When Mingyue heard what he said, she couldn't help swallowing and said, "Ginseng fruit is one of the five congenital spiritual fruits. Eating one can prolong life for ten thousand years, and it tastes absolutely beautiful. If we eat it, keep it safe. Immediately promoted to the realm of the ancient emperor, but unfortunately without this blessing, that monk is blessed but does not want it, white people lose the spiritual energy of ginseng fruit, it is really a waste."

Qingfeng hesitated: "You know, after this ginseng fruit is picked, either it is stored in a top-level space magic weapon, or it is eaten immediately, or the spiritual energy will dissipate. Do you want to just watch the two spiritual fruit return to the origin of the world? "

"Could it be that you want to steal this ginseng fruit?" Mingyue's eyes widened for a moment.

Qingfeng said: "The teacher has always ignored the common things. Although he ordered to give Master Sanzang two ginseng fruits, if we send Master Sanzang and the others away before the teacher comes back, the teacher may not check the whereabouts of the ginseng fruits..." www.huomiexsw.com

When Mingyue heard this, she was immediately moved. Zhen Yuanzi had always been quiet and inactive, and he had been in retreat for tens of thousands of years. When his retreat ended, Tang Sanzang would have been reincarnated for several lifetimes, so how could he find out the cause and effect.

"Then eat it!" The two of them looked at each other, tacitly.

Little did they know, just outside the window, there was a little golden dragon about a foot long, watching them quietly.

Just when Qingfeng and Mingyue picked up the ginseng fruit, the golden dragon outside the window suddenly broke through the window, taking the appearance of the Great Emperor of Yin and Yang, and said loudly: "Well, you two sly boys, you dare to steal the spirit fruit of Zhenyuan Daxian, look at me. teach you a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan took a big dragon claw down.

This Qingfeng and Mingyue served by Zhen Yuanzi's side. Although they are not low-minded, they have never fought with others. They were caught off guard by Zi Yan and were immediately stunned.

"Jie Jie..."

Zi Yan let out a gloomy laugh, rolled up two ginseng fruits and ran away.

To say that this Westward Journey Fantasy, everything is illusory, even if she eats ginseng fruit and breaks through her cultivation, it is only a mirror image, and it will return to its original state after going out.

But Zi Yan grabbed these two spiritual fruits not to improve Xiu, but simply to taste it.

After all, this is the innate spiritual fruit that is as famous as the pan peach fruit.

As for the appearance of becoming the Great Emperor of Yin and Yang, it was just to be on the safe side.

The dragon family has the talent of changing supernatural powers. With her bloodline, even the Immortal King may not be able to see through it.

If there really is an accident, you can also blame the Emperor Yin Yang.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan couldn't help but let out a smug laughter for her wit.

After going around the outside for more than half a circle, Zi Yan finally felt relieved, took out two ginseng fruits from her arms and watched them, smelling their aroma.

Suddenly, Zi Yan frowned. She felt that she was too greedy to eat two ginseng fruits. This kind of good thing should be shared with the eldest and second sisters, but there are only two fruits, and three are not enough.

"Forget it, anyway, I have already done something bad, so I simply stole another fruit from it. I don't think the two fairy children dared to report the wrongdoing."

Zi Yan's big black eyes turned and went back, took the golden hammer, knocked down a ginseng fruit, and happily carried it back to the house.

Chapter 876 Dad may not beat Zhen Yuanzi

But said Zi Yan returned to the house.

Yu Xin asked, "Where have you been? It took so long."

Zi Yan was about to take out the fruit, and suddenly her heart moved and stopped.

She knew that the eldest and second sisters have always been upright and if she just stole the two ginseng fruits from Qingfeng and Mingyue, she would not necessarily be punished, but she knew that she had plucked individual ginseng fruits from the ginseng fruit tree, and she would definitely be returned to the original. host.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan patted her belly and said, "I ate too much today, so I walked a few more miles, and I was fascinated by the scenery, so I came back late."

Yuxin said: "That's good, I thought you were going to steal the ginseng fruit."

Zi Yan immediately stuck out her tongue when she heard this, secretly said that she was witty, and even thought that she must not take out the fruit today.

The ruthless man also opened his eyes at this time, and said slowly: "This Wuzhuang Temple is not a good place. We have to leave immediately tomorrow morning, so you should rest early."

Zi Yan came closer and said, "Why don't you take this opportunity to let those great emperors show some cards?"

The ruthless man shook his head and said: "Not this time, the realm of Zhen Yuanzi is too high, even if the existence behind the Yin Yang Emperor and others is close, I am afraid they may not be opponents, one bad will be self-defeating, and there will be more opportunities in the future. , not bad this time."

Yuxin said: "It's still the big sister who thinks it all over, just like Dad's "Journey to the West", what a lawless person Sun Dasheng is, he has not been suppressed by Zhen Yuanzi, and there is no way for the immortals and Buddhas in the sky, and in the end, he can only rely on Nanhai Guanyin was only lucky to let it go."

When Zi Yan heard this, she could only nod her head, thinking in her heart that she should not reveal her affairs today.

After all, Zhenyuanzi's reputation as the first ancestor of the ancient earth immortal is not covered. She estimates that her father may not be an opponent, and it is better not to take risks.

The three sisters chatted for a while and then went to sleep separately.

But said that Qingfeng and Mingyue were stunned by Zi Yan's slap, and they didn't wake up until the sky was bright, and they were shocked.

The two of them were suddenly attacked, but they were not aware of it at all, but there was another ancient mirror treasure in this room, which automatically left a mirror image, which had recorded everything unknowingly.

At this time, thanks to Zi Yan's cautiousness, she changed into the Great Emperor of Yin and Yang when she appeared on the stage.

When Qingfeng and Mingyue saw the Great Emperor of Yin and Yang in the mirror image, their faces became so angry that they could not wait to take out the knife to take revenge!

They were provoking who, so they gave Tang Seng ginseng fruit, but they were scolded. Now that they haven't eaten the fruit, they have been beaten again, where can they justify.

However, the mirror image recorded the cause and effect. The two were guilty of being thieves and did not dare to speak out. They could only send Tang Seng and others out of Wuzhuangguan.

Zi Yan looked at the two Daotong boys staring at Wu Qing's eye circles, and her heart blossomed.

After leaving Wuzhuang Temple and walking for more than [-] miles, the mood of the emperors was relaxed, and they began to talk and laugh again.

Zi Yan found a break to rest, called Ruthless and Yuxin aside, and took out three ginseng fruits as if offering treasures.

"Eldest sister, second sister, here! Here are three ginseng fruits, one for each of us."

"You, where did you get this?" Yu Xin took the ginseng fruit and was very surprised.

Zi Yan talked about what happened last night and said proudly: "The two little fairy children are guilty of thieves, and they definitely dare not tell us, so you can rest assured." 90 Read the novel www.90kankan.com

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