In the orchard, the three sisters used powerful means to attack the ginseng fruit tree desperately, and finally uprooted the entire ginseng fruit tree and fell to the ground.

The three sisters all heard Zhang Tian talk about "Journey to the West". At that time, they put away the ginseng fruit and counted them, and there were twenty-seven pieces.

But this ginseng fruit has just matured, and I didn't even have time to eat one, and all fell into Zi Yan's hands. 361 reading

"Haha! Now we can have enough to eat, eldest sister, second sister, here it is."

Zi Yan proudly distributed nine ginseng fruits to each of Ruthless and Yuxin, and the three sisters sat cross-legged in the ruined orchard and ate.

After eating the two ginseng fruits, Yuxin said: "According to the story of "Journey to the West", this Zhen Yuanzi should be back soon, let's find a place to hide first, and wait for those great emperors and Zhen Yuanzi to decide the winner. ."

The ruthless man said: "The matter is not over yet, we can't pin all our hopes on the trump cards of those great emperors. If they join forces and they are not Zhen Yuanzi's opponents, won't we also suffer?"

Zi Yan asked curiously, "What else is the big sister going to do?"

The corner of the ruthless man's mouth twitched, and said mysteriously: "Of course, I caught Duan Qingyun. This journey has kept him free for so long. I have already figured out his details. Let's hold Duan Qingyun. If the emperors are defeated, they will Leaving the illusion directly, it is expected that with this person in hand, the six gates of light that blocked the exit would not dare to attack us."

After hearing this, Yu Xin and Zi Yan were amazed again and again, and they fell in admiration for Ruthren's plan.

"Then let's set off immediately, I have long wanted to teach that little thief Duan Qingyun." Zi Yan said eagerly.

The ruthless man nodded slightly, transformed into a star map again, and flew towards the southeast with Yu Xin and Zi Yan.

On the way, the ruthless man raised his hand and pointed at the void, and a golden bell flew out.

This is the quasi-immortal emperor's weapon without beginning, and it is used to shield the qi machine. It is expected that Duan Qingyun will never find it.

Not long after Ruren Ren and others left, Zhen Yuanzi returned from Zixiao Shrine with a group of immortals, walked down Yaotian, fell into auspicious clouds, and arrived at the gate of Wuzhuangguan Gate of Longevity Mountain early.

At a glance, I saw that the gate was wide open and the ground was clean.

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "The breeze and the bright moon are also useful. During the season, the sun is three feet high and the waist is not stretched. Today we are not here, they are willing to get up early and sweep the floor."

The immortals agreed one after another, but after they fell, they found that there was no trace of the two at all.

An immortal rushed into the Taoist temple first, then rushed out again, and said anxiously: "Teacher, the big thing is bad, Qingfeng and Mingyue made people stunned and threw them in the wing, unconscious."

"There are such villains in the world?"

"Who rushed to our Wuzhuang Guan Saye!"

The immortals exclaimed and looked angry.

Zhen Yuanzi's face was calm, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, his body flashed, and he went directly to the orchard. Seeing that the ginseng fruit tree fell to the ground, there was not a single spirit fruit, and suddenly an infinite anger surged into his heart!

After a short while, Qingfeng and Mingyue were woken up, and they told all about the cause and effect, and scolded the Great Emperor Yin Yang for shamelessness and cunning.

Zhen Yuanzi sneered: "Okay! Good! My Zhen Yuanzi hasn't shot for thousands of years. I really think I'm easy to bully. Today, I will be buried with a ginseng fruit tree!"

When the voice fell, a gust of wind suddenly rolled up on Zhen Yuanzi's body, and the entire Longevity Mountain made a violent roar.

The Great Emperor Kuxuan who was on his way and the others panicked for a while, and before they could react, the sky turned dark.

Zhen Yuanzi is like an ancient demon god, high up and Jiuxiao, his indifferent eyes swept down, and a huge aura hand was pressed down.

Chapter 878 The Immortal Emperors of the Heavens join forces to fight against Yuanzi!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The aura is huge, and it is wrapped in the violent power of the mountains and the sea, crushing the void all the way, and rolling in.

"not good!"

"Too...too strong!"

"This must be Zhen Yuanzi himself."

All the great emperors below were extremely frightened. They had listened to Zi Yan's remarks, and they were in awe of Zhen Yuanzi. Now that they saw the power with their own eyes, they dared not have the slightest fluke.

"Everyone, if you don't take out your trump cards, we will all die here!"

The Great Emperor Yin-Yang roared loudly, and the void behind him suddenly exploded, and a dark river emerged, rumbling and roaring, rolling up thousands of fierce waves.

A giant with a height of tens of thousands of feet stepped out from the dark river step by step.

Every time he took a step, the whole world shook violently.

Three steps out, the tall and majestic Longevity Mountain collapsed suddenly.

The water and fire judges of the Xuanming Sect looked at each other and knew that now was not the time to hide their secrets.

After all, they are facing the first ancestor of the Eternal Earth Immortal!


The water and fire judges each erupted with the power of water and fire, and at the same time hit a seal to the void ahead.

This seal is like a flying black wind, but it is only half of it. The two are combined into one, forming a lifelike miniature phoenix pattern.

The Phoenix Seal wandered around in the void, exuding countless black patterns, as if opening some kind of taboo, and these patterns together built a black divine gate that was more than ten feet tall.

And the Phoenix Seal is located in the center of the gate of God, like a door lock.


The fire and water judges shouted in unison, one of them grabbed one side of the Phoenix Seal and yanked it to both sides.


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