All the great emperors were shocked by the tiger's body, and this name was too majestic.

The heavens and the worlds, the nine great mountains and seas, the creatures before and after do not know billions of trillions, and how many amazing and brilliant characters are rampant for a while.

Except for those strong people who can leave a name on the Emperor Mark Tablet, who dares to be the first.

Not to mention the addition of an eternity, which means the first person from ancient times to the present.

According to the understanding of the emperors, apart from the Heavenly Burial Emperor, there is probably no one in this universe who can hold this honor.

"Envoy of the Star God, you remember correctly, the first ancestor of the Eternal Earth Immortal, how come this Emperor has never heard of such a name?" The Yin Yang Emperor was the first to question, his tone full of disbelief.

Zi Yan pouted and said, "You know what a fart!"

The Great Emperor Yin Yang was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, his face turned crimson purple, and he said in a sullen voice: "Forgive the ignorance of this emperor, I have only heard that the Emperor Burying is the first emperor of all ages. If you can’t be better than Burying the Heavenly Emperor, please ask the Star God Envoy to clarify your doubts.”

Zi Yan said old-fashioned: "It's normal for you not to know, to say that this Zhen Yuanzi is an old-fashioned character who dares to challenge the ancient heaven and can still get out of his body. Do you think he is too strong? Burial the Emperor?"

"Challenge the ancient heaven? Can you still get out of your body?"

When the emperors heard it, they were shocked again, how the ancient heaven exists, and the first force in the universe, which was created by the Emperor Burial, which swept over the nine invincible mountains and seas, including countless supreme mountains and seas.

From ancient times to the present, all the forces opposed to the ancient heaven, whether it is the realm of the gods, the ancient demons, or the tyrannical aliens that have existed for a long time, have all been crushed into ashes, and they have never heard of any survivors.

If this is true, even if this Zhen Yuanzi is not as good as Burying the Emperor, he will definitely be ranked in this universe.

"Zhen Yuanzi? I seem to have seen this name in an ancient book, and I think it is a very ancient power." Zizai Shengji said with a frown.

For a time, the eyes of the emperors looking at Longevity Mountain were all filled with awe.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude!

When they thought that there was an almighty who could compete with the ancient Heavenly Court hidden in this mountain, their legs couldn't help but tremble.

The Great Emperor of the Ancients sounds very powerful, but compared with the mighty mountains and seas who have survived for tens of millions of years, he is like a mayfly compared to the ocean.

"Envoy of the Star God, isn't this Zhen Yuanzi also one of the eighty-one calamities in the Buddha's Tribulation?" An emperor said uneasily.

As soon as these words came out, the emperors could not help but prick up their ears, showing a nervous color.

"This..." Zi Yan dragged a long voice and sighed: "But it's one of the difficulties."

"It's over."

The emperors only felt a dark cloud cover their heads, and their breathing was almost stagnant.

However, there is only one mountain road, and when you think of the western sky, you must go forward.Let's start

Let's go.

The emperors surrounded Tang Sanzang, walking very heavily.

Only Zi Yan followed behind, her big black eyes turned straight, flashing shrewd light from time to time, as if planning something.

Only Ruthless and Yuxin were present to understand that this girl must be thinking about the ginseng fruit of Zhenyuanzi, which is one of the five innate spiritual fruits. Eating one can prolong life for thousands of years, and its effect is comparable to the purple gold pan peach fruit. .

Just walking forward cautiously on this road, and finally reached the middle of the mountain, I saw a Taoist temple standing in front of the shadows, and it was impossible to see the majestic moral style, and the house of the gods was hidden deep in the desert.

On the left side of the mountain gate stands a stone tablet with the inscription "Longevity Mountain Blessed Land, Wuzhuang Guandongtian".

The emperors felt the spirit of this Taoist view, and looked at the vigorous writing on the stone tablet, and they believed [-]% of what Zi Yan said in their hearts. These powerful people are definitely not comparable to them.

Just when the emperors were thinking about how to cleverly avoid this Taoist temple, the door of the Taoist temple suddenly opened, and two fairy boys emerged from it, with beautiful eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, but their cultivation had reached the peak of the god emperor realm.

"In front of you is the Sanzang Master from the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty!" From a distance, the voices of two fairy children have come.

Tang Sanzang responded quickly.

The two fairy boys flew up and bowed respectfully: "Qingfeng (Mingyue) has come to welcome Master Sanzang to live in Wuzhuangguan at the order of the master."

The emperors groaned again in their hearts, expecting that this Buddha calamity was destined by heaven, and it was impossible to escape.

Tang Sanzang wondered, "Who is your teacher?"

Qingfeng replied: "The name of the teacher is Zhen Yuanzi."

Tang Sanzang thought about it for a while, and said, "The way is different, it's not a conspiracy, the little monk is a member of the Buddhist sect, and the teacher is a member of the mysterious sect, why did you invite the little monk to stay?"

Mingyue replied: "What the Master doesn't know, you are the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, the second apprentice of the Western Saint-Lao Tathagata. Five million years ago, I met my teacher at the Flaming pot meeting and passed the tea by myself. The master heard that the master was coming and wanted to meet him in person to repay the respect, but he received an invitation to preach from the Zixiao Shrine, and he couldn't delay it.

As soon as these words came out, all the emperors were surprised. What kind of place is the Zixiao Shrine? Today, the No. [-] force in Xuanmen, who once stood side by side with the Pure Land of Buddhism, is qualified to go there to listen to the sermon, which is a great honor in itself.

At the same time, they also knew the profound background of Tang Sanzang. The Holy Old Tathagata Buddha is one of the seven great Buddhas of Buddhism. His mana is boundless, covering nine great mountains and seas. His second disciple, even the Immortal King, would never dare to despise them. Little Emperor Zun, you can't beat a horse just in case.

"No wonder the Nanhai Guanyin chose Tang Sanzang as the person who took the scriptures. For Buddhism, it is just to welcome back his own Buddhist son. It is expected that Jin Chanzi has been rebuilt for many generations, and has gone through [-] hardships. It is also very possible to directly prove the Tao of the ancient Buddha.”

The emperors thought about it, looking at Tang Sanzang's back, they couldn't help showing jealous expressions. This is the real deep footing. Even the road to the Taoist Immortal King has been paved for him. Live for tens of thousands of years, but only a handful of loess in the end.

It was the first time Tang Sanzang knew about this, and he was shocked. He entered Wuzhuang Temple in a daze under the guidance of Qingfeng Mingyue.

Entering the main hall, I saw the two characters "Heaven and Earth" in multicolored hanging in the middle of the wall. There was a vermilion carved lacquer incense table, and there was a golden stove on the table. There was a convenient incense stick by the stove, and strange charcoal was burning. Exudes a wisp of fairy air.

Tang Monk was sincere in his heart, and when he saw the incense case, he immediately stepped forward, poured the incense into the stove with his left hand, and prostrated three times.

The emperors behind looked at the word "heaven and earth" above the incense table, but frowned for a while.

Chapter 873 Defying the will of the Emperor Burial!

Emperor Kuxuan wondered: "The two fairy boys, since Zhenyuan Daxian belongs to the Xuanmen, why not worship the Sanqing, the four emperors, and the Luotian slaughter, but only serve the incense with the word heaven and earth?"

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