But the Great Emperor Kuling did not dare to slack off. At the moment when the corpse puppet of the god emperor killed the demon emperor Huang Feng, he quickly spit out a mouthful of blood, drained the last spiritual energy, and sealed the spiritual talisman.


Sealed by the spiritual talisman, the god emperor corpse puppet let out an angry roar, but it seemed to be under some kind of imprisonment and lay back in the coffin.

The Great Emperor Kuling breathed a sigh of relief and fell from the sky.


At the critical moment, Emperor Kuxuan pointed a little, and an old tree rose from the ground, and the branches spread out, holding Emperor Kuling firmly.

"Fellow Daoist, are you alright?" The emperors condoled forward.

"Huh! You people are really brave. You know that this emperor sealed the spiritual talisman for a while, and the entire Shengyuan world will suffer a terrifying catastrophe!" The Great Emperor Kuling said coldly, without giving a good face at all.

In his heart now, he is also afraid of the future, that golden ancient coffin, that god emperor corpse puppet, that is all the things of the supreme supreme in the underground palace of the Lingling Religion, and this time, in order to snatch the seal of the underworld emperor, it was specially lent to him.

But the dignified god emperor corpse puppet, even if it is sealed to only one ten thousandth of its strength, is not something he can mobilize, and can only force the white talisman.

Once the talisman burns out, the god emperor corpse will lose control!

Imagine a god emperor-level corpse puppet completely freed from the shackles, not to mention the Shengyuan world, even the Ziwei star field, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by a snap of your fingers.

Even so, he suffered a heavy loss, and the hole card at the bottom of the box was used. With the remaining amount of the magic talisman, it was impossible to use it a second time.

Zizai Shengji chuckled: "It's not that I don't want to help, it's just that the demonic wind is too strong, and it fascinates my eyes. I didn't expect the Great Emperor Kuling to hide such means, which is really shocking. Incomparable."

"Haha, that's right, this emperor is also an eye-opener this time. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect your seniors of the Spiritual Sect to be so majestic, that they could refine the ancient god emperor into a corpse puppet. Aren't you afraid of causing the anger of the entire god race?" Said sarcastically.

"You... hum!" Emperor Ku Ling's face turned purple with anger, but he couldn't attack, he could only sullen.

Emperor Kuxuan said: "Everyone, stop arguing. Now that the Yellow Wind Demon Emperor is gone, the most urgent task is to catch Duan Qingyun, and everything depends on the envoy of the sun."

The ruthless man nodded slightly, one palm swung open, and the Demon Suppression Tower flew out from the cuff, rising wildly in the wind, turning into a huge tens of thousands of feet, falling from the sky like a giant mountain, and smashed hard on Huang Fengdong.


The ground shook for a while, the entire cave was smashed to pieces, and countless boulders rolled.999 Chinese Website www.[-]zw.net

"Ahhh... run!"

"The hole is about to collapse! The hole is about to collapse!"

A group of little demons fled out one after another, making a burst of howls of ghosts and wolves.

"The Qing Emperor transforms the spirit."

Yu Xin recited a sentence silently, calling for the spiritual energy of the grass and trees in the four directions, and countless vines turned into sharp knives to shuttle out, binding the little monsters in place.

"Hey, tell me, where is Duan Qingyun. If you don't tell me honestly, I'll blow your head off."

Zi Yan rushed to the front and tortured a cat demon to extract a confession.

"Your Majesty spare your life, Your Majesty spare your life, Duan Xianfeng was smashed to death by a giant of white bones earlier." The little demon said bitterly.

"Dead? How is this possible!" The emperors were all shocked and angry.

The ruthless man made some calculations, frowned and said: "One more move, let Duan Qingyun use the technique of Li Dai Peach Stiffness, and the dead one is just his stand-in."

"What a cunning little thief, who will make fun of this emperor many times. When he is caught, this emperor will make him into a furnace!" The Great Emperor Yin Yang said angrily.

Yuxin said softly, "Let's rescue Master Sanzang quickly, to avoid accidents."

Then everyone remembered Tang Sanzang, sent a quasi emperor into the cave, and carried the gray-faced, fainted Tang Sanzang out on his back.

At night, the emperors stayed in a farmhouse.

In a small room with burning oil lamps, the three ruthless sisters sat up against each other and ate fruit.

Zi Yan pursed her lips and said: "This fruit is too astringent, it has no spiritual energy, and it is not delicious. I want to eat pan peach fruit. That Duan Qingyun is really hateful. He took us around in circles. If this goes on, I really want to go to Xitiancheng. Buddha."

Yuxin took a sip of the rough tea and said softly, "If my guess is correct, did the eldest sister deliberately not catch Duan Qingyun?"

"What?" Zi Yan widened her eyes.

The ruthless man smiled and said, "The second sister is still smart. You have also seen today that none of those great sect emperors are fuel-efficient lamps, and they all have trump cards given by the people behind them. That god emperor corpse puppet is even a quasi-immortal. The emperor didn't dare to take his edge. If you don't use up these people's cards quickly, even if you catch Duan Qingyun, you will inevitably have a fierce battle, and by then, we won't have the slightest chance of winning."

Zi Yan stroked her palm and smiled: "It turns out that the eldest sister deliberately let Duan Qingyun run away, and wants those great emperors to use their cards on the monsters along the way. It's fun, it's so fun!"

Yuxin said: "If it's really like what Dad said about Journey to the West, the monsters behind will become more and more powerful. If those people don't want to quit, they must use their hole cards to force through."

"Okay, okay, let's see what I can do, and force them to use all their cards." Zi Yan said firmly, her black and beautiful eyes were full of cunning.

For the next few months, the emperors still went on the road, but they became more cautious. Whenever disasters occurred, they began to think of ways to resolve them.

On this day, when I went to the foot of Longevity Mountain, I saw that the mountain was so high that there was no top, and the general trend was very strong.The roots are connected to the Kunlun vein, and the top of the mountain is Hanzhong, which is like a majestic posture of the foundation of the Xianshan Great Religion.

Zi Yan was shocked: "Oh, it's actually this place, there is a remarkable existence on that mountain."

"Who is it?" The emperors asked each other with respect.

In the past few months, relying on Zi Yan's advance prediction, they have avoided many disasters and are very dependent on her.

Zi Yan stepped back and forth, made a mature and prudent gesture, and said solemnly: "That person is Zhen Yuanzi, known as the first ancestor of the ancient earth immortal!"

Chapter 872 The man who dares to challenge the ancient heaven!

"The first ancestor of the Eternal Earth Immortal?"

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