The black and golden gate of God slowly opened, reflecting a magnificent scene of a raging volcano.

This scene is very terrifying. At a glance, there are millions of volcanoes connected together, burning with raging flames.

Suddenly, a black flame erupted from the largest crater, and a black phoenix leaped out, with a single wing, covering the entire sky.


The black phoenix showed its fierce appearance, raised a phoenix claw, and grabbed it fiercely towards Zhen Yuanzi.

On the other side, Zizai Shengji also showed an extremely solemn expression, silently reciting a string of obscure and jerky Sanskrit sounds.

It seems that the galaxy is broken, the universe is destroyed, and a huge and incomparable abyss lies in the void, which seems to have the supreme power to suppress the mountains, seas, and worlds.

"Those who praise my real name will see eternal life in reincarnation!"

In the huge Tianyuan City Tower, a woman wearing a dark golden armor stepped out step by step, holding a red spear in her left hand and an immortal shield in her right hand, like a Valkyrie walking in the wilderness, slashing in all directions. Look down!

Even the Great Emperor of the Spiritual Sect held the burning talisman in his hand.

If he was forced to the point of last resort,

He would rather release the corpse of the god emperor in the ancient golden coffin!

To die, let's all die together!

For a time, countless tyrannical immortals stunned the world, defiantly resisting Zhen Yuanzi's aura.

"How brave!"

There seemed to be a strange look in Zhen Yuanzi's eyes. The Taoist robe on his body danced wildly against the wind. Even in the face of so many quasi-immortal emperor-level powerful attacks, he was not afraid at all, and continued to mobilize his aura. Down.Ranwenba




The whole world trembled violently, the rivers and seas poured backwards, and the mountains collapsed.

Even the three ruthless sisters, who were flying away in the void, with the beginningless bell protecting their bodies, felt a throbbing heart palpitations.

As if the next second, the world will be destroyed.


A look of anxiety appeared in the eyes of the ruthless man, and the eternal sword intent erupted, wrapping the three of them in the sword light, piercing the void and crossing the space.

Hundreds of miles away, in an underground palace, Duan Qingyun sat leisurely on a large tiger-skin chair, nibbling on chicken legs, and complained: "Mad, those people are starting to cause trouble again. Let's fight. , let's fight, when you are all dead, I can get out of this ghostly fantasy, young master."

"Heh, are you very laid back?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the underground palace.


Duan Qingyun hurriedly jumped up from the tiger-skin chair, so scared that his chicken legs jumped.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Three auras suddenly appeared, surrounding Duan Qingyun in a triangle shape.

Seeing these three people clearly, Duan Qingyun's face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd, and said sadly: "It turned out to be the three gods of the Three Gods Religion. I'm lucky to meet."

To say that the force he didn't want to meet the most, must be the Three Gods Religion. After all, he suffered losses from Yuxin and Ruthen one after another, and it has already formed a shadow in his heart.

"watch out!"

Zi Yan was not polite to him, soaring into the sky like a young god, kicked Duan Qingyun's back, and kicked him directly to the ground.

"Oh, it hurts Daoye!"

Duan Qingyun turned over and wanted to get up.

Yuxin raised her hand, and countless vines suddenly rose from the ground, directly tying him into a zongzi.

"Duan Qingyun, you can't run away, and don't try to commit suicide. This space has been shrouded by my Beginning Bell. Even if you die, your soul will not be able to leave the illusion."

The ruthless man said coldly, the Shuiyun Emperor's sword was unsheathed and pointed obliquely at Duan Qingyun, revealing the cold light.

When Duan Qingyun heard this, he was completely lost. He lay on the ground like a salted fish and said, "Then what do you want to do?"

Zi Yan kicked him on the body again and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, quickly hand over the Underworld Emperor's seal, or you will be turned into a roast suckling pig!"

Duan Qingyun grinned for a while, even if he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, he couldn't stand such a powerful kick.

Besides, what is roast suckling pig!

Although he is a little fat, he is very agile!

Where does it look like a pig?

This is clearly an insult and discrimination against fat people!

However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and Duan Qingyun honestly took out the Hades seal.

He has seen Zi Yan's temper.

This girl is simply a Tyrannosaurus. If I take it out a little later, I might actually kick her to death.

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