhundi continue: "I was also shocked at the time, and I couldn't stop screaming, but after I settled down, I realized that everything was just an illusion, it was just an ordinary cave."

The emperors were speechless for a while again, thinking that you are a quasi emperor, but you will be frightened by the sandstorm and hallucinated. You also saw the bones of a group of immortal kings and immortal emperors. This martial arts will is too fragile.

The Great Emperor Yin Yang also felt very embarrassed, and scolded coldly: "Since the fruit has been picked, let's give it to the Master to eat."

Hearing the word 'Mage', Ru Ren's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked back suddenly, there was no figure of Tang Sanzang, only General Hu Yaoyin looked around blankly.

At this time, others noticed it, and Emperor Kuling said sharply, "Little tiger demon, what about Tang Sanzang?"

General Yin said in a trembling voice: "The sandstorm was too heavy just now. I was busy covering my eyes. In the future, I will have time for Master Gu Quan. When I regain my senses, he has disappeared."

"How is this possible!" All the emperors sank in their hearts.

The ruthless man looked at the white-robed Zhundi and said, "You lead us to the cave you sheltered from the wind just now."

The Emperor Baipao immediately led the crowd.

The ruthless man walked around the cave, and suddenly his fingertips were connected, and the surrounding stone walls exploded one after another, dropping a pile of broken flags.

"Yeah, there's a magic circle set up here!" Zi Yan exclaimed.

The ruthless man pondered: "If my expectations are not bad, we fell into Duan Qingyun's calculations again. He set up an illusion formation here in advance to attract our attention, so as to take the opportunity to snatch Tang Sanzang away."

"Damn, let him take the lead again." The faces of the emperors were extremely ugly. They were all overlords in the sky.

Only the Ruthless Three Sisters looked at the formation flag with a calm expression.

Yu Xin sighed: "This formation is very subtle, even if you are not careful, even the Great Emperor can be trapped. Such a talent for proving the Tao is enough to be called a master, but unfortunately it is not used in the right way."

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