"Ka... kacha!"

The big hand of vitality that crossed the sky above the crowd cracked open a dozen huge openings and shattered.


Zhen Yuanzi, who was standing in the void, had a sneer on his face, but at this moment, he suddenly showed an incredible color.

His attack turned out to be broken?

how can that be!

Besides the Western Heavenly Tathagata Buddha, who can be so powerful?

In the next moment, the void in front of Zhen Yuanzi exploded, and a group of unparalleled personnel stepped out with the momentum of eternity. Just a random battle, there was an invincible power to suppress the heavens and the world.

"Bury... Burial the Emperor?"

When Zhen Yuanzi saw the figure, his heart was broken, and there was a feeling that his scalp was about to burst.

It was the first time for him to stand in front of the Emperor Burial at such a close distance.

So close, feel the wrath of the Burial Emperor!

"Zhen Yuanzi, do you dare to touch this emperor's daughter?"

Zhang Tian's face had a cold, yet casual expression, and pressed forward one step at a time.


The void shattered, and an incomparably huge Heavenly Emperor's purple feet rolled down and stomped on Zhen Yuanzi's body.


Under the trampling of Tiandi's purple feet, Zhen Yuanzi had no resistance at all, his body was ruined, he flew out backwards, blood flowed thousands of miles, and collapsed countless voids.

Chapter 880 Burying the Heavenly Emperor's Daughter, Can't Be Provoked!

"Good... so strong."

The three ruthless sisters and Duan Qingyun flew out of the cave together, and they were shocked when they saw Zhen Yuanzi's body being shattered by Tiandi Zizu.

This scene is really appalling.

What kind of existence does Zhen Yuanzi exist?The first ancestor of the Eternal Earth Immortal!

A peerless ruthless man who dared to challenge the ancient heaven and the Emperor Buried.

An almighty Xuanmen who is friends with Sanqing and listens to the sermons of Daozu!

An ancient immortal who sits in Wuzhuangguan and overwhelms the demons in all directions!

Did you just get killed like that?

Yep, got fucked!

Become a puddle of mud, the dead can't die anymore.

The three ruthless sisters are okay, they have already seen Zhang Tian's invincibility, no matter who they meet, they are slapped to death.

Although this Zhenyuanzi has an amazing name, no one knows his true strength, and he is just an illusion, so it is not uncommon for him to lose.

But Duan Qingyun has never seen it!

This really frightened him badly. Fortunately, he didn't provoke the Three Gods, otherwise his ancestors might not be able to save him.

The Heavenly Emperor's purple foot was stepping on Zhen Yuanzi's body, and with a slight shake, it turned into a spiritual light and disappeared without a trace.

Then, Zhang Tian flew down from the sky and landed beside Zi Yan and them.

"Dad, you came out just in time!"

Zi Yan went up to give Zhang Tian a bear hug, her eyes full of little stars of worship.

Before, she thought that this Zhenyuanzi's name was so amazing that her father might not be an opponent, but now it seems that it is simply a piece of cake!

who is she?A generation of little witches, the stronger the backer is, the more she can do anything wrong, and she is naturally very happy.

"Hmph, next time you make trouble again, see if I can save you!" Zhang Tian flicked on Zi Yan's head angrily.

He had been watching the show all the way, but if this girl hadn't messed up, he wouldn't have to act.

"I saw my father."

Ruthless and Yu Xin pursed their lips and snickered, and bowed towards Zhang Tian.

"It seems that you have obtained the seal of the Underworld Emperor, what are your plans next?" Zhang Tian looked at the ruthless man and said with a smile.

The ruthless man pondered: "The determination of the great sects to compete for the heart of the continent is far beyond my imagination. Only half of the heart of the continent has caused such great ups and downs, and even the corpse of the god emperor has appeared. If you go out now, you will definitely have to do it again. I am in a hard fight, so I plan to bury these great emperors first and clear some of the chess pieces."

Since it is a Shanhai chess game, there must be chess pieces to play.

After all, if Immortal Emperor Quan personally made a move, the disturbance would be too great, not only threatening his own safety, but also easily being peeped by the rest of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas.

When the time comes to let those quasi-immortal emperors outside the field know the news of Shanhai Daotai, the chess game will not be under the control of these quasi-immortal emperors today.

Therefore, no matter it is the quasi-immortal emperor behind the Xuanming Sect, or the existence behind the Lingling Sect, Yin-Yang and He Sect, unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not end in person.

At this time, it is very important to teach the strong as a chess piece.I love e-books www.52xtxs.com

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