The ruthless man frowned and said, "Sanmei, what you think is too simple. This is a ginseng fruit. It blooms every [-] years, bears fruit every [-] years, and matures in another [-] years. If you get [-] Spirit Fruits, how can there be no set number. If you steal one from the Spirit Tree, you will definitely be discovered. The two fairy children can't afford this responsibility, so they can only tell the truth."

"Big sister, what should I do? Shall we leave quickly?" Yu Xin showed a worried look.

The ruthless man said: "It won't work. With the realm of Zhen Yuanzi, you can travel thousands of miles in an instant. We can't go far with Tang Seng. Fortunately, Sanmei disguised as the Emperor of Yin and Yang at that time, there may be a way to survive."

"What way?" Zi Yan asked immediately.

The ruthless man thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Eat the ginseng fruit first. Since you finally stole it, we must taste it. As for the future, I will find a way. it is good."

Yuxin and Zi Yan looked at each other and smiled, and the three sisters happily ate together, tsk tsk amazement.

Because this is an illusory world, it's not really stealing other people's things, so Ruthless and Yuxin have no burden in their hearts.




Just after the Lingguo was eaten, a shroud of immortal light rose from the three of them at the same time, and their cultivation level skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oh, it's really a congenital strange fruit. If I eat ten or twenty in a row, maybe I can directly break through to the realm of the emperor." Zi Yan exclaimed loudly.

If these words were spread out, Zhen Yuanzi would vomit blood three feet in anger.

This is the ginseng fruit, which is the most treasured in his heart. In [-] years, only [-] of them will be produced, and even many immortal kings cannot eat one.

Zi Yan is better, the mouth is ten and twenty, just to break through to the realm of the emperor, when this is Chinese cabbage.

The ruthless man smiled and said: "The five congenital spirit fruits have their own unique features. The improvement of cultivation base by ginseng fruit is not obvious. It mainly increases the life essence and life source. It is the most useless to you, Sanmei."

Zi Yan pouted, she is the body of a Taixu ancient dragon, and the strength of the source of life can be regarded as the first among all ethnic groups. She really doesn't like the improvement of ginseng fruit.

At this moment, Emperor Kuxuan and others felt the fluctuation of spiritual energy, and rushed over to ask what happened.

The ruthless man said sternly: "Just now, I evolved Ziwei Doushu again, and just locked the position of Duan Qingyun."


"where is he?"

All the emperors showed ecstasy.

The ruthless man turned out a star map, pointed at one of the light spots and said, "This is Duan Qingyun's position, but I suspect that he is also monitoring us. To avoid the grass and the snake, we should act separately."

After speaking, the ruthless man gave Zi Yan a wink.

Zi Yan understood and said angrily: "Duan Qingyun, this little thief, has repeatedly played with this witch, I will smash him into tens of thousands of pieces with my own hands, and none of you will stop me."

Yuxin said: "Since this is the case, let us three sisters go and capture that section of Qingyun, and the emperors will proceed as usual."

Chapter 877 Zhen Yuanzi, who is completely runaway!

The emperors saw that the spot of light was very close to the Wuzhuang Temple, and no one wanted to go back to take risks.

They are not afraid of the ruthless person swallowing the Underworld Emperor's Seal in Duan Qingyun's hand. The reason is the same as before. Whoever dares to swallow it alone will become the target of public criticism.

The ruthless man put away the star map, got up and said: "Duan Qingyun is near Wuzhuangguan now, and Zhenyuan Daxian does not know when to return. We must catch him in the meantime, and we will leave immediately."

After finishing speaking, Ruthless took Yuxin and Zi Yan to fly towards Wuzhuangguan.

It wasn't until they flew dozens of miles away that the three people's escape slowed down, and they met and smiled.

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said, "Now we are safe. Then Zhen Yuanzi found out that the ginseng fruit is less, and he will definitely go to find the trouble of Yinyang Emperor and others. Let's just sit and watch the show."

Yuxin said: "I can't take it lightly. Zhenyuanzi is an expert in Xuanmen, and he will not kill indiscriminately. He will definitely investigate it first, and maybe he will find the third sister in you."

"Then, what's the matter?" Zi Yan panicked.

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "If Zhen Yuanzi was under normal circumstances, he would naturally not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but if his mind is disturbed, he may not have the will to discern the truth."

Yu Xin asked curiously, "What does eldest sister mean?"

The ruthless man looked at the Wuzhuang Temple and said solemnly: "Simply broke the ginseng fruit tree directly, that is the treasure of Zhen Yuanzi's heart, enough to make his Dao heart collapse for a while, then he will attack all the emperors into the attack. Range. If those people don't want to die, they can only show their cards."

Yu Xin recalled the ancient golden coffin taken out by the Great Emperor Lingling, which contained a corpse puppet of a god emperor, and could not help sighing: "Eldest sister, this is a clever plan, if you encounter several powerful god emperor corpse puppets at the same time, you will be considered a corpse. I'm afraid Yuanzi will be too hard to resist."

"Amazing, awesome, let's smash the ginseng fruit tree now!" Zi Yan smiled brightly, destroying something, she liked it the most.

The three sisters reached an agreement and flew towards the Wuzhuang Temple again.

Before reaching the Taoist temple, Zi Yan suddenly accelerated forward, turned into the appearance of Yin Yang Emperor, and rushed into the temple.

"you you……"


Qingfeng and Mingyue were groaning in the room, and suddenly they saw the Great Emperor Yin and Yang broke in. Before they could exclaim, they were hit hard on the forehead and fainted.


Zi Yan let out a sly laugh and flew towards the orchard again.




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