That would be too frustrating.

The ruthless man raised his hand and took a picture, grabbed the seal of the Underworld Emperor, and his soul swept over it, his face suddenly changed.

Chapter 879 Feel the wrath of the Emperor Burial at close range

"Miss, what's the problem?"

Zi Yan asked immediately, and raised her feet again, ready to give Duan Qingyun another shot.

The ruthless man pondered: "This seal of the Underworld Emperor is real, but it only has the heart of half a continent."

"How is this possible?" Yu Xin exclaimed.

Duan Qingyun shouted: "What should I do, who told you that the seal of the Underworld Emperor was forged from the heart of a continent?"

The three sisters looked at each other in dismay, only to realize that the news about the Underworld Emperor's Seal that they had received before was almost all rumors, and none of them could be confirmed.

Duan Qingyun went on to say: "The three divine envoys did not know that, when the Underworld Emperor got the heart of the mainland, he divided it into two halves and cast it into two treasures, one is the Underworld Emperor's Seal, the other is the Underworld Emperor Sword, the Sun Emperor's Sword. If the envoy wants the complete heart of the mainland, he has to go to Xuanming Sect to get it."

After speaking, Duan Qingyun let out a burst of schadenfreude laughter.


Zi Yan flew and kicked Duan Qingyun's round body directly, humming: "Don't you think we dare?"

Yu Xin frowned and said, "Does it have to be a piece of the heart of a continent to be useful?"

The ruthless man smiled and said: "Of course not, the heart of this continent is originally incomplete, and others may have to collect nine pieces, but I have the "Secret Law of the Nine Refinements Divine Kingdom" taught by my father, even if it is incomplete, it can also be refining."

Zi Yan hurriedly said: "Then let's refine this piece of Hades first, then you can be really at ease."

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said, "This Nether Emperor's Seal that I refined, my strength can go further, and it should be comparable to the real emperor."

Duan Qingyun was trembling and trembling next to him, and couldn't help but whisper: "That... three queens, Xiaodao has already given the Underworld Emperor Seal, can you let Xiaodao go?"

In his heart, Duan Qingyun didn't care about the seal of the Underworld Emperor at all, and it was because of such an immoral task that his ancestor Duan De gave him, that he would steal it.

Because of this thing, they have been chased and killed by a group of great teachers, and they have long been impatient. The ruthless man wants to take over this hot potato, which is exactly what he wants.


Zi Yan kicked Duan Qingyun with another kick, and said, "You have played with our sisters many times, but you still want to forget it? Think beautifully!"

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan's big black eyes rolled around and said excitedly: "I heard that you have dug a lot of tombs of the ancestors of the great sect, and you can find any good treasures."

"Robbery! This is Chi Guoguo's robbery!"

Duan Qingyun screamed with grief and anger. These babies were all made by him in the morning and the dark. I don't know how many thousands of miles they were killed and chased. Zi Yan asked for it, and it cost him his life.

However, people are swordsmen, and I am fish. Although Duan Qingyun was extremely aggrieved, he honestly handed over all the treasures under the threat of Zi Yan.

The ruthless man read that Duan Qingyun was backed by the great power of mountains and seas, and did not want to push him too hastily, he stopped Zi Yan in time, and said solemnly: "I can't let you go now, as for how to deal with you in the end, it depends on the town. The result of the war between Yuanzi and the emperors."

Duan Qingyun had a black question mark on his face.

Yuxin explained: "If Zhenyuanzi destroys the emperors, the next target is us, then we will rely on you to leave the illusion. If the emperors suppress Zhenyuanzi, then we will continue to stay in the illusion. ."


Duan Qingyun couldn't help but take a deep breath, these three ancestors are a bit ruthless!

Judging from the current situation, the ruthless man has already obtained the seal of the Underworld Emperor, and he can simply exit the illusion.

But she decided to continue to wait, this is to bury all those great sect emperors.

Compared with these three sisters, he is as pure as an Aries!

Duan Qingyun thought for a while that he was a good person.

The three ruthless sisters did not pay any attention to him, but concentrated on feeling the fluctuations in the void.Everyone reads novels

In fact, there is no need to feel the residual power of this kind of shattering heaven and earth, and it will be directly affected even if it is thousands of miles away.




After the attack reached its peak, it gradually weakened.

Ruthless Man's complexion suddenly changed, and he said solemnly, "No, Zhen Yuanzi is here to find us."

In the next moment, both Yu Xin and Zi Yan felt an unparalleled divine might descend from the sky, as if crushed by the power of the whole world.

Before they could react, the ice spirit accessories in their hands burst into a dazzling light at the same time, forming a round of Void Light Gate, as if connected to the ancient road of the galaxy, in which countless stars were disillusioned and disillusioned.


Seeing the figure walking out of the passage, Zi Yan immediately called out excitedly.

Ruthless and Yuxin also called out at the same time, "Father."

At this moment, the overwhelming power has come, enough to imagine that the void of the three thousand life world was directly crushed, condensed into a big hand of vitality, and grabbed the crowd fiercely.

Zhang Tian's eyes drooped, and he had already stepped out of the door of light while his figure swayed.

At the moment when his toes just landed, the turbulent flow in the surrounding space was completely still, as if the entire time and space had condensed.

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