Although the other emperors had their own thoughts, they all nodded in agreement at this time.

The ruthless man patted his head and exclaimed: "Oh, I remembered, my father told me about this. At the top of Baihu Mountain, there is a ten thousand-year-old white bone spirit. It is extremely powerful and specializes in the art of transformation. She was miserable."

All the emperors have strange expressions on their faces. You only remembered when the Yin and Yang emperors were dead. How dare you say it was not intentional?

Chapter 883 God Emperor Corpse Puppet Is About to Get Out of Control!

Although Yi Ziyan's character is obviously talking nonsense with her eyes open.

But everyone had to pretend to believe her.

First of all, only Zi Yan has the information of this illusion, which is extremely crucial for everyone.

The second is that the Great Emperor Yin Yang is dead, and his popularity is relatively poor, so he will die if he wants to die.

"Since the Star God Envoy remembers it, tell us about it." Emperor Kuxuan said with a smile.

After getting familiar with Zi Yan's little witch's temper, he didn't dare to rely on the old and sell the old.

Zi Yan did not ink, and told the story of three dozen white bone spirits in a few words.

The emperors fell into deep thought.

Zizai Shengji sighed softly: "The ten thousand-year white bone spirit's transformation technique has reached the realm of transformation, and even we can't see through it, let alone Tang Sanzang, a mortal person. Thinking about this calamity is to let us see through appearances and point directly to our hearts. , the fall of the Yin-Yang Emperor is already in the calculation."

The water judge frowned and said, "Then how do I get there? This old white-boned demon sends incarnations over and over again. If he doesn't kill him, Tang Sanzang will be in danger. If he is killed, he will be expelled by Tang Sanzang. fate."

Ruthless and Yuxin looked at each other, and they also knew about the three dozen white bone spirits.

In the past ten thousand years, the Bone Spirit said that it is not extremely strong, but it has made the learning team suffer a huge ordeal.

After pondering for a while, Ruren said: "We are not enough to see through the eighty-one Buddha kalpas along the way. The key is to make Tang Sanzang enlightened, because he is the one who takes the scriptures. There is an old saying: If you want to take it, you must give it first. It's better to first weigh in on the old white-boned demon's heart and let Tang Sanzang be captured, so that he can quickly recognize his mistake."

"No!" Judge Fire immediately refused, and said coldly, "If the old white-boned demon eats him directly, wouldn't we also be equal to failure?"

"Here we have to rely on fellow Daoist Kuling." The ruthless man smiled and looked at the Great Emperor Kuling meaningfully and said, "The old white-boned demon is an immortal corpse cultivated into a spirit, and all his subordinates are white-boned demons. It must be right. For fellow Daoist Juling, it’s not too difficult to control a few generals without a sound, right?”

"You want me to sneak in to protect Tang Seng in secret? No, this is absolutely impossible!" Emperor Kuling categorically refused.

What a joke and let him take a risk again?

The last time Heifeng Yaodi was there, he had been tossed to death, and even his life-saving trump card, the corpse talisman, was almost exhausted and could not be used again.

Once again, he might really be done playing.

The emperors looked at each other, and Zizai Shengji said: "This matter is indeed unfair to fellow Daoist Juling, but among us, the only thing I can do is to control the white bone demon general silently, it's really..."

Zi Yan's big black eyes turned, and she jumped out and said, "Old Ling Ling, don't worry, the white bone spirit will also have some magical powers, and the real ability is not strong, so it should be at the level of an ordinary emperor. What do you really want? Accidental, you only need to shout, and the big guys will swarm up to save you."

The Great Emperor Kuling gave her a sideways glance, thinking to himself, if I believed your nonsense, I would really die and I don't know how.

He didn't speak, just looked at the emperors so coldly.

The meaning is very clear, everyone is an old monster, and everyone knows the truth of the dead Taoist friend and not the poor Taoist.

If you want him to die, the door is useless. 1234 Novel

Emperor Kuxuan, Shengji Zizai and others didn't know how to answer, so they could only look at the ruthless man.

The ruthless man said in a flat tone: "If you don't want to take risks, we can think of other ways, but the old white-boned demon won't wait, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will send another avatar to come there. At that time, who will be the next Yin-Yang Emperor, you should seek more blessings from yourselves."


The faces of the emperors were a little gloomy.

In terms of relationship, the three ruthless sisters and Tang Sanzang had the best relationship. Even if they were expelled, it wouldn't be their turn, but the others were different.

For a time, the emperors turned their eyes back to the Great Emperor Kuling.

The Great Emperor Kuling suddenly felt a huge pressure and knew that he had committed public anger.

If you don't stick to it, you will definitely be excluded in the future.

Gritting his teeth, the Great Emperor Kuling said solemnly, "It's okay to want this emperor to protect Tang Sanzang, but you need to repair this emperor's corpse talisman first."

After finishing speaking, the Great Emperor Kuling took out the almost burnt out talisman and introduced: "This corpse-controlling talisman is the medium that drives the god emperor's corpse puppet. It was originally made of immortal blood, but if it can gather A large amount of the blood of the emperor can also be barely replaced. You have to pay a price for letting this emperor take risks. If it can't be repaired, I will never go."

This is the bottom line of Emperor Kuling.

If he can repair the corpse talisman, he will be sure to retreat once there is danger. If there is no danger, he will gain a chance to use his hole cards.

The emperors looked at each other and knew that there was no better way but to endure the pain and give [-]% of the blood of the emperor.

Even if they lost so much of the Emperor's blood at once with their cultivation, they all turned pale and sluggish.

The three ruthless sisters have not become emperors, so naturally they have no emperor blood to donate.

After some negotiation, Yuxin provided three immortal-level blood ganoderma as compensation to replenish some of the qi and blood for the emperors.

The corpse talisman was also successfully repaired, but it was much darker than before, and the fluctuations were much weaker.

The Great Emperor Kuling nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "That's good, what should I do next, the Sun God Envoy just needs to explain."

With the trump card, Emperor Kuling's confidence is also much stronger, even if the old white bone demon is a strong immortal king, he will never be able to withstand the blow of the god emperor's corpse puppet.

The ruthless man took a deep look at the talisman and said solemnly: "Just follow the previous discussion, we will all leave under the pretext of letting Tang Sanzang be taken away and guarded by fellow Daoist Juling in secret. Wait until that Tang Sanzang realizes it. After the mistake, fellow Daoist Kuling sent a signal, we rushed in and rescued him, and then killed the old white bone demon, this disaster should be over."

The emperors nodded, and each found an excuse to leave.

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