Once all the pieces were lost, the Quasi-Xiandi as a chess player had to choose to retire.

Of course, you can also choose to lift the table, but the consequence is that no one can bear the siege of all the quasi-immortal emperors.

If you can kill these big sect powerhouses in the fantasy world of Journey to the West, it will undoubtedly be an excellent thing for ruthless people.

Zhang Tian naturally understood the intention of the ruthless man, nodded and said: "Your idea is really good, then keep going. The journey to the west, going through thousands of hardships, can't help but sharpen the mind of Zen and martial arts. You have to be serious. treat."

"Yes." The three daughters answered at the same time.

"Let's go to Wuzhuang Temple with me now," Zhang Tian said.

Zi Yan said strangely: "Isn't Wuzhuangguan already blown up?"

More than Wuzhuangguan, Zhenyuanzi showed his power and resisted many quasi-immortal emperors, and even Longevity Mountain was blown up.

"You'll know when you go." Zhang Tian made a mysterious gesture.

Ruthless Man sent Duan Qingyun according to the previous plan and followed Zhang Tian to Wuzhuangguan.

Poor Duan Qingyun thought that after losing the seal of the Underworld Emperor, he would be able to leave the illusion and go outside.

Who knew that Ruthless would let him continue to play the role of a thief until all the great sect emperors were exhausted to death.

It's such a long day.

But it was useless to cry. After seeing Zhang Tian's horror, Duan Qingyun didn't dare to give birth to the slightest rebellious heart, so he could only obey orders obediently.

But they said that the three ruthless sisters followed Zhang Tian and flew forward, and they saw Longevity Mountain standing there intact.

Then to the mountainside, Wuzhuang Temple is also intact.

Entering the temple again, Zhen Yuanzi was sitting on a futon, swallowing clouds and mist, looking like a hidden immortal.

"This... what's the situation?" Zi Yan said in a daze, wasn't this old guy already trampled to death by his father just now?

"Did you mean Zhen Yuanzi? Of course it was refreshed." Zhang Tian said as a matter of course.

Brush... refresh?

The three daughters have black lines on their faces, so there is still such an operation?

Zhang Tian explained: "The journey to the west has a total of ninety-nine-eighty-one Buddha kalpas, and every Buddha kalpa has one or several trials that need to be resolved. After those who should resolve the kalpa, they can get a little kalpa light and gather all eight. Eleven kalpas are needed to achieve the heart of the ancient Buddha. Once the catastrophe itself has problems due to external forces, it will be refreshed back to its original state."

Yu Xin nodded and said: "Because my father is not the person who should be robbed, after killing Zhenyuanzi, it is equivalent to destroying this Buddhist calamity, and it needs to be restored to its original state. This is really clever, and I don't know which expert can understand this. A kind of high fantasy."

"Haha, it's just an illusion, it's not worth mentioning." Zhang Tian laughed happily, this is his personal little padded jacket, he can talk more, unlike Zi Yan, who knows how to make trouble.

"Then what are we going to do next, go back to the Five Villages and watch the catastrophe?" the ruthless man asked.

Zhang Tiandao: "It should be like this, but this time it is not needed, you can just go up and ask for it?"

Go straight up?

Ruthless and Yuxin's eyes widened, what is this operation?

However, Zi Yan didn't care about this, she rushed forward swaggeringly, pinched her waist and said, "I, Zi Yan, come to ask for the light of the Buddha's calamity."

Zhen Yuanzi, who was sitting on the futon, twitched the corners of his eyes, resisted the urge to run away, squeezed out a smile and said: "Good boy, the Buddha's heart is open, and the future is limitless, you can take care of this light of the Buddha's calamity. Slowly. Go, don't send it."

There's no way, the daughter of the Emperor Burial, can't afford to offend her!

Chapter 881 Hit the road again, three dozen white bone spirits!

Zi Yan got the light of Buddha Kalpa.

However, this robbery was invisible and intangible, she didn't see it at all, and immediately returned to Zhang Tian to confirm it.

The ruthless man counted the number of Ziwei battles, and pondered: "I really feel that something has been cracked in the dark, this catastrophe should be over, let's move on."

Zhang Tiandao: "There are more than [-] difficulties left in the future. If you have the opportunity, you can go to the Pure Land of Buddhaland and take a look. It will be beneficial and harmless to you."

After speaking, Zhang Tian's figure slowly became illusory and disappeared between heaven and earth.

He can't show his face, otherwise a veteran like Zhen Yuanzi will be scared to death, and it won't be able to temper his daughter.

The three ruthless people summed up, and immediately moved forward along the road, and soon found the position of Emperor Kuxuan and others.

These people fought against Zhen Yuanzi before, and were sealed in a forbidden place by Zhen Yuanzi with the 'Qiankun Dao Fa'.

Zhen Yuanzi originally planned to deal with the ruthless people together after catching them, but he didn't expect to bump into Zhang Tian and be trampled into flesh mud, and the seal was naturally released.

"Envoy of the Sun, you came back safely, didn't you see Zhen Yuanzi?"

Seeing the three Ruthless Sisters returning safely, all the emperors were shocked. They thought they would die this time.

Zi Yan said proudly: "Originally, Zhen Yuanzi came to the door, but I was persuaded by me. I realized that the ginseng fruit is something outside the body, and we shouldn't be too concerned about it, so let us get through this disaster smoothly."

What an outsider of God!

The emperors couldn't help rolling their eyes, not even believing a word Zi Yan said.

What is ginseng fruit, one of the five innate spiritual fruits, a treasure that even immortal kings are jealous of, you say that what is outside the body is what is outside the body?

If Zhen Yuanzi was so good at talking, the ginseng fruit tree would have been plucked away long ago.

But they didn't get into it.

After all, whoever enters here has no secrets, and whoever has no cards.

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