"You, you murderer, where did you take them?"

Tang Sanzang was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, tremblingly pointed at the Yin Yang Emperor.

At this time, Emperor Yin Yang's face was also very ugly. He wanted to force out the original shape of the two monsters to prove his innocence, but he didn't expect...

"It's unbelievable that this old couple is just an illusion." The ruthless man whispered.

The rest of the emperors also nodded. There were so many of them standing here that they didn't realize that the old couple was just an illusion and had no real body.

"What illusion, it's a human being with flesh and blood, and they were all brutally murdered by him!" Tang Sanzang said sharply.

The Great Emperor Yin Yang said angrily: "Smelly monk, this emperor is not trying to protect you, and then make trouble without reason, believe me or not this emperor directly..."

As he spoke, the Great Emperor Yin Yang raised his palm again, and the majestic demonic energy surged in his palm, full of threats.

"You executioner! Then kill me too. The little monk vows not to be in the company of the devil." Tang Sanzang also said stubbornly, kneeling on the ground and reciting the Buddhist scriptures.

"This..." All the emperors were a little dumbfounded.

Emperor Kuxuan said, "Master Sanzang, Yin and Yang are also unintentional actions, can you forgive him again?"

Tang Sanzang shook his head and said, "Human life is so precious, but he said that he would kill him. Obviously, he has already fallen into a demon. How can such a person be brought to the West. When he is one day, the little monk will not take a step forward."

"Smelly monk, it's really rare for this emperor to be with you. If you don't go, I'll go by myself!"

The Yin-Yang Emperor was extremely angry, and he stepped forward and walked out.

However, just as he stepped out of the door, the whole world suddenly roared with anger, and the sky was covered with black clouds.

A huge silver vortex rolled out of countless voids.

In the center of the vortex, a huge hand with a length of ten thousand feet came out and grabbed the Great Emperor Yin-Yang.

"No, this is the hand of the law of the Four Truths Dharma Cave, and yin and yang will be repelled out."

The emperors felt the oppression that went deep into the bone marrow, and their faces changed greatly.

The Yin-Yang Emperor over there is the most direct target, and he can't even mobilize a trace of spiritual energy. He can only watch the hand of the law come, wrap him, and pull it out of this world.

This means that the Yin-Yang Emperor fails to experience and will be expelled from the illusion.

All the great emperors stared at the sky in awe, wondering if the previous vision of the six gates of light would still appear.

As a result, they felt heart palpitations.

Just when the Great Emperor Yin-Yang was about to be pulled out of the vortex, the six gates of light reappeared, directly in front of the vortex, as if connected to the endless hell, and countless yin winds poured out.Thousands of troops www.qjwm.com

"Ahhh... Senior, save me!!"

At the critical moment, the Great Emperor Yin Yang also launched a ruthless attack, the void behind him suddenly exploded, and a dark river emerged, rumbled and roared, rolling up thousands of fierce waves, as if to overturn the entire world.

"Emperor Duan Ming, let my people out."

In the Styx River, a bleak and dreary voice sounded, accompanied by a huge wave rising, covering the sky and the sun.

"Hahahaha... You don't go out and ask. Apart from being buried by the Heavenly Emperor, when did Duan De suffer? You guys have joined forces to calculate Duan, and now you're in a trap, do you still want to run?"

The six doors of light also responded with a loud voice, shaking the entire void.

"Damn, are you not afraid of the birth of the deity's true body?"

Styx roared again, and a black giant with tens of thousands of feet stepped out from the dark river.

"Real body? A sinister coward who was scared by the Emperor Buried to hide for [-] million years, and also wants to threaten the emperor? You think you are the Emperor Buried!" Above the six light gates, the sky distorted, and a picture appeared. A chubby face and a mocking laugh.


The black giant was extremely brave, raised his hand and pressed on the six gates of light, and all the voids along the way were shattered.

The sky human face smiled disapprovingly: "This incarnation of the Immortal King's peak level is rare. You must have spent a lot of thought. This emperor is missing a slave to guard the gate of Shura Road, so he smiled."

After speaking, the face of the sky was twisted again, the mouth expanded infinitely, it was actually bigger than the sky, and it directly swallowed the black giant.

At the same time, the body of the Great Emperor Yin-Yang was also sucked into the Six Paths of Light, and it was directly crushed into slag, destroying both body and spirit!


At this moment, all the great emperors below felt a chill.

They saw the real Battle of the Supremes, but the ending was more hasty and comical than they had imagined.

An incarnation of the peak realm of the Immortal King is so vulnerable that it will be destroyed when it flips its hand.

As one of the strongest men in the continent, the Great Emperor Yin and Yang did not even sway a wave of waves, and his body and spirit were completely destroyed.

The death of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang made them feel a sense of sadness.

Think of yin and yang, a generation of top emperors in the Middle Ages, traveling by law and giving orders to all directions.

Now it has become a chess piece, struggling to survive in the big picture of mountains and seas, like an ant, which is deplorable.

And how different are their life trajectories from the Yin-Yang Emperor?

The journey to the West is endless, and no one can see the end.

"Everyone, maybe it's time for us to unite as one." The Ruthless Man took the lead in withdrawing his gaze and said in a sincere tone.

"That's right, I'm just chess pieces, why bother each other, we should overcome the difficulties now." Zizai Shengji followed closely.

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