Everyone is not the same people, but they are only brought together because of common interests.

It's not realistic to expect people to tell the truth.

So these people quickly exposed the matter.

Emperor Kuxuan asked: "I wonder if the three divine envoys can catch Duan Qingyun?"

The ruthless man shook his head and said: "I was thrown by this little thief, and because I wanted to parry Zhen Yuanzi, I had to give up the pursuit."

The emperors nodded, not surprised by this result.

In their opinion, no matter how strong Ruthren's trump card is, he must do his best against characters like Shangzhen Motoko, and there is no room for other things.

After an agenda, everyone went on the road again.

This time against Zhen Yuanzi, almost all the great teachers exposed their cards.

Although they had vaguely guessed a few points before, it was a different feeling to actually see it with their own eyes.

Only Tang Seng was still kept in the dark. It was only when Zhen Yuanzi sent a kind heart and spread a lot of Buddhism to everyone along the way.

On this day, Tang Seng and others went to the foot of a lofty mountain again.

Passing through Heifeng Mountain, Huangfengling Mountain, and Longevity Mountain, the emperors all had some physical fears and could not help slowing down.Butler Novelswww.guanjiaxiaoshuo.com

"I don't know the origin of this mountain? It looks a little gloomy." Zizai Shengji stopped and said with a broken hair.

Yuxin looked at the crude map in her hand and said softly, "This place should be called Baihu Ridge. It's hard to say whether there are demons entrenched in it."

"This wild land is full of mountain spirits and wild monsters. Even if there are monsters, it is not uncommon, just hit it directly." Zi Yan said with a small fist.

But in my heart, I thought that the White Bone Spirit on the White Tiger Ridge would be fun again.

"Amitabha... Buddhist monks should be compassionate, even if they are monsters, they are a life, and they should not be beaten and killed at will." Tang Sanzang corrected Zi Yan's mistake in a timely manner.

"Then go up the mountain." The Great Emperor Yin-Yang spoke and took the lead in opening the way.

The emperors followed, and no one took Tang Seng's words for a while.

Just walking all the way to the mountainside like this, suddenly a village girl with a wooden basket came across. Seeing the crowd, she seemed a little scared and timidly ducked to the side.

Tang Seng's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and said, "This benefactor, we are masters from the Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land. We are going to the west to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures. Can we borrow a bowl of cold water from the farmhouse?"

"Dongtu Tang?" The village girl blinked, took a step forward, and pointed to a rising cooking smoke: "My house is over there, if the elders don't..."


Before the village girl had finished speaking, the Great Emperor Yin Yang raised his palm, took a black long sword in his palm, and cut it directly into two ends, blood flowing.

Tang Sanzang: "What are you doing?"

The Great Emperor Yin Yang said calmly: "This is a monster in the shape of a monster, and he dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of this emperor. It's just looking for death."

"Monster? How is it possible, this is clearly a woman!" Tang Sanzang trembled, pointed at the Yin-Yang Emperor, and said in a trembling voice, "You...you are so cruel, to kill a life for no reason."

The Great Emperor Yin Yang glanced at him, frowned and said, "Monk leprosy, this Emperor is saving your life, don't know what's good or bad."

"Shut up! You kill innocent people indiscriminately, and you can't even count on the little monk." Tang Sanzang said fiercely.

"Okay, okay, Master Sanzang calms down his anger, Yin Yang didn't do it on purpose." Emperor Kuxuan stepped forward to smooth things out and gave Emperor Yin Yang a look.

Although Tang Sanzang was a burden to them, he was an indispensable figure, and their relationship with him should not be strained.

The Great Emperor Yin Yang naturally understood this, and he snorted coldly and stopped speaking.

Everyone continued on the road, turned two corners, and approached the place where the smoke was burning, and there was indeed a small dilapidated yard.

Seeing this, Tang Seng quickly stepped forward to ask.

I saw an old couple walking out of that room, all with white hair, they invited Tang Seng and others in with great enthusiasm.

"Elder, drink water." The old woman handed a dilapidated stone bowl to Tang Seng.

"Many thanks to the donor." Tang Seng took the stone bowl, hesitated, and said, "Just now, the young monk met a village girl in her twenties. I don't know if the donor knows?"

The old man walked over with a cane and said with a smile, "That's my daughter-in-law, but she's filial. My son works outside, and we all rely on our daughter-in-law for support."

"My God! Sin, sin!"

Tang Sanzang's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. He pointed at the Yin Yang Emperor and said, "You, what else do you have to say? The daughter-in-law of this family was beaten to death by you!"

"What?" The old couple was startled and burst into tears.

The Great Emperor Yin Yang sneered: "The daughter-in-law is a monster, and so are these two of them! It's ridiculous that you don't know the opposite."

Chapter 882 You think you are the Emperor of Heaven Burial!

"Elder, we are not monsters, not monsters..."

The old couple knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the ground, weeping bitterly.

"Hmph, still dare to act in front of this emperor, what kind of monster body is it, showing its original shape."

The Great Emperor Yin Yang made a sharp voice, raised his hand, and endless black energy poured out from the palm of his hand, turning into a string of drills, and mercilessly rolled towards the old couple.


A black mist erupted, and the old couple's bodies were directly destroyed and invisible.

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